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Effect of Ochratoxin-A on Mouse Embryos
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This study sought to determine malformation caused by Ochratoxin-A (OTA) on mouse embryos. Twenty adult female white Swiss mice (mus msculus) were divided into four groups, with five females per group, and with one male placed with two females in a cage. Avaginal plug was observed in the early morning and the day of mating was considered as day of pregnancy followed by the first day of pregnancy. Three sub lethal concentrations of OTA were applied to the respective groups (other than the control), 1mg/kg, 2mg/kg and 4mg/kg. The animals were given 0.1 ml per 10 gm body weight per concentration of OTA once a day during days 7-14 of pregnancy. The control group animals were given distilled water. The pregnant mice were dissected, and the embryos were extracted in order to identify the effects of the OTA. Number of parameters were studied including, difference in body weight of the mice before mating and after the end of the experiment, the weights and lengths of embryo, as well as a study of embryo malformation. The study shows no significant differences in the mean body weight of the pregnant mice in the 1 mg/kg group, compared to control group. A significant (P<0.01) decrease in the body weight of the treated mice was observed in the 2mg/kg and the 4mg/kg groups. As for the weight of the embryos, there was a significant (P<0.01) decrease in the body weight of the embryos in the mothers treated with OTA in the 1 mg/kg and 2 mg/kg treatment groups. The embryos of the 4mg/kg group of pregnant mice could not be recorded since they had been resorbed into their mothers uteri. Similarly, the results of the study showed a significant difference in the mean length of the embryos bodies in the 1mg/kg and 2mg/kg groups, compared with the non-treated control group. Many malformations induced in the embryos in those groups where it was possible to examine the embryos 1mg/kg and 2mg/kg compared to control mouse embryos, included loss of tail, lack of eyes, cleft lip and exencephaly, as well as spina bifida, curvature of the trunk and there were also reduction defects of the limbs. The study concluded that OTA have teratogenic effects on mice embryos

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Curcuma longa alcoholic extract on Mice Embryos Development
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      This study focused on determining the effect of the alcoholic extract of curcuma longa on mouse embryo, twenty adult white Swiss mice used in this study. Experimental animals were divided into four groups with six mice for each group. For mating occur, 3 females and male were placed in cage. It was confirmed that the mating took place when examining the next morning and watching the vaginal plug, and considered that the day after mating is the first day of the pregnancy. We prepared three subs lethal concentrations of curcuma longa were applied to Experimental groups except control group, 10 mg/kg, 50 mg kg/ and 100 mg/kg. From 7-14 of pregnancy we were given the pregnant mice 0.1 ml per 10 gm body weight.

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Publication Date
Sun May 05 2013
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
The Effect Of Aqueous Extract Of Anastatica Hierochuntica On Some Hormones In Mouse Females
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Anastatica hierochuntica is believed to be very useful in Arab countries for treating various health disorders. The aqueous extract of Anastatica hierochuntica was investigated for its effects on hormones in mice females. the aqueous extract of plant at a dose level of 100mg/1mL showed significant increase (p<0.05) on levels of hormones LH, FSH, PRL level and PRO level. Clomid treated group showd significant increase in LH, FSH, and PRL while there was non-significant increase in PRO. From the above results, it is concluded for the first time that aqueous Anastatica hierchuntica extract offers significant effect of LH, FSH, PRL, and PRO in this mice females scompared with control.

Publication Date
Wed Apr 26 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect Of Aqueous Extract Of Anastatica Hierochuntica On Some Hormones In Mouse Females
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    Anastatica hierochuntica is believed to be very useful in Arab countries for treating various health disorders. The aqueous extract of Anastatica hierochuntica was investigated for its effects on hormones in mice females. the aqueous extract of plant at a dose level of 100mg/1mL showed significant increase (p<0.05) on levels of hormones LH, FSH, PRL level and PRO level. Clomid treated group showd significant increase in LH, FSH, and PRL while there was non-significant increase in PRO. From the above results, it is concluded for the first time that aqueous Anastatica hierchuntica extract offers significant effect of LH, FSH, PRL, and PRO in this mice females scompared with control.  

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
A Study of the inhibitory effect of Terpinen-4-ol on Amastigote Forms of Leishmania tropica within Macrophages of Mouse in vitro
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It was recorded that Terpinen-4-ol has an anti-parasitic properties, so it will be noteworthy to intensify the studies about this compound.

