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Determination of Testosterone level as predictor for insulin resistance in young men with family history of type2 diabetes and hypertension.
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Background: Insulin resistance is associated with metabolic syndrome , type 2 diabetes and representing a risk factor for cardiovascular disease . This relationship may be modulated to some extent by age related changes in sex hormone status.. In particular, reduced total testosterone (TT) levels have been associated with insulin resistance and subsequent risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Aim of study: we examined whether low total testosterone level were associated with insulin resistance in young adult men. Methods: a total of 83 men (young adult men) divided into 2 group : (group1 ) 49 men with a risk factor for insulin resistance(with a family history of type2 diabetes and hypertension) and (group2) 34 men without any risk factor aged (20-40) years. Age, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference were measured. Early morning, they were assayed for total testosterone, and insulin levels. Insulin resistance was assessed using a homeostatic model (HOMA-IR). Results: Total testosterone, declined progressively across increasing quintiles of HOMA-IR as a mean of(4.49±1.87) ng/ml in group1 compared mean (7.82±2.21) ng/ml in group 2 and correlated inversely with HOMA-IR( r = -0.424 , p = 002) also with insulin (r= -0.541) (p< 0.0001) in group1 . Total testosterone correlated inversely with BMI (r=-0.471 , p=0.001) in group1. There is a significant positive correlation between HOMA- IR of group1 and BMI (r= 0.472) (p<0.001), insulin levels (r=0.698) (p<0.0001) . Conclusions: In young adult men, lower total testosterone is associated with insulin resistance.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 04 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Adolf Hitler, existence and his political victim until junuary, 1933 Dr.Suaad Rood Sheer Mohammed (PhD) Dr. Qassim Abdul Amir Waseem
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This study aims to track and analysis Hitler's personality by explaining the impact of the social environment in shaping his behavior and addressing the defeat of Germany in the World War 1 and its impact on building his political personality and included his political activism and his policy to get rid of the terms of the Versailles Military Treaty in the light of his plans in his book ( Kifahi) The nature of the study had to be divided into an introduction and two topics followed by the conclusion of the most important results, in addition to a list of references and a summary in English and from God the Good luck.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 14 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Study The Effect of α-amylase Inhibitors Isolated from Plant Sources on Some Mold.: Study The Effect of α-amylase Inhibitors Isolated from Plant Sources on Some Mold.
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Activity test of the inhibitors purified from barley and broad beans crop proved the inhibition activity against 6 types of rots Pencillium ssp and Aspergellusflavus and Aspergillus niger and Fusarium solani and Fusarium semitectum and Mucor with three concentrations 0.1 and 0.2 and 0.3 mg/ml, where the inhibitor purified from the second peak of broad beans proved that it had a higher inhibition activity against the growth of test rots which were 53.75 and 62.5 and 78.5 and 76.25 and 84 and 18.8% respectively, at 0.3 mg/ ml followed by the first peak of the inhibitor purified from broad beans the inhibition activity were 43.75 and 50 and 62.96 and 75 and 80 and 12.5 then the inhibitor purified from barley in which the inhibition activity

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Enhanced conversion of Glycerol to Glycerol carbonate on modified Bio-Char from reed plant: Enhanced conversion of Glycerol to Glycerol carbonate on modified Bio-Char from reed plant
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The surplus glycerol produced from biodiesel production process as a by-product with high quantity can be considered as a good source to prepare glycerol carbonate (GC) whereas with each 1000 kg from biodiesel obtains 100 kg from glycerol. Glycerol converted to glycerol carbonate over bio-char as a catalyst prepared by slow pyrolysis process under various temperatures from 400 ᴼC to 800 ᴼC. The char prepared at 700 ᴼC considered as a best one between the others which was manufactured to activate the transesterification reaction. GC have large scale of uses such as liquid membrane in gas separation, surfactants ,detergents , blowing agent , in plastics industry, in  Pharmaceutical industry and electrolytes in lithium batteries.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Linguistic Errors in second language learning through Error Analysis theory: هه‌ڵه‌ زمانییه‌كان له‌ فێربوونی زمانی دووه‌مدا (له‌ ڕوانگه‌ی تیۆری شیكاری هه‌ڵه‌ییه‌وه‌)
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Second language learner may commit many mistakes in the process of second language learning. Throughout the Error Analysis Theory, the present study discusses the problems faced by second language learners whose Kurdish is their native language. At the very stages of language learning, second language learners will recognize the errors committed, yet they would not identify the type, the stage and error type shift in the process of language learning. Depending on their educational background of English as basic module, English department students at the university stage would make phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic and lexical as well as speech errors. The main cause behind such errors goes back to the cultural differences

