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Advanced Intelligent Data Hiding Using Video Stego and Convolutional Neural Networks
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Steganography is a technique of concealing secret data within other quotidian files of the same or different types. Hiding data has been essential to digital information security. This work aims to design a stego method that can effectively hide a message inside the images of the video file.  In this work, a video steganography model has been proposed through training a model to hiding video (or images) within another video using convolutional neural networks (CNN). By using a CNN in this approach, two main goals can be achieved for any steganographic methods which are, increasing security (hardness to observed and broken by used steganalysis program), this was achieved in this work as the weights and architecture are randomized. Thus, the exact way by which the network will hide the information is unable to be known to anyone who does not have the weights.  The second goal is to increase hiding capacity, which has been achieved by using CNN as a strategy to make decisions to determine the best areas that are redundant and, as a result, gain more size to be hidden. Furthermore, In the proposed model, CNN is concurrently trained to generate the revealing and hiding processes, and it is designed to work as a pair mainly. This model has a good strategy for the patterns of images, which assists to make decisions to determine which is the parts of the cover image should be redundant, as well as more pixels are hidden there. The CNN implementation can be done by using Keras, along with tensor flow backend. In addition, random RGB images from the "ImageNet dataset" have been used for training the proposed model (About 45000 images of size (256x256)). The proposed model has been trained by CNN using random images taken from the database of ImageNet and can work on images taken from a wide range of sources. By saving space on an image by removing redundant areas, the quantity of hidden data can be raised (improve capacity). Since the weights and model architecture are randomized, the actual method in which the network will hide the data can't be known to anyone who does not have the weights. Furthermore, additional block-shuffling is incorporated as an encryption method to improved security; also, the image enhancement methods are used to improving the output quality. From results, the proposed method has achieved high-security level, high embedding capacity. In addition, the result approves that the system achieves good results in visibility and attacks, in which the proposed method successfully tricks observer and the steganalysis program.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Karbala Journal Of Physical Education Sciences
تأثير تمرينات خاصة في تطوير بعض القدرات الحركية والانجاز لعداءات 100م حواجز
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هدف البحث الى التعرف على تأثير تمرينات خاصة في تطوير بعض القدرات البدنية وانجاز مسابقة عدو(100) متر حواجز تحت (20) سنة. استخدمت الباحثتان المنهج التجريبي بتصميم المجموعة التجريبية ذات الاختبار القبلي والبعدي لملائمته طبيعة البحث. تم تحديد مجتمع البحث بالطريقة العمدية وهم عداءات 100م حواجز من فئة الشباب، واختيار عداءات نادي السليمانية بألعاب القوى وتم اختيار العينة بصورة قصدية بأسلوب الاختبارين القبلي والبعدي و

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
المحاسبة الإدارية الشاملة حقيقة التطور في ظل التقدم العلمي ومفهوم الذكاء الاصطناعي
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خضعت المحاسبة الإدارية إلى هيمنة المحاسبة المالية عليها اثر ظهور القوائم المالية المدققة في بدايات القرن الماضي الناتجة من ظهور المنظمات المنظمة للمهنة وما رافق من إلزام الشركات بإعداد التقارير المالية من الحسابات المالية وفقاً للمبادئ المحاسبية المقبولة قبولاً عاماً والتي أثرت في قيمة المعلومات المقدمة من قبل المحاسبة الإدارية مما أدى إلى إن تصبح تلك المعلومات غير ملائمة للاستخدام الإداري وهو ما ا

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
تقويم جودة مهارات التدريس لدى مدرسي الرياضيات في المرحلة الإعدادية الفرع العلمي من وجهة نظرهم
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   Research aims at evaluating the quality of the teaching skills of math teachers in junior high / scientific branch  from their point of view.

The researchers prepared for this purpose a quality of teaching skills standards questionnaire, It consisted of 72 items distributed on four axis, The research sample was 200 teachers The researchers used statistical methods: the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, variance test, test Shiva  , The results showed a statistically significance difference Attributed to the qualification  variable  in the second  axis (Planning for teaching topics) And the absence of statistical difference function,

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الممارسات التدريسية لتدريسي أقسام كليات التربية جامعة بغداد في ضوء دوافع التعلم
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Find aimed to reveal the teaching practices of the teaching faculties of education departments of the University of Baghdad in the light of the motives of learning from the perspective of students . Researcher selected the research community in a deliberate humanitarian sections of students and faculties of education for girls and IbnRushd . Ed reached basic research sample ( 400 ) students were numbers search tool questionnaire , and included (30) paragraph . In processors statistical data , use the weighted average and the weight percentile , results have shown that it is more paragraphs which received wide acceptance from the viewpoint of students ( do not make fun of the students' answers wrong but corrects and discussed with them )

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A practical study of the problems of queues for vehicles in some filling stations in the city of Baghdad
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 According to the circumstances experienced by our country which led to Occurrence of many crises that are the most important crisis is gaining fuel therefore , the theory of queue ( waiting line ) had been used to solve this crisis and as the relevance of this issue indirect and essential role in daily life  .

