Directional Compact Geographic Forwarding (DCGF) routing protocol promises a minimal overhead generation by utilizing a smart antenna and Quality of Service (QoS) aware aggregation. However, DCGF was tested only in the attack-free scenario without involving the security elements. Therefore, an investigation was conducted to examine the routing protocol algorithm whether it is secure against attack-based networks in the presence of Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack. This analysis on DoS attack was carried out using a single optimal attacker, A1, to investigate the impact of DoS attack on DCGF in a communication link. The study showed that DCGF does not perform efficiently in terms of packet delivery ratio and energy consumption even on a single attacker.
العلوم السياسية في العراق بداياتها ، نشأتها ، تطورها ، ومفرداتها التدريسية
as important aspects emerged related to the management of the caliphate and how it was transferred, and the clarification of the political trends and transformations at the end of their lives. In addition, how the Rightly Guided
The Holy Koran is the highest text in the eloquence, It is one of the
important sources of the linguistic syntactic and eloquent study; it impacts
upon these sciences Avery intense impact through advancing its verses as an
argument in the confirmation of the significance of the term
The holy Koran was and still the fountain of the linguistic studies, as
they tend towards it since the second century of the hegira. So this research is
a study of the expressive terms concerning the rain in the holly Koran, a
linguistic study; it aims to study the term concerning its linguistic and
conjugate significance and its expression concerning the rain through reality
and metaphor.
The industries in Baghdad, the most important economic activities in the era albeit and Seljuk to the availability of manpower and resources which encourage the establishment of these industries in Baghdad.
These industries seam as simple crafts, but they may have influenced the nature of the social and economic life in the Baghdadi community during the foreign authority on Iraq and general in Baghdad in particular.
في تعزيز بيئة الانتاج الرشيق استخدام اسلوب S -5
مشكلة البحث
لقد حدا بالمهتمين في الميدان التربوي، والادارة التربوية بصورة خاصة، ان يجدوا علاقات ايجابية بين متغيرات الميدان التربوي عامة والاداري بصورة خاصة وقد تمخض هذا عن وجود علاقة ايجابية بين اداء المديرين ورؤساء الاقسام ودرجة التقويم، ومن هنا يتضح انه كلما كان التقويم عالياً في درجته، يتضح ان هناك اداءً فاعلاً ولكن ليس بالشكل الحقيقي لمعنى التقويم ما لم يكن هناك
... Show Moreتحديات العولمة للهوية العربية و دور الجامعات العربية في مواجهتها
This research involves the civilized vision of the trends and approaches of philosophical thought in the Islamic Orient, whose objectives were to show Islamic philosophy and the pioneers of thought in it and the most important products that crystallized after its emergence in the Islamic world
Одной из трудностей, вызывающих искажение смысла предложения, при переводе и понимании любых текстов зачастую является неправильное понимание функций и значений: союзов и союзных слов или замена одного значения другим. Это объясняется прежде всего тем, что при чтении основное внимание сосредоточено на переводе главных частей речи, на их многофункциональности и многозначности и упускаются из вида втор
... Show MoreIslam is a religion that God wanted to be a platform emerges from human steps in various walks of devotional and economic life, etc, so it went Islam, guids human beings being as successor of God on earth.
The result that the worship of man for the Lord, which is one of the reconstruction of the land that is the secret of the sustainability of human life on the ground, often urged the Sunnah on the reconstruction of the earth and the importance of planting them and paired the reconstruction work that obtained by the human reward which would Allah his home in the Hereafter, There construction of the earth does not involve just planting them; it takes many forms Maintaining them and not marring the form of reconstruction and
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