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Experimental Investigation of the Mechanical and Structural Properties of a Functionally Graded Material by Adding Alumina Nanoparticles Using A Centrifugal Technique

In this work, functionally graded materials were synthesized by centrifugal technique at different
volume fractions 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2% Vf with a rotation speed of 1200 rpm and a constant rotation time, T
= 6 min . The mechanical properties were characterized to study the graded and non-graded nanocomposites
and the pure epoxy material. The mechanical tests showed that graded and non-graded added alumina
(Al2O3) nanoparticles enhanced the effect more than pure epoxy. The maximum difference in impact strength
occurred at (FGM), which was loaded from the rich side of the nano-alumina where the maximum value was
at 1% Vf by 133.33% of the sample epoxy side. The flexural strength and Young modulus of the functionally
graded samples were enhanced by 43.69% and 52.74%, respectively, if loaded from the alumina-rich side.
On the other hand, when loading (FGM) from the epoxy side, the amount of decrease in bending resistance
was 122.4% while the improvement in bending modulus was 81.11% compared to pure epoxy. Scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the fracture surface of the impact samples and the gradient scattering of
nanoparticles in the epoxy matrix. Numerous applications can be used to manufacture the functionally
graded material by centrifugal casting method, including for the manufacture of gears and all bending
applications such as leaf springs.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
الآخر في الشعر العربي الحديث (من نكسة حزيران إلى أخريات الألفية الثانية)

الآخر في الشعر العربي الحديث (من نكسة حزيران إلى أخريات الألفية الثانية)

Publication Date
Fri Jan 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
أثر التوجيه بتأثيرأشعة الشمس على التطور العمراني للشوارع التجارية في مدينة بغداد

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
القصدية في اللغة العربية بين الدراسات القديمة والحديثة: القصدية : قديما و حديثا

معيار القصديَّة في النص هو من الدراسات الحديثة المتطورة من لسانيات الجملة الى لسانيات النص ، وتحليل الخطاب . والذي يعنى بالطرق والأدوات التي يستغلها المؤلف لتحقيق الغايات المقصديَّة 

وهذا البحث ناقش مفهوم(القصديَّة) لغةً ،واصطلاحاً . فاللغة والكلام شكل من أشكال الوجود الإنساني و( الكلام) هو وسيلة التواصل بين الملقي القارئ ، والمتلقي  السامع ؛ وللتوصل الى الدلالة القصديَّة الدقيقة للغة المنطوقة وا

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم القانونية
الفسخ المبتسر المبني على الدلائل الضمنية ـ دراسة مقارنة في نظرية العقد

يتناول البحث جزئية من جزئيات موضوع الفسخ المبتسر للعقد

Publication Date
Sun Jul 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الممارسات التدريسية لتدريسي أقسام كليات التربية جامعة بغداد في ضوء دوافع التعلم

Find aimed to reveal the teaching practices of the teaching faculties of education departments of the University of Baghdad in the light of the motives of learning from the perspective of students . Researcher selected the research community in a deliberate humanitarian sections of students and faculties of education for girls and IbnRushd . Ed reached basic research sample ( 400 ) students were numbers search tool questionnaire , and included (30) paragraph . In processors statistical data , use the weighted average and the weight percentile , results have shown that it is more paragraphs which received wide acceptance from the viewpoint of students ( do not make fun of the students' answers wrong but corrects and discussed with them )

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 04 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
شروط شروط الكتابة والوزارة في كتاب النصيحة لقابوس نامه (دراسة تاريخية مقارنة)

Prince Kikaus  explained  to us Conditions of writing and establishing .Then he touched  upon the Conditions of the ministry and qualities that must be characterized Author and minister both need machines must be availabla in person if given these positions .he was creative in presenting his ideas which is not  without judgment an knowledge.He had a distinct style in mentioned professions and administrative hierarchy As explained in his speech About the writer and his Correspondence and construction and writer position who has developed into a minister then he touched it to the cabinet system and what the minister should do.of qualities .and the importance of the post of minister who mentioned several points to him ou

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
رعاية الايوبييـن للعلـم والعلمـاء في مصـر وبـــــلاد الشـــــــام (567-648هـ/1171-1250م)

The Ayyub era witnessed a popular for science, knowledge and became the Ayyub state in its various regions a scientific beacon، despite their preoccupation with wars with the Crusaders now that did not discourage them from their care for science and scientists، and this scientific renaissance had many factors، foremost of which are the tendencies of the sultans and Ayyub kings to pay attention to science and its care، through their establishment of the role of science

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 03 2003
Journal Name
التسليات في البلدان الاسلامية مشاهد حياة الطرب والالات الموسيقية كما يعكسها الفن

التسليات في البلدان الاسلامية مشاهد حياة الطرب والالات الموسيقية كما يعكسها الفن

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
الرواة الذين خرج لهم البخاري في صحيحه وجرحهم ابن حبان دراسة نقدية

Since the early ages, scientists have been keen on the second source of Islamic law, namely the hadith of the Prophet. They also took from the less disciplined narrators, but they chose from their conversations a selection, and for this some prominent narrators who can be considered that Ibn Habban has been hardened to weaken them. Narrators who avoided Ibn Habban novel They are not true because Ibn Habban neglected her and left her to hurt some narrators who are confident in themselves

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
expressive modulation in calligraphic configurations: محمد راضي غضب-علي عبد الحسين محسن

The follower of the art of Arabic calligraphy accurately identifies three prominent dimensions that have framed the dimensions of this art, the functional dimension and the aesthetic dimension, the last of which is the expressive dimension, as it is an art that does not exhaust its aesthetic and indicative purposes because of its possibilities and characteristics that help it to form with any entity designed by calligrapher, with the expressive dimension of the most important of those The dimensions that can be studied within multiple variables, the most important of which are the significance of the text, the spatial and formal organization of the calligraphic functions and the power of the idea from which the calligraphic formation eme

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