This study wass carried out to investigate the incedence of powdery mildew disease on ornamental plants (Nasturtium) Tropaeolum majus L. caused by Oidiopsis haplophylli in some nurseries of Baghdad area and in fields at college of Agriculture /University of Baghdad. This study was conducted in tow succesive seasons of 2011-2012 (April and May). The survey indicated that the Mildew disease existe in the following nurseries (Al-Adhamiya 97.5% ,Palestine street 93.8%, Zayouna 86.0%, and 100% in two fields at college of Agriculture. It has been found that the disease severity was developed in Agriculture college fields successively from 12-4-2011 to 20-5-2011 and from 12-4-2012 to 20-5-2012 (18.0–98.0 % and 22.7–96.0% )for the two seasons respectively. The records were followed for six times at interval of 7 days.
The study aimed to evaluate injuries and economic losses which caused by rose beetle Maladerainsanabilis (Brenske) on ornamental and fruit plants as introduced insect in Iraq during 2015 and determine infested host plants in addition to evaluate efficacy of pathogenic fungi Metarhiziumanisopiliae (1x10⁹ spore/ ml) and Beauvariabassiana (1x10⁸spore/ ml) in mortality of insect larvae in laboratory and field.The results showed that the insect was polyphagous infested many host plants (20 host plant)Which caused degradation and dead the plants through adult feeding on leaves and flower but large injury caused by larvae feeding on root plants which caused obligate dead to infested plant, the percentage mortality of rose plants 68.6%, pear
... Show MoreThe study was conducted to estimate the economic losses caused by insect mole cricket Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa on some agricultural crops and Potato tubers in collage of Agriculture- Abu Ghraib season 2012-2013. Study showed Mole cricket caused percentage of infestation in spring potato tubers variety Luciana reached to 11.61% and the percentage of loss in weight of tubers reached 18.88%. The study showed that addition of animal manure (organic fertilizer) to the soil when planting potatoes in the autumn increased the incidence of infestation and the number of tunnels caused by mole cricket which led to from increased economic losses. When matured potato tubers were left for a longer period in the soil percentage of infestation by mole cr
... Show MoreThe current study included a detail morphological study of all parts of the two species of the genus Tropaeolum L. (Tropaeolumceae) cultivated in different gardens, the roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruit were studied in detail, also the pollen grains were studied, and there are photographs for all that parts were putted. A specimens of that taxa were studied in some Iraqi herbaria. The study found that there are many characters were used in differentiation of two species under study.
The study aims to select suitable ornamental plant species that can survive relatively with high concentrations of acetaminophen and methylparaben in constructed wetlands. Alternanthera spp, Asparagus aethiopicus and Chlorophytum comosum are examined to withstand three initial concentrations, 20, 100 and 200 mg/L of acetaminophen and methylparaben. A total of 21 plastic pails with each 3 L capacity consisting of nine pails are used for each pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) compounds (acetaminophen and methylparaben) for three ornamental plants (Alternanthera spp, Asparagus aethiopicus and Chlorophytum comosum), with three pails as plant controls. The results reveales
... Show MoreAn experiment was conducted at the laboratories of College of Agriculture – Kerbala University during 2016. The aim of this study was to the effect of water extracts of medicinal plants germination percentage and development of plumule and radicle growth .The completely randomized design with three replicates was usedin each experiment consisted of water extracts (T1= Distilled water),(T2= Eruca sativa Eruca sativa L),(T3= Fenugreek ïºï»Ÿïº¤ï» ﺒﺔTrigonella foenum - graecum L),(T4= Sweet FennelFoeniculum vulgare.Mill),(T5=Borage Anchusa strigosa Lab),(T6=Dill Anethum graveolens L) ,(T7=Black cuminNigella Sativa L),(T8=Cumin Cuminumcyminum L),(T9= CorianderCoriandrum sativum L. ). Results of Lab.
... Show MoreThe result revealed that the peak of population density of cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae was 523.20 individuals/plant on 21 March in edges of rapeseed field and was 1141.67 individuals/plant in center of the field. Results revealed that population density of cabbage aphid in rapeseed fields surrounded by cover crops significantly were low compared with that of monoculture rapeseed. The location of rapeseed plants (in edges or in center) significantly affected (p<0.05) the tested pest density, e.g. optimum density was 146.69 individuals/plant in the center of the field. Whereas was 93.32 in the edges. Effect of the interaction between location and surrounding vegetation was significant on aphid density, which their population densit
... Show MoreTotal flavonoid contents, reductive ability and radical scavenging activity were studied in the methanol extracts of Arum maculatum L. and Physalis peruviana L. The results revealed that A. maculatum extract had total flavonoids of 535.3±109.9 µg/ml, which was significantly higher than the recorded flavonoids in P. peruviana extract (352.0±12.7 µg/ml). Assessment of reductive ability revealed that both extract were effective in such activity and concentration-dependent. The highest absorbance was found at the concentration 0.64 mg/ml of A. maculatum methanol extract (0.929±0.006), which was significantly higher (P ≤ 0.05) than the corresponding concentration of P. peruviana extract (0.850
... Show MoreThe study includes collection of data about cholera disease from six health centers from nine locations with 2500km2 and a population of 750000individual. The average of infection for six centers during the 2000-2003 was recorded. There were 3007 cases of diarrhea diagnosed as cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae. The percentage of male infection was 14. 7% while for female were 13. 2%. The percentage of infection for children (less than one year) was 6.1%, it while for the age (1-5 years) was 6.9%and for the ages more than 5 years was 14.5%.The total percentage of the patients stayed in hospital was 7.7%(4.2%for male and 3.4%for female). The bacteria was isolated and identified from 7cases in the Central Laboratory for Health in Baghdad. In
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