This research aims to conduct a study of the distribution of gasoline station in (both sides AL – kharkh and AL Rusafa, for the purpose of reducing wasting time and services time through the criteria of the theory of queues and work to improve the efficiency of these stations by the other hand. we are working to reduce the cost of station and increase profits by reducing the active serv

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Analysis of Verbs Forms in Sa’eed Faeeq’s Short Story: Cloud in the Sky: Sait Faik'in "Havada Bulut" Adlı Hikayesinde Fiil Kiplerinin İncelenmesi.
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This research paper which is entitled “Analysis of Verbs Forms in Sa’eed Faeeq’s Short Story: Cloud in the Sky” deals with the forms of verbs (i.e., kinds of tenses and suffix analysis). It is one of the applied studies. Verbs are basic elements in Turkish sentences. Their function is to state the predicate which is a sentential essential part. Verbs denote sentence construction, action and formal aspects. Forms are added to the base of verbs in the Turkish language giving the verbs their final structures. Such structures are set in a distinct planned way. The verbs used in the Turkish language which are distinguished by one of these forms are known as simple tense verbs.

Sait Faik'in ( "Havada Bulut" adlı Hikayesinde Fi

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Role of Public Relations Management on the Practices of Green Human Resources Management in Jordanian Private Hospitals in Amman
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The study aimed to identify the role of public relations management in its dimensions (mental image, media, advertising, and the public) on green human resource management practices in Jordanian private hospitals in Amman, and this study relied on the quantitative approach (descriptive and analytical) to test hypotheses. Where the questionnaire was relied upon to collect data and their number was (1771) workers, and the study population consisted of workers in the hospitals that were studied on them and their number was 10 hospitals, where 316 questionnaires were distributed, 300 questionnaires were retrieved, and 16 questionnaires were not valid for analysis. That is, 91.7% of the sample, and the study relied on proportional stratified

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Problem of Political Empowerment of Women with Disabilities in Light of Iraqi Legislation
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Democracy in any country is measured by the cultural, social and economic level reached by women in it in general and women with disabilities in particular, and the extent of their participation in political life and political decision-making. As a result of the patriarchal power that societies have known, including Iraq, history has witnessed multiple types and forms of discrimination against women, which differed from one country to another, this matter has pushed women and since the beginning of the last century the issue of women's rights has been raised at the global, regional and national levels, through holding international conferences and agreements In order to empower women in all social, economic and political fields.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
السياسة الضريبية المحلية في ظل العولمة ( مع إشارة خاصة لالسياسة الضريبية المحلية في ظل العولمة ( مع إشارة خاصة لبلدان جنوب شرق آسيا)بلدان جنوب شرق آسيا)
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تركت العولمة المتسارعة أثرا عميقا على مدى واسع من السياسات والتطبيقات الاقتصادية في كل من الدول النامية والمتقدمة على حد سواء, إذ نشأت الأنظمة الضريبية الحالية عندما نمّط كل بلد سياسته الضريبية بشكل تركز معه على متطلبات الاقتصاد المحلي, وعندما كانت تعقد المفاوضات بين الأمم المختلفة حول المعاملات الضريبية والاتفاقات الضريبية كانت تجري في إطار من هيمنة السياسة الضريبية المحلية.

لكن العولم

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Examples of a Simile in the Poetry of Khwaju Kermani: نمونه هانى از تشبيه در اشعار خواجو كرمانى
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A simile is a figure of speech that draws resemblance with the help of the words such as (like) or any other closer in meaning word. The present paper deals with the theme of a simile in the poetry of Khwaju Kermani, a truly great Persian poet. 

Besides being a great poet, Khwaju Kermani was also a fine professor of sciences. He was, also, known by his ghazals in which he imitated and was influenced by two of the most immense poets (Saadi) and (Hakim Sanai).

The search for knowledge, the pursue of studies and interpretation are among the main themes of Khwaju Kermani’s poetry. He uses ghazals to express love and longing in a mystical manner.

The present paper discusses the poet’s life, ethics and works.&n

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