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Optimized Artificial Neural network models to time series
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        Artificial Neural networks (ANN) are powerful and effective tools in time-series applications. The first aim of this paper is to diagnose better and more efficient ANN models (Back Propagation, Radial Basis Function Neural networks (RBF), and Recurrent neural networks) in solving the linear and nonlinear time-series behavior. The second aim is dealing with finding accurate estimators as the convergence sometimes is stack in the local minima. It is one of the problems that can bias the test of the robustness of the ANN in time series forecasting. To determine the best or the optimal ANN models, forecast Skill (SS) employed to measure the efficiency of the performance of ANN models. The mean square error and the absolute mean square error were also used to measure the accuracy of the estimation for methods used. The important result obtained in this paper is that the optimal neural network was the Backpropagation (BP) and Recurrent neural networks (RNN) to solve time series, whether linear, semilinear, or non-linear. Besides, the result proved that the inefficiency and inaccuracy (failure) of RBF in solving nonlinear time series. However, RBF shows good efficiency in the case of linear or semi-linear time series only. It overcomes the problem of local minimum. The results showed improvements in the modern methods for time series forecasting.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
3-D Packing in Container using Teaching Learning Based Optimization Algorithm
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The paper aims to propose Teaching Learning based Optimization (TLBO) algorithm to solve 3-D packing problem in containers. The objective which can be presented in a mathematical model is optimizing the space usage in a container. Besides the interaction effect between students and teacher, this algorithm also observes the learning process between students in the classroom which does not need any control parameters. Thus, TLBO provides the teachers phase and students phase as its main updating process to find the best solution. More precisely, to validate the algorithm effectiveness, it was implemented in three sample cases. There was small data which had 5 size-types of items with 12 units, medium data which had 10 size-types of items w

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Path Planning of an Autonomous Mobile Robot using Enhanced Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm
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This paper describes the problem of online autonomous mobile robot path planning, which is consisted of finding optimal paths or trajectories for an autonomous mobile robot from a starting point to a destination across a flat map of a terrain, represented by a 2-D workspace. An enhanced algorithm for solving the problem of path planning using Bacterial Foraging Optimization algorithm is presented. This nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm, which imitates the foraging behavior of E-coli bacteria, was used to find the optimal path from a starting point to a target point. The proposed algorithm was demonstrated by simulations in both static and dynamic different environments. A comparative study was evaluated between the developed algori

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Enhanced Performance of Consensus Wireless Sensor Controlled System via Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
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     This paper describes the application of consensus optimization for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) system. Consensus algorithm is usually conducted within a certain number of iterations for a given graph topology. Nevertheless, the best Number of Iterations (NOI) to reach consensus is varied in accordance with any change in number of nodes or other parameters of . graph topology. As a result, a time consuming trial and error procedure will necessary be applied
to obtain best NOI. The implementation of an intellig ent optimization can effectively help to get the optimal NOI. The performance of the consensus algorithm has considerably been improved by the inclusion of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). As a case s

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Ournal Of Chemistry
Assessment of an Electrocoagulation Reactor for the Removal of Oil Content and Turbidity from Real Oily Wastewater Using Response Surface Method
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Background: Large amounts of oily wastewater and its derivatives are discharged annually from several industries to the environment. Objective: The present study aims to investigate the ability to remove oil content and turbidity from real oily wastewater discharged from the wet oil's unit (West Qurna 1-Crude Oil Location/ Basra-Iraq) by using an innovated electrocoagulation reactor containing concentric aluminum tubes in a monopolar mode. Methods: The influences of the operational variables (current density (1.77-7.07 mA/cm2) and electrolysis time (10-40 min)) were studied using response surface methodology (RSM) and Minitab-17 statistical program. The agitation speed was taken as 200 rpm. Energy and electrodes consumption had been studi

