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Spectrophotometer Determination of Cefixime in pure form and pharmaceutical preparation by Using Cloud point Extraction
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Two simple methods spectrophotometric were suggested for the determination of Cefixime (CFX) in pure form and pharmaceutical preparation. The first method is based without cloud point (CPE) on diazotization of the Cefixime drug by sodium nitrite at 5Cº followed by coupling with ortho nitro phenol in basic medium to form orange colour. The product was stabilized and measured 400 nm. Beer’s law was obeyed in the concentration range of (10-160) μg∙mL-1 Sandell’s sensitivity was 0.0888μg∙cm-1, the detection limit was 0.07896μg∙mL-1, and the limit of Quantitation was 0.085389μg∙mL-1.The second method was cloud point extraction (CPE) with using  Trtion X-114 as surfactant. Beer’s law was obeyed in the concentration range of (10-160) μg∙mL-1. Sandell’s sensitivity was 0.1470μg∙cm-1, the detection limit was 0.06680μg∙mL-1, and the limit of quantitation was 0.07293μg∙mL-1. All variables including the reagent concentration, reaction time, colour stability period, and mole ratio were studied in order to optimize the reaction conditions. The composition of product (1:1). The methods were effectively useful to the determination of Cefixime in pharmaceutical dose form, and the attained results were in good agreement with the official result and other methods in literature .No interference was observed from the commonly encountered additives and excipients

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Enhancement the sensitivity of humidity sensor based on an agarose infiltration reflection-type photonic crystal fiber interferometer
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Photonic Crystal Fiber Interferometers (PCFIs) are widely used for sensing applications. This work presents the fabrication and study the characterization of a relative humidity sensor based on a polymer-infiltrated photonic crystal fiber that operates in a Mach- Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) reflection mode. The fabrication of the sensor only involves splicing and cleaving Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) with Single Mode Fiber (SMF). A stub of (LMA-10) PCF spliced to SMF (Corning-28). In the splice regions. The PCFI sensor operation based on the adsorption and desorption of water vapour at the silica-air interface within the PCF. The sensor shows a high sensitivity to RH variations from (27% RH - 95% RH), with a change in its reflected powe

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
An experimental cross-section measurement of 10B(n,α)7Li reaction on counting alpha particles track density
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The present work determines the particle size based only on the number of tracks detected in a cluster created by a hot particle on the CR-39 solid state nuclear track detector and depending on the exposure time. The mathematical model of the cross section developed here gives the relationship between alpha particle emitting from the (n, α) reaction and the number of tracks created and distribution of tracks created on the surface of the track detector. In an experiment performed during this work, disc of boron compound (boric acid or sodium tetraborate) of different weights were prepared and exposed to thermal neutron from the source. Chemical etching is processes of path formation in the detector, during which a suitable etching solut

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 05 2022
Journal Name
Applied Nanoscience
RETRACTED ARTICLE: The impact of fear on a stage structure prey–predator system with anti-predator behavior
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A prey-predator interaction model has been suggested in which the population of a predator consists of a two-stage structure. Modified Holling's disk equation is used to describe the consumption of the prey so that it involves the additional source of food for the predator. The fear function is imposed on prey. It is supposed that the prey exhibits anti-predator behavior and may kill the adult predator due to their struggle against predation. The proposed model is investigated for existence, uniqueness, and boundedness. After determining all feasible equilibrium points, the local stability analyses are performed. In addition, global stability analyses for this model using the Lyapunov method are investigated. The chance of occurrence of loc

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study Impact of Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) on a Transmission Line Performance under Different Loading Conditions
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Now-a-days the Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) technology is very effective in improving the power flow along the transmission lines and makes the power system more flexible and controllable. This paper deals with the most robust type of FACTS devices; it’s a Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC). Many cases have been taken to study how the system behaves in the presence and absence of the UPFC under normal and contingency conditions. The UPFC is a device that can be used to improve the bus voltage, increasing the loadability of the line and reduce the active and reactive power losses in the transmission lines, through controlling the flow of real and reactive power. Both the magnitude and the phase angle of th

