Benthic invertebrates were used as bio- indicators to evaluate the pollution in -Diwania River . Five stations were selected for this purpose , extending from A1 -?? rtream to A1- Sadeer District downstream . The percentage of?ct uP?str?^ ? ?, oligochaeta to total benthic invertebrates were calculated . The population density of evaluation. 'I'he results Were ??? Tubificid worms without hair ehaetae was ©iso used IOBS(01igochaete Index of Sediment Bioindicati©n ), TUSP ? presented as indices Io (Tubificidae Species Percentage ) & degree of pollution Eo . IT was noticed that the 0 in??37.17 percentage of ©lig©chaeta to the total benthic invertebrates ranged between to 60.685 in station 3 , while the percentage ©f Tubificid w©rms t© ©ther ? stati©n oligochaeta ranged from 32% in station 2 to 74.17% in station 3.Io values ranged between 21.3 in station 3 to 22.3 in station I , while lobs index showed a higher value 7.62 in station 3 and lawer value 2.43 in station 3 .the higher value of TUSP index was 32,5 in stati©n 5 and the lawer valus was 15.9 in station 1 . Pollution degree F 1 ( percentage ©f Tubificidae without hair M/gg& ? was rec©rded in stati©n 5-96 respectively ) and degree E in station 3,4&5 (percentage of Tubificidae & ?4-? without hair ehaetae was 15.95 , 15.95 & 16.16 respectively ). According to these results, stati©n 1 & 2 may be regarded as free fr©m p©lluti©n , while the other stations . were considered as slightly p©lluted
There is a scarcity of data regarding algal flora of Tigris River in the territory of Baghdad. The present study deals with Tigris River in Al-Dora site in Baghdad province from November 2014 to June 2015 in order to shed light on its epiphytic Algae on (Phragmites australis) and epipelic algae. An amount of 183 and 154 species of epiphytic and epipelic algae are identified respectfully. The Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) are the dominant algal group followed by Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae. Moreover, 90 species are shared between two groups of algae (epiphytic and epipelic) and identified at the study site. Additionally, the seasonal variations and diversity of algal species are noticed. The highest number of epiphytic algae is 772.05 x 104
... Show MorePresent study was conducted in order to assess Slabiaat water quality by measuring some physical and chemical factors of river water, the study included a choice of three stations along of Slabiaat River in Samawa city, water samples collected a monthly during the period from September 2013 August 2014. The study involved measuring the Air & water temperatures, pH, Electrical conductivity, Total dissolved solids, Dissolved oxygen, Total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium, turbidity, and some types of bacteria in River water. The study results showed that the values of air & water temperatures have ranged between (20.1-36.6)?C , (10-21.8) in Slabiaat River, respectively . pH values ranged between (6.6-8.7). Electrical conductivity in
... Show MoreIn this study, a total of 209 individuals of leeches were collected from Al-Hindyia River / Babil Province. 116 individuals were identified as Erpobdella octaculata (Linnaeus, 1758), 50 individuals as Erpobdella punctata (Leidy,1870) and 43 individuals as Hemiclepsis marginata (Müller, 1774). Four samples were collected monthly during a period from February to June 2018. Some physical and chemical water properties were also examined, including air and water temperature, potential of hydrogen pH, Electrical Conductivity EC, Total Dissolved Solid TDS, Dissolved Oxygen DO, and the Biological Oxygen Demand BOD₅. Air and water temperature were r
... Show Morewater quality assessment is still being done at specific locations of major concern. The use of Geographical Information System (GIS) based water quality information system and spatial analysis with Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation enabled the mapping of water quality indicators along Tigris river in Salah Al-Din government, Iraq. Water quality indicators were monitored by taking 13 river samples from different locations along the river during Winter season year 2020. Maps of 10 water quality indicators. This meant that the specific water quality indicator and diffuse pollution characteristics in the basin were better illustrated with the variations displayed along the course of the river than conventional line graphs. Creation of
... Show MoreThe physical and chemical parameters of Tigris River water in AL- Kut City have been studied. Three stations have been chosen. . The sampling of study was made monthly and for six months from September 2014 until February 2015.The result of turbidity values showed height mean in summer 84 NTU, The decrease of turbidity was one of the positive results to the effect of AL-Kut Dam on the Tigris River after the Dam and on the total suspended solids. The electrical conductivity was 1340 µs/cm in winter that may be due to the existence of the polluted elements. The river water was fresh (0.48‰ semiebrachish) with a good aerated water and the height of the dissolved oxygen mean value has been noticed 13.1mg/L at many times. Over satura
... Show MoreThe monthly time series of the Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentrations in Euphrates River at Nasria was analyzed as a time series. The data used for the analysis was the monthly series during (1977-2000).
The series was tested for nonhomogenity and found to be nonhomogeneous. A significant positive jump was observed after 1988. This nonhomogenity was removed using a method suggested by Yevichevich (7). The homogeneous series was then normalized using Box and Cox (2) transformation. The periodic component of the series was fitted using harmonic analyses, and removed from the series to obtain the dependent stochastic component. This component was then modeled using first order autoregressive model (Markovian chain). The above a
... Show MoreIn this study water quality was indicated in terms of Water Quality Index that was determined through summarizing multiple parameters of water test results. This index offers a useful representation of the overall quality of water for public or any intended use as well as indicating pollution, which are useful in water quality management and decision making. The application of Water Quality Index (WQI) with ten physicochemical water quality parameters was performed to evaluate the quality of Euphrates River water for drinking usage. This was done by subjecting the water samples collected from seven stations within Al-Anbar province during the period 2004-2010 to comprehensive physicochemical analysis. The ten physicochemical parame
... Show MoreIn this study water quality was indicated in terms of Water Quality Index that was determined through summarizing multiple parameters of water test results. This index offers a useful representation of the overall quality of water for public or any intended
use as well as indicating pollution, which are useful in water quality management and decision making. The application of Water Quality Index (WQI) with ten physicochemical water quality parameters was performed to evaluate the quality of Euphrates River water for drinking usage. This was done by subjecting the water samples collected from seven stations within Al-Anbar province during the period 2004-2010 to comprehensive physicochemical analysis. The ten physicochemical paramete
A total of 109 fish specimens belonging to six species (Barbus grypus, B. luteus, B. xanthopterus, Cyprinion macrostomum, Cyprinus carpio and Liza abu) were collected from Tigris river passing through Salah Al-Deen province during the period from September 2008 till January 2009. These fishes were infected with nine parasite species which included two sporozoans (Myxobolus mülleri and Dermocystidium percae), three ciliates (Trichodina cottidarum, T. elegini and T. murmanica) and four monogenetic trematodes (Dactylogyrus rhodeianus, D. vastator, Paradiplozoon cyprini and Microcotyle donavini). Among these parasites, two trichodinids (T. elegini and T. murmanica) were reported for the first time from fishes of Iraq. Also, B. grypus is c
... Show MoreThe most significant water supply, which is the basis of agriculture, industry and human and wildlife needs, is the river. In order to determine its suitability for drinking purposes, this study aims to measure the Water Quality Index (WQI) of the Tigris River in the Salah Al-Din Province (center of Tikrit), north of Baghdad. For ten (9) physio-chemical parameters, namely turbidity, total suspended sediments, PH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, alkalinity, chloride, nitrogen as nitrate, sulphate, and then transported for examination to the laboratory, water samples were collected from 13 locations along the Tigris river. Using the weighted arithmetic index method, the WQI was measured and found to be 105,87 in up-stream, wh
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