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Modified Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2 based Environmental /Economic Power Dispatch
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A Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2 (SPEA 2) approach for solving the multi-objective Environmental / Economic Power Dispatch (EEPD) problem is presented in this paper. In the past fuel cost consumption minimization was the aim (a single objective function) of economic power dispatch problem. Since the clean air act amendments have been applied to reduce SO2 and NOX emissions from power plants, the utilities change their strategies in order to reduce pollution and atmospheric emission as well, adding emission minimization as other objective function made economic power dispatch (EPD) a multi-objective problem having conflicting objectives. SPEA2 is the improved version of SPEA with better fitness assignment, density estimation, an

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Publication Date
Fri May 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Comparative Study of Various Intelligent Algorithms based Path Planning for Mobile Robots
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In general, path-planning problem is one of most important task in the field of robotics. This paper describes the path-planning problem of mobile robot based on various metaheuristic algorithms. The suitable collision free path of a robot must satisfies certain optimization criteria such as feasibility, minimum path length, safety and smoothness and so on. In this research, various three approaches namely, PSO, Firefly and proposed hybrid FFCPSO are applied in static, known environment to solve the global path-planning problem in three cases. The first case used single mobile robot, the second case used three independent mobile robots and the third case applied three follow up mobile robot.  Simulation results, whi

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Non-dominated Sorting Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm II for Bi-objective Flow Shop Scheduling Problems
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A hybrid particulate swarm optimization (hybrid) combination of an optimization algorithm of the particle swarm and a variable neighborhood search algorithm is proposed for the multi-objective permutation flow shop scheduling problem (PFSP) with the smallest cumulative completion time and the smallest total flow time. Algorithm for hybrid particulate swarm optimization (HPSO) is applied to maintain a fair combination of centralized search with decentralized search. The Nawaz-Enscore-Ham )NEH) heuristic algorithm in this hybrid algorithm is used to initialize populations in order to improve the efficiency of the initial solution. The method design is based on ascending order (ranked-order-value, ROV), applying the continuous PSO algorithm

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Distributed Multi-Ant Colony System Algorithm using Raspberry Pi Cluster for Travelling Salesman Problem
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     The traveling salesman problem is addressed in this paper by introducing a distributed multi-ant colony algorithm that is implemented on a Raspberry Pi cluster. The implementation of a master and eight workers, each running on Raspberry Pi nodes, is the central component of this novel technique. Each worker is responsible for managing their own colony of ants, while the master coordinates communications among workers’ nodes and assesses the most optimal approach. To put the newly built cluster through its paces, several datasets of traveling salesman problem are used to test the created cluster. The findings of the experiment indicate that a single board computer cluster, which makes use of multi-ant colony algorithm, is a via

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimization of Inventory Inflation Budget Based on Spare-parts and Miscellaneous Costs of a Typical Automobile Industry
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Brainstorming has been a common approach in many industries where the result is not always accurate, especially when procuring automobile spare parts. This approach was replaced with a scientific and optimized method that is highly reliable, hence the decision to optimize the inventory inflation budget based on spare parts and miscellaneous costs of the typical automobile industry. Some factors required to achieve this goal were investigated. Through this investigation, spare parts (consumables and non-consumables) were found to be mostly used in Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing (IVM), Nigeria but incorporated miscellaneous costs to augment the cost of spare parts. The inflation rate was considered first due to the market's

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Modelling and Optimization of Carbon Steel Corrosion in CO2 Containing Oilfield Produced Water in Presence of HAc
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Previously, many empirical models have been used to predict corrosion rates under different CO2 corrosion parameters conditions. Most of these models did not predict the corrosion rate exactly, besides it determined effects of variables by holding some variables constant and changing the values of other variables to obtain the regression model. As a result the experiments will be large and cost too much. In this paper response surface methodology (RSM) was proposed to optimize the experiments and reduce the experimental running. The experiments studied effects of temperature (40 – 60 °C), pH (3-5), acetic acid (HAc) concentration (1000-3000 ppm) and rotation speed (1000-1500 rpm) on CO2 corrosion performance of t

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