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Biodegradation of Perfluorooctanoic Acid by Pseudomonas Plecoglossicida Strain DD4
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Organofluorines, as a pollutant, belongs to a group of substances which are very difficult to neutralize. They are part of many products of everyday use and for this reason they pollute the environment in large quantities. Perfluorinated carboxylic acids are entered into the list of the “Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants” in order to minimize the load on the environment by significantly reducing their use, up to their complete rejection. The DD4 strain was isolated from the soil by the enrichment method and identified using 16S rRNA method as Pseudomonas plecoglossicida. It is able to metabolize perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) as the only carbon source in Raymond nutrient medium with a concentration of 1000 mg/l with the release of 132 mg/l fluorine ions. In tests conducted on the biological decomposition of perfluorooctanoic acid, it was possible to quantify its residues using tandem LCMS-IT-TOF. The presented results characterize the Pseudomonas plecoglossicida DD4 strain actively utilized PFOA as the sole carbon source, which characterizes it as a candidate for the creation of biological products aimed at the utilization of organofluorine pollutants.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Dans La Maison Du Berger Et Le Mont Des Oliviers De Vigny
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Dans le romantisme et ses textes, il est important de mentionner qu'il n'existe qu'un seul thème romantique qui est l'amour, mais assez pour avoir fait du XIXème siècle, une révolution du texte romantique. L'amour consiste à la réduction de l'univers, à un seul être, puis la dilatation de ce seul être, voilà l'amour. cet amour passionnel n'est qu'un arrangement froid et réfléchi excluant d'emblée l'exaltation des sentiments. Néanmoins, cet amour passionnel peut être brutal. quant à la mort, dans le drame romantique, l'amour et la mort sont liés. Beaucoup d'histoires d'amour finissent le plus souvent par un suicide passionnel : le romantique cherche à l'atteindre par l'amour un sentiment sanctifié, et divinisé ; mais c

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis AgO Nanoparticles by Nd:Yag Laser with Different Pulse Energies
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     One technique used to prepare nanoparticles material is Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid (PLAL), Silver Oxide nanoparticles (AgO) were prepared by using  this technique, where silver target was submerged in ultra-pure water (UPW)  at room temperature after that Nd:Yag laser which characteristics by 1064 nm wavelength, Q-switched, and 6ns pulse duration was used to irradiated silver target. This preparation method was used to study the effects of laser irradiation on Nanoparticles synthesized by used varying laser pulse energy 1000 mJ, 500 mJ, and 100 mJ, with 500 pulses each time on the particle size. Nanoparticles are characterized using XRD, SEM, AFM, and UV-Visible spectroscopy. All the structural peaks determined by the XRD

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
In Silico Analysis of Regulatory Elements of the Vitamin D Receptor
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Vitamin D receptor (VDR) is a nuclear transcription factor that controls gene expression. Its impaired expression was found to be related to different diseases. VDR also acts as a regulator of different pathways including differentiation, inflammation, calcium and phosphate absorption, etc. but there is no sufficient knowledge about the regulation of the gene itself. Therefore, a better understanding of the genetic and epigenetic factors regulating the VDR may facilitate the improvement of strategies for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with dysregulation of VDR. In the present investigation, a set of databases and methods were used to identify putative functional elements in the VDR locus. Histone modifications, CpG I

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Aerobic biodegradation of phenol by Immobilized Pseudomonas sp. cells in two different bio-carrier matrices
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Biotreatment using immobilized cells (IC) technology has proved to be the most promising and most economical approach for the removal of many toxic organic pollutants found in petroleum-refinery wastewater (PRW) such as phenol. This study was undertaken to evaluate the degradation of phenol by Pseudomonas cells individually immobilized in two different bio-carrier matrices including polyvinyl alcohol-guar gum (PVA-GG) and polyvinyl alcohol-agar agar (PVA-AA). Results of batch experiments revealed that complete removal of phenol was attained in the first cycle after 150 min using immobilized cells (IC) in both PVA-GG and PVA-AA. Additional cycles were confirmed to evaluate the validity of recycling beads of immob

