Abortion is categorized as the termination of conception caused by the failure or removal of the embryo from the uterus before the conclusion of pregnancy. Microorganisms and genetic factors are two of the many factors associated with abortion. Cytomegalovirus is a widespread congenital virus infection pathogen that affects a wide variety of people. The prothrombin gene is one of the essential causes that trigger blood clotting and the function of abortion women, therefore the aim of the study is to detect and associate Cytomegalovirus and prothrombin gene mutation (Gene ID: 14061 in NCBI) with abortion through genetic and immunological methods. Five ml of whole blood was collected from an intravenous puncture and divided into two tubes, one with EDTA and one without (plain tube) from 74 women with an abortion history as a patient group and 74 women without an abortion record who had at least one successful fertility as a control group. Allele-specific PCRs are used to amplify gene regions with genetic primers containing prothrombin gene polymorphisms. Current results have shown the greatest risk of abortion was observed in women patients with IgG seropositivity in 65 women with frequency (87.8%) and the lowest rate of abortion was in IgM seropositivity in 3 women with frequency (4.1%) and 6 (8.1%) were positive for IgM-and IgG indicating they have both an old and recent infections. Furthermore, allele-specific PCRs are used to amplify prothrombin G20201A polymorphism. The result of this study demonstrated there is no association between prothrombin genotype level frequency and abortion in CMV-infected women. While, there is a highly significant association between A and G Alleles combinations and abortion in CMV-infected women.
larization modulation plays an important role in polarization encoding in quantum key distribution. By using polarization modulation, quantum key distribution systems become more compact and more vulnerable as one laser source is used instead of using multiple laser sources that may cause side-channel attacks. Metasurfaces with their exceptional optical properties have led to the development of versatile ultrathin optical devices. They are made up of planar arrays of resonant or nearly resonant subwavelength pieces and provide complete control over reflected and transmitted electromagnetic waves opening several possibilities for the development of innovative optical components. In this work, the Si nanowire metasurface
... Show MoreThe paper presents research results of the vibration transmitted from the steering wheel of the
tractor with a 2-wheel drive to the driver’s hands. The vibration measurements were carried out on the
tractor randomly chosen from the collage of agriculture / university of Baghdad. Before testing the
tractor was examined and adjusted following the producer’s recommendations. The vibration levels
were measured during the operation tillage at idling and at full load .The field was 3١٫٧ m above level
sea. Soil was treated at soil constant moisture (1٧-20 %) with depth of plowing (١٧ cm). During
operation the weather temperature was measured (15 C) and humidity was ( 27 % ) The vibration level
on the steering whee
The monthly time series of the Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentrations in Euphrates River at Nasria was analyzed as a time series. The data used for the analysis was the monthly series during (1977-2000).
The series was tested for nonhomogenity and found to be nonhomogeneous. A significant positive jump was observed after 1988. This nonhomogenity was removed using a method suggested by Yevichevich (7). The homogeneous series was then normalized using Box and Cox (2) transformation. The periodic component of the series was fitted using harmonic analyses, and removed from the series to obtain the dependent stochastic component. This component was then modeled using first order autoregressive model (Markovian chain). The above a
... Show MoreIncorporating the LiDAR sensor in the most recent Apple devices represents a substantial development in 3D mapping technology. Meanwhile, Apple's Lidar is still a new sensor. Therefore, this article reviews the potential uses of the Apple Lidar sensor in various fields, including engineering and construction, focusing on indoor and outdoor as-built 3D mapping and cultural heritage conservation. The affordable cost and shorter observation times compared to traditional surveying and other remote sensing techniques make the Apple Lidar an attractive choice among scholars and professionals. This article highlights the need for continued research on the Apple LiDAR sensor technology while discussing its specifications and limitations. A
... Show MoreAn experimental study was carried out to improve the surface roughness quality of the stainless steel 420 using magnetic abrasive finishing method (MAF). Four independent operation parameters were studied (working gap, coil current, feed rate, and table stroke), and their effects on the MAF process were introduced. A rotating coil electromagnet was designed and implemented to use with plane surfaces. The magnetic abrasive powder used was formed from 33%Fe and 67% Quartz of (250µm mesh size). The lubricant type SAE 20W was used as a binder for the powder contents. Taguchi method was used for designing the experiments and the optimal values of the selected parameters were found. An empirical equation representing the r
... Show MoreShabak is one of minority related to Kurdish nation , speaking Bajalan variety especially Goran Dialect.
This study is a historic and diactological study about Kurdish Bajalan variety.The study is composed an introduction and tw0 chapters. The first chapter talks about Bajalan variety , and it has two axes . In the first axe , I talk about the geography of Bajalan variety and in the second axes the map of goran dialect . The second chapter is about Shabak variety and it is constituted of three axes : The first section is about Shabak variety , in the second section is allocated to the domicile of Shabak variety and in the third section , talks about the saint of shabak and in the end the
... Show MoreHumans are exposed to nuclear radiations every day, and these radiations are both natural and artificial. When the body tissues are exposed to nuclear radiation, free radicals are formed, which are responsible for cancer development. In this research, silver nanoparticles were synthesized by electrical explosion wire method. Nanoparticles were added to deionized water that contained free radicals before and after exposure to gamma rays. The obtained results indicate that the silver nanoparticles have antioxidant potential through possessing free radical scavenging activity, as they can donate electron to free radicals and become neutralize. Then, these nanoparticles were injected to mice before and after their irradiation with gamma ray.
... Show MoreModern automation robotics have replaced many human workers in industrial factories around the globe. The robotic arms are used for several manufacturing applications, and their responses required optimal control. In this paper, a robust approach of optimal position control for a DC motor in the robotic arm system is proposed. The general component of the automation system is first introduced. The mathematical model and the corresponding transfer functions of a DC motor in the robotic arm system are presented. The investigations of using DC motor in the robotic arm system without controller lead to poor system performance. Therefore, the analysis and design of a Proportional plus Integration plus Divertive (PID) controller is illustrated.
... Show MoreIn this paper, third order non-polynomial spline function is used to solve 2nd kind Volterra integral equations. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the applications of this method, and to compare the computed results with other known methods.