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Improvement of thermostable productivity ?-amylase from local isolate Bacillus licheniformis H14.
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(28)Bacterial local isolates of Bacillus sp. were obtained from soil samples. Isolates were tested for thermostable alpha- amylase production on solid media; fifteen isolates were able to develop clear zone around the bacterial growth after floating the plates with iodine reagent (Lugol's solution). There were further tested in submerged culture which led to selection of Bacillus sp. H14since it was the most efficient .Microbial and biochemical tests showed that the local isolate Bacillus sp.H14was refered to the species B.licheniformis that signed as H14 was refered to the species B.licheniformis H14 .,To get ahigher yield of alpha – amylase(48.70unit/mg protein) production from the local isolate B.licheniformis H14 . This study used different mutation ways such as physical way by using the physical mutagen (ultraviolet light) and chemical way by using the chemical mutagen (nitrosoguanidine). Physical mutation results showed that the local isolate B.licheniformis HM14 get higher yield of alpha – amylase production(102.10 unit/mg protein) according to killing percentage (90%) while the chemical mutation results showed that the local isolate B.licheniformis HM4 get higher yield of alpha –amylase production(100.94 unit/mg protein) from the two mutant local isolates (HM14 and HM4)were the best carbon source starch (1.5%), peptone (1.5%) as nitrogen source, calcium chloride (0.02%), sodium chloride (0.05%), magnicium phosphate (0.05%), sodium di –hydrogen phosphate (0.16%), at initial pH (5) and inoculum size 1*108 cfu/ml at (50?C) For (72) hours, using shaking incubator at (150) rpm.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 02 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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This study was aimed to produce bacteriocin from Bacillus. licheniformis isolated from local soil of corn and sunflower fields and using as antimicrobial agent . Fourteen of local isolates of Bacillus sp. were obtained and ability of these isolates for growth on Brain heart infusion agar (BHI) at 550C were tested. Isolate C4 was revealed high growth density in comparison with other isolates. Isolate C4 was identified as Bacillus licheniformis according to morphological, cultural and biochemical tests, Moreover genetic analysis for 16S rRNA gene and given accession number MT192715.1 in GenBank of NCBI . Production of bacteriocin from this isolate was carried out in Luria Broth (LB) and partially purified by precipitation with 30-70 % saturat

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch.
Studying of different factors affected in production of amylase enzyme from a local isolate of B. Subtillis A4 bacteria
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The present study aims to detection optimal conditions of production of amylase enzyme from isolate of B. subtillis A4. Nine carbonic sources were represented by starch, maltose, fructose, sucrose, glucose, arabinose, xylose, sorbitol and mannitol) at concentration of 1% for each source. It was found that the best was represented by starch carbonic, which showed higher activity and qualitative activity of 7.647 Unit/ ml and 461.56 Unit/ mg. Ten nitrogen sources were selected, including yeast extract, peptone, trypton, gelatin, urea and meat extract as organic sources Ammonium sulphate, Sodium nitrate, Potassium nitrate and Ammonium chloride as inorganic sources. These sources were added at aconcentration of 0.5% to the production medium. Th

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Fri May 01 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Biotechnology
Production, Extraction and Purification of Bacillus licheniformis FH4-IRQ Alkaline Phosphatase
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study Productivity of Glutamic Acid by Bacillus subtilis EN3 Isolated from the Soil
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The genus Bacillus bacterium isolated from soil and tests their ability to produce glutamic acid, the bacteria are diagnosed by traditional methods and VITEK-2 system. And we studied the optimal conditions for production and try to improve the productivity of the isolation by manipulating the components of the production medium and of the circumstances environmental of production medium. There is 43 isolates of the 70 bacterial isolates belonging to the genus Bacillus depending on phenotypic characteristics of the colonies and microscopic characteristics and found that 13 isolated revert to species B.subtilis depending on physiological and biochemical characteristics. As well as on microscopic and biochemical tests, 13 isolates were subj

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Purification and Characterization of Endoglucanase from local isolate of Aspergillus flavus
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Endoglucanase produced from Aspergillus flavus was purified by several steps including precipitation with 25 % ammonium sulphate followed by Ion –exchange chromatography, the obtained specific activity was 377.35 U/ mg protein, with a yield of 51.32 % .This step was followed by gel filtration chromatography (Sepharose -6B), when a value of specific activity was 400 U/ mg protein, with a yield of 48 %. Certain properties of this purified enzyme were investigated, the optimum pH of activity was 7 and the pH of its stability was 4.5, while the temperature stability was 40 °C for 60 min. The enzyme retained 100% of its original activity after incubation at 40 °C for 60 min; the optimum temperature for enzyme activity was 40 °C.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 07 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharma Sciences
Separation and Purification of Hemolysin from Local Isolate of Serratia marcescens
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Twenty isolates of Serratia marcescens were isolated from inflammation of the urinary tract (UTI)., These isolates were found to produce hemolysin as indicated by blood agar plates in which the hemolysis of red blood cell indicate a positive result. Isolates were selected according to their hemolysis activity by measuring absorbance of hemoglobin at 405 nm that released from red blood cell. Hemolysin was completely purified using 50-75% saturation of ammonium sulphate followed by ion exchange chromatography with DEAE-cellulose then gel filtration chromatography by sepharose 4B. Accordingly molecular weight for the purified toxin was estimated as 45 KD.

Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Production, Purification and Characterization of Cellulose from Local Isolate of Pantoea spp
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Purification and Characterization β - lactamase produce from local isolate Klebsiella pneumonia
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Beta-lactamase was purified from local isolate Klebsiella pneumonia by several steps included precipitation with ammonium sulphate at 20-40% saturation, DEAE- ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 column. The obtained purification fold and recovery were 32.66; 47.04% respectively. The characterization of the purified beta-lactamase showed that the molecular weight was about 4000 daltons as determined by gel filtration.Purified enzyme had an optimal pH of 7 for activity and an optimal stability between pH 6.5-7.5, results shows that the optimal temperature appear to be 35 ? C .During storage the enzyme retained 72% at -20 ? C and retained 25% of the activity at the same period at 4 ? C.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The current study aimed to investigate the viability of biofilm formation klebsilla pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus. 440 urine samples were collected from patients suffering from urinary tract infection (UTI) from those who were admitted and visitors to Al-Ramadi Teaching Hospital, Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, Al-Ramadi Teaching Hospital for women and children and , Teaching Laboratories in the Medical City for both genders for a period extended from 5 July, 2017 to 10 October, 2017. Samples were diagnosed by culturing them on a selective media and by biochemical testes , also, diagnosis was ensured by using VITEK-2 compact system. Results showed that K.pneumoniae isolation ratio was 17.1%(68) and S.aureus ratio was 13.1%(52). Thei

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Extraction and purification of L-Asparaginase II from local isolate of Proteus vulgaris
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Forty one isolates of genus Proteus were collected from 140 clinical specimens such as urine, stool, wound, burn, and ear swabs from patients of both sex. These isolates were identified to three Proteus spp. P. mirabilis, P. vulgaris and P. penneri .The ability of these bacteria to produce L-asparaginase II by using semi quantitative and quantitative methods was determined. P. vulgaris Pv.U.92 was distinguished for high level of L-asparaginase II production with specific activity 1.97 U/mg. Optimum conditions for enzyme production were determined; D medium with 0.3% of L-asparagine at pH 7.5 with temperature degree 35°C for incubation. Ultrasonication was used to destroy the P. vulgaris Pv.U.92 cells then ASNase II was extracted and pu

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