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Pollutionary effect of the Medical city waste water on the Tigris river bacterial indicators on Baghdad city
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Bacteriological characteristics of Tigris river water were assessed monthly to monitor the impact of pollutants of Medical City waste water for the period from January to June-2013. Four stations were selected for the study, the first station placed before the Medical City Complex (500 meters). The second station represent Medical City sewage discharge into the river, where represents the study area. The third station placed (500 meters) after the second station, and the forth station is located on (2000 meters) after the second station.
Samples collected monthly to monitor the changes of water indicators showed that: Total Bacterial Count (10000 to 2700000 cells/1 ml), Total Coliform (200-3700 cells/100 ml), Fecal Coliform (100-2400

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 19 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Serum Chitotriosidase level as a Novel Biomarker for Therapeutic Monitoring of Nephropathic Cystinosis among the Iraqi children
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Background: Cystinosis is a rare autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease with high morbidity and mortality. It is caused by mutations in the CTNS gene that encodes the cystine transporter, cystinosin, which leads to lysosomal cystine accumulation. It is the major cause of inherited Fanconi syndrome, and should be suspected in young children with failure to thrive and signs of renal proximal tubular damage. The diagnosis can be missed in infants, because not all signs of renal Fanconi syndrome are present during the first months of life. Elevated white blood cell cystine content is the cornerstone of the diagnosis. Since chitotriosidase (CHIT1 or chitinase-1) is mainly produced by activated macrophages both in normal and inflammator

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Studying the Factors Effects on the Flowability of ZnO-CuO/γAl2O3 Catalyst Through Hopper Before Tableting Process
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 17 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Toxic Effects of Purified Microcystins from Soil Blue-Green Alga Oscillatoria pseudogeminata on Tomato Plant Lycopersicon esculentum
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The current study included the isolation, purification and cultivation of blue-green alga Oscillatoria pseudogeminata G.Schmidle from soil using the BG-11liquid culture medium for 60 days of cultivation. The growth constant (k) and generation time (G) were measured which (K=0.144) and (G=2.09 days).

Microcystins were purified and determined qualitatively and quantitatively from this alga by using the technique of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa Kits). The alga showed the ability to produce microcystins in concentration reached 1.47 µg/L for each 50 mg DW. Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) aged two months were irrigated with three concentrations of purified microcystins 0.5 , 3.0 and 6.0

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Ovonic Research
Manufacture spectral responsivity of n-Fe2O3/p-Si heterojunction with effect Cl doping for high sensitive devices
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Visible-light photodetectors constructed Fe2O3 were manufactured effectively concluded chemical precipitation technique, films deposited on glass substrate and Si wafer below diverse dopant (0,2,4,6)% of Cl, enhancement in intensity with X-ray diffraction analysis was showed through favored orientation along the (110) plane, the optical measurement presented direct allowed with reduced band gap energies thru variation doping ratio , current–voltage characteristics Fe2O3 /p-Si heterojunction revealed respectable correcting performance in dark, amplified by way of intensity of incident light, moreover good photodetector properties with enhancement in responsivity occurred at wavelength between 400 nm and 470 nm.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Enhancement the Sensitivity of Humidity Sensor Based on an Agarose Coating Transmission-Type Photonic Crystal Fiber Interferometer
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Photonic Crystal Fiber Interferometers (PCFIs) are widely used for sensing applications. This work presents the fabrication and the characterization of a relative humidity sensor based on a polymer-coated photonic crystal fiber that operates in a Mach- Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) transmission mode. The fabrication of the sensor involved splicing a short (1 cm) length of Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) between two single-mode fibers (SMF). It was then coated with a layer of agarose solution. Experimental results showed that a high humidity sensitivity of 29.37 pm/%RH was achieved within a measurement range of 27–95%RH. The sensor also showed good repeatability, small size, measurement accuracy and wide humidity range. The RH sensitivity o

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