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A New Cipher Based on Feistel Structure and Chaotic Maps
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Chaotic systems have been proved to be useful and effective for cryptography. Through this work, a new Feistel cipher depend upon chaos systems and Feistel network structure with dynamic secret key size according to the message size have been proposed. Compared with the classical traditional ciphers like Feistel-based structure ciphers, Data Encryption Standards (DES), is the common example of Feistel-based ciphers, the process of confusion and diffusion, will contains the dynamical permutation choice boxes, dynamical substitution choice boxes, which will be generated once and hence, considered static,

            While using chaotic maps, in the suggested system, called Chaotic-based Proposed Feistel Cipher System (CPFCS), we made the confusion and diffusion in dynamical behavior based on Standard and Lorenz maps. The first is used for substitution, and the second one for permutation operations .A proposed cryptographic system uses the same work (the same way) for both enciphering and deciphering. The proposed cipher operates on more than 500 bytes (4000-bit) readable text blocks by six round computing. Within the basic operator of the cipher, i.e., in the function of the round F, a dynamical lookup table 2D standard map system is used to enhance the complexity and diffusion of the unreadable text. Also, a 3D Logistic map used for key sequence generator and chaos based dynamical Initial Permutation (dynamical IP) are used to increase the diffusion and confusion. Three different image sizes and three different text length were implemented in CPFCS.  The results of the proposed system and security tests improve the applicability of PFCS in the data protection and security.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modified Weighted Pareto Distribution Type I (MWPDTI)
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In this paper, the Azzallini’s method used to find a weighted distribution derived from the standard Pareto distribution of type I (SPDTI) by inserting the shape parameter (θ) resulting from the above method to cover the period (0, 1] which was neglected by the standard distribution. Thus, the proposed distribution is a modification to the Pareto distribution of the first type, where the probability of the random variable lies within the period  The properties of the modified weighted Pareto distribution of the type I (MWPDTI) as the probability density function ,cumulative distribution function, Reliability function , Moment and  the hazard function are found. The behaviour of probability density function for MWPDTI distrib

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Heavy Metals Pollution Assessment of the Water in Al-Quds Power Plant in Baghdad
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Sixteen water samples were collected from the operation units of the Al-Quds
power plant, north Baghdad city and the surrounding trocars, surface and
groundwater, and analyzed to assess the resulting pollution. The samples were
analyzed for heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, U and Zn) by
using inductively coupled plasma- mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results were
compared with local and international and standard limits. Heavy metals analysis of
the water samples shows that water of operation units and trocars have mean
concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mo, Pb, Sb, Se, U and Zn were within or lower
than the national and world limits, while Mn and Ni were higher than these limits.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Reliability Estimation for the Exponential-Pareto Hybrid System
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     The reliability of hybrid systems is important in modern technology, specifically in engineering and industrial fields; it is an indicator of the machine's efficiency and ability to operate without interruption for an extended period of time. It also allows for the evaluation of machines and equipment for planning and future development. This study looked at reliability of hybrid (parallel series) systems with asymmetric components using exponential and Pareto distributions. Several simulation experiments were performed to estimate the reliability function of these systems using the Maximum Likelihood method  and the Standard Bayes method  with a quadratic loss (QL) function and two priors: non-informative (Jeffery) and inform

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Some Methods for Estimating Nonparametric Binary Logistic Regression
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In this research, the methods of Kernel estimator (nonparametric density estimator) were relied upon in estimating the two-response logistic regression, where the comparison was used between the method of Nadaraya-Watson and the method of Local Scoring algorithm, and optimal Smoothing parameter λ was estimated by the methods of Cross-validation and generalized Cross-validation, bandwidth optimal λ has a clear effect in the estimation process. It also has a key role in smoothing the curve as it approaches the real curve, and the goal of using the Kernel estimator is to modify the observations so that we can obtain estimators with characteristics close to the properties of real parameters, and based on medical data for patients with chro

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Improving the Effectiveness of Internal Control System In Accordance with COSO Model
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        The research aims to improve the effectiveness of internal control system according to a model COSO, by identifying the availability of system components according to the model and then improve the effectiveness of each component by focusing on areas for improvement in each component, as it was addressed to a model COSO and then Maamth with the environment, the current Iraqi by introducing some improvements on the form of some mechanisms of corporate governance of the Council of Directors, and senior management, the Audit Committee, Committee appointments, especially that supplies application available in the laws and legislation, the current Iraqi, taking into consideration to make some

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-nahrain Journal Of Science
Chemical Elements Diffusion in the Solar Interior
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