Most studies indicated that the values of atmospheric variables have changed from their general rates due to pollution or global warming etc. Hence, the research indicates the changes of direct solar radiation values over a whole century i.e. from 1900 to 2000 depending on registered data for four cities, namely (Mosul - Baghdad - Rutba - Basra. Moreover, attemptsto correlate the direct solar radiation with the temperature values have been recorded over that period. The results showed that there is a decreasing pattern of radiation quantities over time throughout the study period, where the value of direct radiation over the city of Baghdad 5550 w/m2 was recorded in the year 1900, but this ratio decreased clearly to approximately 5400 w/m2 in the year 2000, which is perhaps due to the increase of general pollution rates in the atmosphere. The results also showed that the city of Rutba recorded the highest annual rate of radiation quantities, and Baghdad with Mosul recorded the lowest radiation ratios compared to the rest of the cities, in addition to that there was a large convergence of radiation ratios between them to some extent. The results showed that there is a sharp drop in radiation ratios, specifically in the years1980and 1990. As for the extent of the relationship for solar radiation with temperature levels throughout the study period, it was found that there is an inverse relationship between them, and this confirms that the cause of high temperatures is not because of increased solar radiation, but it may rather due to other reasons such as increased greenhouse gases.
The weakness of the central rule at the reign of Shah Sultan Hussain who is regarded as the last Shah who governed the Safawi state near to its falling at the hold of Afghan in 1722 which is the main and the real factor for the economic collapse. The tribes of trade have faced stealing and robbery actions which have been compressed to a very big extent. This action was not the responsibility of Shah alone,
تضمن البحث تحقيق مخطوط"، سرور الفؤاد بالصافنات الجياد في معرفة الخيل
وأسمائياالشيخ محمد العمري" وكما ظاىر من عنوان المخطوط إنوُ يتناول الخيل، والخيل
موضوع ميم في حياة العربي قبل الاسلام باعتباره يمثل جزءاً من تفاصيل حياتو الملازمة لوُ
واعتماده عمييا ىذا أولاً وثانياً ماتحمموُ الخيول من معاني الفروسية والعنفوان وماتثيره في
الأنسان من حب الأقتناع والمتعة المتحققة من النظر إلييا وحبو لمسبق،
تعتبر لعبة كرة اليد من الالعاب الفرقية، وان هذه اللعبة تستند الى قاعدة اساسية وهي الاداء الصحيح للمهارات، وللتقدم في هذه اللعبة يجب تعلم وأتقان اداء المهارات للوصول الى مستوى افضل للتعلم، من خلال الدور الذي يؤديه اسلوب نموذج كولب لأنماط التعلم (التكيفي) الذي يعمل على تحديد اسلوب التفكير والمفضل لكل فرد وتاثيره في تعلم مهارة الطبطبة للطالبات، اذ يعمل على ايصال المعلومات والافكار الخاصة باداء المهارة وحس
... Show Moreترك السلطان عبدالحميد الثاني بصماتهُ على أخاديد الزمان وعلى خارطة المشرق العربي الخاضع للسيطرة العثمانية أنذاك ، لكونهُ أهم شخصية أسلامية غير عربية واجهت الخطر الصهيوني ومحاولاتهم الإستيطانية في مشرق الوطن العربي ، على الرغم من صعوبة الظروف التي كانت تمر بها الدولة العثمانية داخليا ً وخارجيا ً، بما فيها من أطماع اقتسامها بين الاوربين ولذا سموها بالرجل المريض .
تُعد دراسة أعلام الفكر العربي والإسلامي من أهم الدراسات التاريخية ولا يمكن للأمم المتحضرة أن تنسى علمائها ومفكريها لما لهم من دور كبير في حاضر الأمة ومستقبلها و تاريخنا الإسلامي يحفل بالعديد من العلماء ورجال المعرفة الذين ساعدوا على تقدم ورقي العرب والمسلمين على الأمم الأخرى0
دراسة في رواية سعودية
In this study, an experimental investigation had conducted for six high strength laced reinforced concrete one-way slabs to discover the behavior of laced structural members after being exposed to fire flame (high temperature). Self-compacted concrete (SCC) had used to achieve easy casting and high strength concrete. All the adopted specimens were identical in their compressive strength of ( , geometric layout 2000 750 150 mm and reinforcement specifics except those of lacing steel content, three ratios of laced steel reinforcement of (0.0021, 0.0040 and 0.0060) were adopted. Three specimens were fired with a steady state temperature of for two hours duration and then after the specimens were cooled suddenly by spraying water. The
... Show MoreBackground:Wilson’s disease (WD) is an inherited
disorder of copper metabolism that is characterized
by tremendous variation in the clinical presentation.
Objective: To assess demographic distribution,
clinical presentations, diagnostic evaluation, and any
association between clinical presentations and other
studied variables of a sample of Iraqi patients with
Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study with
analytic elements was conducted during 2011, from
the 1st of February till the 10th of June. The sampling
method was a convenient non-random one, carried
out through consecutive pooling of registered WD
patients. A questionnaire-form paper had been
developed for the process of data col
Dueto their ability to providefood for people, sheep and goats areimportant to the economiesofmanynations.Toxoplasmagondii,orT.gondii,isaprotozoanparasite that often infects sheep. Stillbirth, early embryonic death and resorption, neonatal mortality, fetal death and mummification, and parasite infection are examples of possible negative effects. Theconsequences aremoreseverethe earlier in gestation the infection arises. The stage of pregnancy at which the infection occurs in thesheep and goats is connected with the severity of the illness. T.gondii may infect humansandcarnivorousanimalsvia the meatofinfectedsheepandgoats.Lessthan 4%ofsheep thatareconsistently infected withT.gondiicarrytheparasitevertically to their offspring. The majority o
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