This study aims to test the effectiveness of terpinen-4-ol on amastigote forms of Leishmania parasite in macrophages.

This effect was studied by adding increasing concentrations  of  Terpinen-4-ol to  culture wells containing mouse macrophages that were previously incubated with the promastigote forms of the parasites for 24 hours .Then, they were incubated for another 24 hours with increasing concentrations of Terpinen-4-ol.  After, Parasites were enumerated into macrophages in wells either treated with Terpinen-4-ol or in control wells.

Treatment with Ter

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 17 2022
Journal Name
Teikyo Medical Journal
Study the Effect of different doses of Rapamycin on the liver development in the Swiss Albino Mice Embryos
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The current study, which extended from February 2020 to June 2021 at the University of Thi- Qar\ College of Education for Pure Sciences, aimed to follow the changes in external morphological features at different Embryonic Developmental stages in pregnant mice treated with different doses of Rapamycin (Rapa). Use In this study, 32 pregnant mice were divided randomly into four groups, each of which had eight pregnant mice. Each group received different dose of Rapa via intraperitoneally injection at different gestation days until the end of the specified periods, whereas the control group received a DMSO. Mice were administered under the same circumstances and dosages were determined based on body weight, as specified in pharmaceutical const

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
• The Effect Of Brodifacoum On The Reproduction Of Male Wild House Mouse Mus musculus ( Muridae : Rodentia)
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The study  dealt  with the effect  o r the anticoagu l ant  rodentici de Brcidi facom on the reproduction of  male mus musculus trapped from d i ftcrent loculitieo of Uagltdad prov ince and ted with different doses (50

,75 ,100  mg) of  pellets of  this  rodenticide. The  results showed n significant  decrease  (p<  0.0 I )   in   testicular  weight  and   volume, epididymal ( head and tail) weight and numbers of different spermatogenic cells. The rodenticide caused a significant decrease in sperms concentration and a significant increase in dead and abnormal sperms in testes and epididymis.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 15 2012
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Molecularly imprinted polymer as sorbent in micro-solid phase extraction of ochratoxin A in coffee, grape juice and urine
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A simple, environmental friendly and selective sample preparation technique employing porous membrane protected micro-solid phase extraction (μ-SPE) loaded with molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) for the determination of ochratoxin A (OTA) is described. After the extraction, the analyte was desorbed using ultrasonication and was analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography. Under the optimized conditions, the detection limits of OTA for coffee, grape juice and urine were 0.06 ng g−1, 0.02 and 0.02 ng mL−1, respectively while the quantification limits were 0.19 ng g−1, 0.06 and 0.08 ng mL−1, respectively. The recoveries of OTA from coffee spiked at 1, 25 and 50 ng g−1, grape juice and urine samples at 1, 25 and 50 ng mL

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of maternal exposure of silver nanoparticles on the histogenesis of cerebellum in post-implantation of albino rats embryos
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of maternal exposure of silver nanoparticles on the histogenesis of cerebellum in post-implantation of albino rats embryos
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The central nervous system is the most important system and is very sensitive to any accidental infection during ontogenesis; it includes brain and spinal cord. The cerebellum is the second largest part of the brain after cerebrum and it’s very sensitive to the abnormal changes during the embryological development. This study was designed to investigate the effect of the maternal exposure of selected concentrations of suspension of nanoparticles on the ontogenesis of the rat cerebellum after embryos implanted in uterus. A total of 60 female pregnant rats were divided in to three groups, each contains 20 females. Group1 (G1) was treated orally with 2mg/kg /body weight (b. wt) of suspension of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs). While group 2 (G

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Open Veterinary Journal
Plasma-activated water application for detoxification of aflatoxin B1, ochratoxin A, and fumonisin B1 in poultry feeds
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Background: Plasma-activated water (PAW) is considered one of the emerging strategies that has been highlighted recently in the food industry for microbial decontamination and mycotoxin detoxification, due to its unique provisional characteristics. Aim: The effectiveness of PAW for aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), ochratoxin A (OTA), and fumonisin B1 (FB1) detoxification in naturally contaminated poultry feeds with its impacts on the feed quality were inspected. Methods: PAW-30 and PAW-60 were utilized for feed treatment for six time durations (5, 10, 15, 20, 40 and 60 min) each. The alterations in the physicochemical properties of PAW after different time durations of plasma inducement and treatment with and without feed samples were monit

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