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Optimum Median Filter Based on Crow Optimization Algorithm
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          A novel median filter based on crow optimization algorithms (OMF) is suggested to reduce the random salt and pepper noise and improve the quality of the RGB-colored and gray images. The fundamental idea of the approach is that first, the crow optimization algorithm detects noise pixels, and that replacing them with an optimum median value depending on a criterion of maximization fitness function. Finally, the standard measure peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity, absolute square error and mean square error have been used to test the performance of suggested filters (original and improved median filter) used to removed noise from images. It achieves the simulation based on MATLAB R2019b and the results present that the improved median filter with crow optimization algorithm is more effective than the original median filter algorithm and some recently methods; they show that the suggested process is robust to reduce the error problem and remove noise because of a candidate of the median filter; the results will show by the minimized mean square error to equal or less than (1.38), absolute error to equal or less than (0.22) ,Structural Similarity (SSIM) to equal (0.9856) and getting PSNR more than (46 dB). Thus, the percentage of improvement in work is (25%).

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Modern Applied Science
A New Method for Detecting Cerebral Tissues Abnormality in Magnetic Resonance Images
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We propose a new method for detecting the abnormality in cerebral tissues present within Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI). Present classifier is comprised of cerebral tissue extraction, image division into angular and distance span vectors, acquirement of four features for each portion and classification to ascertain the abnormality location. The threshold value and region of interest are discerned using operator input and Otsu algorithm. Novel brain slices image division is introduced via angular and distance span vectors of sizes 24˚ with 15 pixels. Rotation invariance of the angular span vector is determined. An automatic image categorization into normal and abnormal brain tissues is performed using Support Vector Machine (SVM). St

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 15 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Combining Convolutional Neural Networks and Slantlet Transform For An Effective Image Retrieval Scheme
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In the latest years there has been a profound evolution in computer science and technology, which incorporated several fields. Under this evolution, Content Base Image Retrieval (CBIR) is among the image processing field. There are several image retrieval methods that can easily extract feature as a result of the image retrieval methods’ progresses. To the researchers, finding resourceful image retrieval devices has therefore become an extensive area of concern. Image retrieval technique refers to a system used to search and retrieve images from digital images’ huge database. In this paper, the author focuses on recommendation of a fresh method for retrieving image. For multi presentation of image in Convolutional Neural Network (CNN),

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 26 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Systems Science And Mathematical Sciences
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The haplotype association analysis has been proposed to capture the collective behavior of sets of variants by testing the association of each set instead of individual variants with the disease.Such an analysis typically involves a list of unphased multiple-locus genotypes with potentially sparse frequencies in cases and controls.It starts with inferring haplotypes from genotypes followed by a haplotype co-classification and marginal screening for disease-associated haplotypes.Unfortunately,phasing uncertainty may have a strong effects on the haplotype co-classification and therefore on the accuracy of predicting risk haplotypes.Here,to address the issue,we propose an alternative approach:In Stage 1,we select potential risk genotypes inste

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Applying Quran Security and Hamming CodesFor Preventing of Text Modification
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The widespread of internet allover the world, in addition to the increasing of the huge number of users that they exchanged important information over it highlights the need for a new methods to protect these important information from intruders' corruption or modification. This paper suggests a new method that ensures that the texts of a given document cannot be modified by the intruders. This method mainly consists of mixture of three steps. The first step which barrows some concepts of "Quran" security system to detect some type of change(s) occur in a given text. Where a key of each paragraph in the text is extracted from a group of letters in that paragraph which occur as multiply of a given prime number. This step cannot detect the ch

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Predicting Social Security Fund compensation in Iraq using ARMAX Model
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Time series have gained great importance and have been applied in a manner in the economic, financial, health and social fields and used in the analysis through studying the changes and forecasting the future of the phenomenon. One of the most important models of the black box is the "ARMAX" model, which is a mixed model consisting of self-regression with moving averages with external inputs. It consists of several stages, namely determining the rank of the model and the process of estimating the parameters of the model and then the prediction process to know the amount of compensation granted to workers in the future in order to fulfil the future obligations of the Fund. , And using the regular least squares method and the frequ

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 31 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Engineering And Systems
Speech Emotion Recognition Using MELBP Variants of Spectrogram Image
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 14 2015
Journal Name
Spe North Africa Technical Conference And Exhibition
Feasibility of Gas Lift to Increase Oil Production in an Iraqi Giant Oil Field
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Abstract<p>Gas lift is one of the artificial lift techniques which it is frequently implemented to raise oil production. Conventionally, the oil wells produce depending on the energy of reservoir pressure and solution gas which declines due to continuous production. Therefore, many oil wells after a certain production time become unable to lift oil to the surface. Thus, the continuity of production requires implementation of gas lift which works to decrease the average fluid density in the tubing by injection gas through the annulus into the tubing. This paper aims to get maximum oil production of an Iraqi giant oil field at optimum injected gas rate. The field is located in south of Iraq and in</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Compare Linear Progamming With Other Methods to Finding Optimal Solution for Transportation Problem
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The researcher studied transportation problem because it's great importance in the country's economy. This paper which ware studied several ways to find a solution closely to the optimization, has applied these methods to the practical reality by taking one oil derivatives which is benzene product, where the first purpose of this study is, how we can reduce the total costs of transportation for product of petrol from warehouses in the province of Baghdad, to some stations in the Karsh district and Rusafa in the same province. Secondly, how can we address the Domandes of each station by required quantity which is depending on absorptive capacity of the warehouses (quantities supply), And through r

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation
classification coco dataset using machine learning algorithms
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In this paper, we used four classification methods to classify objects and compareamong these methods, these are K Nearest Neighbor's (KNN), Stochastic Gradient Descentlearning (SGD), Logistic Regression Algorithm(LR), and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). Weused MCOCO dataset for classification and detection the objects, these dataset image wererandomly divided into training and testing datasets at a ratio of 7:3, respectively. In randomlyselect training and testing dataset images, converted the color images to the gray level, thenenhancement these gray images using the histogram equalization method, resize (20 x 20) fordataset image. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used for feature extraction, andfinally apply four classification metho

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Types of Mappings in Bitopological Spaces
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            This work, introduces some concepts in bitopological spaces, which are nm-j-ω-converges to a subset, nm-j-ω-directed toward a set, nm-j-ω-closed mappings, nm-j-ω-rigid set, and nm-j-ω-continuous mappings. The mainline idea in this paper is nm-j-ω-perfect mappings in bitopological spaces such that n = 1,2  and m =1,2 n m. Characterizations concerning these concepts and several theorems are studied, where j = q , δ, a , pre, b, b.


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