The purpose of this article is to identify and evaluate the importance of birds of the genus Merops (European Bee-eater -Merops apiaster and Blue-cheeked Bee-eater -Merops persicus) in Uzbekistan, as well as to develop recommendations aimed at solving some problems associated with its conservation. As a result of the study, in the aspect of biocenotic relations, the natural significance of these species was revealed. The economic value is determined and analyzed in beekeeping farms. From the study of the remains of food contained in the stomachs, throats and nests of M.apiaster, a preliminary list of the main species of the food spectrum has been compiled. Based on the bioacoustic repellent "Korshun-8", a new, more effective bioacoustic repellent has been developed to repel bee-eaters. To solve some of the problems associated with the conservation of bee-eaters, recommendations have been developed aimed at preventing the illegal extermination of bee-eaters, preserving their nesting colonies, etc.
أن الوعي الذاتي والمعرفة قد برزت أهميتها في الفكر السياسي الليبرالي الحديث وجاءت من أجل المناداة بأهمية الوعي في جوهر الفرد فقد بين أغلب المفرين وأبرزهم جون لوك وايمانويل كانط، أكد لوك بأن حالة الوعي الذاتي تكتسب بالتجربة من خلال الإحساس والتأمل او التفكير، فالعقل صفحة بيضاء خاوية ولا توجد فيها أفكار فطرية ولكن في نفس الوقت يؤكد على وجود قوة فطرية في العقل وليست أفكار يمكن ان تحول الأفكار البسيطة الى مركبة م
... Show MoreDates are considered one of the most important foods consumed in Arab countries. Dates are commonly infested with the sawtoothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis. Consequently, the date yield, quantity, and quality (economic value and seed viability) are negatively affected. This study was designed to investigate the effectiveness of air evacuation as eco-friendly and safe control method against adult O. surinamensis. Insects were obtained from the infested date purchased from a private store in sakaka city, Aljouf region, Saudi Arabia. Air evacuation (using a vacuum pump) and food deprivation were applied to O. surinamensis, and insect mortality was observed daily in comparison with the control group (a
... Show MoreImproving speaking skills of Iraqi EFL students was the main purpose of the current research. Thirty EFL students were selected as the research participants for achieving this aim. All students completed the pretest and then spent the next 25 weeks meeting for 90 minutes each to present their nine lectures, answer difficult questions, and get feedback on their use of language in context. Progressive-tests, posttests and delayed post-tests followed every three courses. The researcher utilized SPSS 22 to anal Analyze the data descriptively and inferentially after doing an ANOVA on repeated measurements. It has been shown that using the ideas of sociocultural theory in the classroom has an important and positive impact on students of
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