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Photo Degradation of Solochrom Violet Dye by ZnO: Experimental and Theoretical Study
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The present project involves photodegrading the dye solochrom violet under advanced oxidation techniques at (25 oC) temperature and UV light. Zinc Oxide (ZnO) and UV radiation at a wavelength of 580 nm were used to conduct the photocatalytic reaction of the solochrom violet dye. One of the factors looked into was the impact of the starting conditions. pH, the amount of original hydrogen peroxide, and the dye concentration time radiation were used. For hours, the kinetics and percentages of degradation were examined at various intervals. In general, it has been discovered that the photodegradation rates of the dye were greater when H2O2 and ZnO were combined with UV light. The best wavelength to use was determined. Modern oxidation techni

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Characterization of a novel pathway for xanthene degradation by the engineered strain Sphingobium yanoikuyae B1DR
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Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of aromatic compounds that contain at least two rings. These compounds are found naturally in petroleum products and are considered the most prevalent pollutants in the environment. The lack of microorganism capable of degrading some PAHs led to their accumulation in the environment which usually causes major health problems as many of these compounds are known carcinogens. Xanthene is one of the small PAHs which has three rings. Many xanthene derivatives are useful dyes that are used for dyeing wood and cosmetic articles. However, several studies have illustrated that these compounds have toxic and carcinogenic effects. The first step of the bacterial degradation of xanthene is conducted by d

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Analisis de la metáfora en la poema " Noche oscura del alma" de San Juan de la Cruz Analysis metaphor in the poem "Dark Night of the Soul" John of the Cross
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 Una joven cuenta cómo, en plena noche, aprovechando la tranquilidad de esa hora, sale a escondidas de su casa y va a reunirse con su enamorado. Envuelta en la oscuridad, se deja dirigir por la luz de su propio amor hasta el lugar de la cita, donde la pasión de los amantes culmina. A continuación, relajados por la brisa nocturna, los amantes se adormecen, primero, el amado velado por la amada, por último, ella misma.

Amor entre dos enamorados. Unión mística de alma y Dios , aunque , de hecho , podría servirnos de clara exposición temática el subtitulo con que el poema suele publicarse en la tradición , tanto manuscrita como impresa : Canciones del alma que se goza d

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Biodegradation of Diesel Contaminated Soil Using Single Bacterial Strains and a Mixed Bacterial Consortium
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This study was conducted to assess the hydrocarbon degradation abilities of Sphingomonas paucimobilis, Pentoae species, Staphylococcus aureus, and Enterobacter cloacae, which isolated from diesel contaminated soil samples. Single strains and mixed bacterial consortia have been investigated their ability to degrade 1.0 % (v/v) of diesel oil in Bushnell- Haas medium as At temperature 30C, the individual.bacterial.isolates exhibited low growth and low degradation.than did the.mixed. bacterial.culture. After 28 days.of incubation the.combination.of four isolates upper limit.of diesel  88.4%. This was. 85.1% by S. paucimobilis, 84 % by Pentoae sp., 79% by S.aureus, and

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Kinetic and Mechanism of Oxidation of Oxalic Acid by Cerium (IV)
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Kinetic and mechanism studies of the oxidation of oxalic acid by Cerium sulphate have been carried out in acid medium sulphuric acid. The uv- vis. Spectrophotometric technique was used to follow up the reaction and the selected wavelength to be followed was 320 nm. The kinetic study showed that the order of reaction is first order in Ce(IV) and fractional in oxalic acid. The effect of using different concentration of sulphuric acid on the rate of the reaction has been studied a and it was found that the rate decreased with increasing the acid concentration. Classical organic tests was used to identify the product of the oxidation reaction, the product was just bubbles of CO2.


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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Association of pvc genes expression with Biofilm formation in Clinical Isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
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PvcABCD are cluster of genes found in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The research was designed to examine the relationship between the pvc genes expression and cupB gene, which plays a crucial role in the development of biofilm, and rhlR, which regulates the expression of biofilm-related genes, and to investigate whether the pvc genes form one or two operons. The aims were achieved by employing qRT-PCR technique to measure the gene expression of genes of interest. It was found that out of 25 clinical isolates, 21 isolates were qualified as P.aeruginosa. Amongst, 18(85.7%) were evaluated as biofilm producers, 10 (47.6%), 5 (23.8%), and 3 (14.2%) were evaluated as strong, moderate and weak producers respectively, while, 3 (14.2%) were considered

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