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    The widespread house sparrow Passer domesticus biblicus has a close association with humans and  inhabits almost all ecosystems near human settlements in Iraq. It is exposed to different kinds of parasites in its habitats. Examining of house sparrow for the cestode parasites revealed that 25 specimens of 56 were infected with Raillietina echinobothrida. Intensity among infected male and female hosts with this cestode and its description  is provided and discussed. The present finding constitutes the first record for this parasite in house sparrow in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
AYĀT AL-HUJJAH FĪ SŪRAT AL-ANĀM RIWĀIAH WA DERĀIAH ( a model in three verses from Surat Al-An’am 108-110)
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The current research discusses the jurisprudence of the argumentative meaning in the Qur’an, and it is one of the general methods of responses in the Qur’an, as well as the argumentative approach to the recitations of the readers and directing their meanings. I have chosen a model for three verses from Surat Al-An’am, in which there are seven frequent recitations and seven odd ones, on a topic related to theology and faith; It forms the centerpiece of the argument verses in Surat Al-An'am; It contains the jurisprudence of dealing with infidels and dissenters, turning away and forbidding insulting what they claim besides God in the event of corruption, and God Almighty’s decree and wisdom in the occurrence of unbeli

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 21 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Entomology And Zoology Studies
Comparison study between a crude bacterial suspension and purified pseudomonal alkaline protease enzyme effect on the rabbit interleukin-2 bacterial keratitis
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Memorizing the Holy Quran and its Impact on Child's Language: سالم بن غرم الله بن محمد الزهراني/ جامعة ام القرى - السعودية
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في هذا العصر - الذي داهمت في الأخطار لغة الفصاحة والبيان - يبقى القرآن الكريم أعظم حافظ للغة السليمة ، وأكبر معين لأهلها للحفاظ على ثرائها وبلاغتها ، فهي باقية ببقائه ما بقي الليل والنهار .

وهذا البحث يدور حول حفظ القرآن الكريم وأثره على لغة الطفل، ويتكون من مقدمة : وفيها بيان أهمية الموضوع ، وخطة البحث ، ومنهجه، وثلاثة مباحث:

المبحث الأول : فضل حفظ القرآن الكريم ، وفوائد حفظه إجمالاً ، والمبحث الثاني :

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Ibn Tulun's personal and scientific biography Shams Id-Din Mohammad Ibn Ali AL-Dimashqi Al-Salihi (953 A .H / 1546 A.D)
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The research aims for the study about Ibn Tulun's personal and scientific biography to the
scholar, scientist and historian Ibn Tulun Shams Id- Din Mohammad Ibn Ali al-Dimashqi al-
Salihi (953 A.H. / 1546 A.D.) Ibn Tulun was a prominent Muslim historian in Blad al-
At the first deals with Ibn Tulun's personal biography, author's name, Lineage, and
nickname, his nativity; his upbringing, and edification, his moral character, Finally, his death.
As to Ibn Tulun's scientific biography, at the first deals with his initiation into education
and learning , sheds light on his tutors and his authorities , scientific stations and travels , his
scholarly status , and Ibn Tulun's alumni or his students .

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 21 2019
Journal Name
J. Eng. Appl. Sci
Developing an Arabic handwritten recognition system by means of artificial neural network
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The matter of handwritten text recognition is as yet a major challenge to mainstream researchers. A few ways deal with this challenge have been endeavored in the most recent years, for the most part concentrating on the English pre-printed or handwritten characters space. Consequently, the need to effort a research concerning to Arabic texts handwritten recognition. The Arabic handwriting presents unique technical difficulties because it is cursive, right to left in writing and the letters convert its shapes and structures when it is putted at initial, middle, isolation or at the end of words. In this study, the Arabic text recognition is developed and designed to recognize image of Arabic text/characters. The proposed model gets a single l

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