The present work included qualitative study of epiphytic algae on dead and living stems, leaves of the aquatic plant Phragmitesaustralis Trin ex Stand, in Tigris River in AL- Jadria Site in Baghdad during Autumn 2014, Winter 2015, Spring 2015, and Summer 2015. The physical and chemical parameters of River’s water were studied (water temperature, pH, electric conductivity, Salinity, TSS, TDS, turbidity, light intensity, dissolve oxygen, BOD5, alkalinity, total hardness, calcium, magnesium and plant nutrient). A total of 142 isolates of epiphytic algae were identified. Diatoms were dominant by 117 isolates followed by Cyanobacteria (13isolates), Chlorophyta (11 isolates) and Rhodophyta (1 isolate), Variations in the isolates number were recorded on different parts of macrophyte host as well as, indifferent seasons. Eight new algal isolates (Achnanthesexigue var. heterovalvata Krasske, Navicula exilissima Grunow, Navicula falaisiensis var lanceola Grunow, Navicula microcephalo Grunow, Pleurosigma obscurum W. Smith, Stauroneis amphioxys var. amphioxys Gregory, Stenopterobia intermedia Lewis and Audouinella hermannii Roth).were identified as new records.
There is a scarcity of data regarding algal flora of Tigris River in the territory of Baghdad. The present study deals with Tigris River in Al-Dora site in Baghdad province from November 2014 to June 2015 in order to shed light on its epiphytic Algae on (Phragmites australis) and epipelic algae. An amount of 183 and 154 species of epiphytic and epipelic algae are identified respectfully. The Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) are the dominant algal group followed by Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae. Moreover, 90 species are shared between two groups of algae (epiphytic and epipelic) and identified at the study site. Additionally, the seasonal variations and diversity of algal species are noticed. The highest number of epiphytic algae is 772.05 x 104
... Show MoreThe present study was conducted in the Tigris River within Baghdad (University of Baghdad campus). The study included some physicochemical parameters and qualitative of epiphytic algae on the host plant (Ceratophyllum demersum) during summer season 2013. The results revealed that the study area was alkaline, hard and oxygenated water. A total of 105 taxa of epiphytic algae was identified. Bacillariophyceae diatoms composed 44.7% of the total and were represented by 42.4% of the order Pennales and 1.9 %of the order Centrales. Chlorophyceae composed 32.3%, followed by Cyanophyceae composed 22.8 % of the total. The total number of epiphytic algae was fluctuated among the study period. Most of the identified algae were benthos type and a few
... Show MoreThe present research was performed to study the qualitative and quantitative composition of epiphytic algae on the aquatic host plant Ceratophyllum demersum L. Four sites in Tigris River, at Wassit Governorate were covered, during the seasons of Autumn 2017, winter 2018, Spring 2018, and Summer 2018. The study also included measuring the physiochemical parameters (temperature of air and water, pH , water level, EC, salinity, TDS, TSS, dissolved oxygen, BOD5, alkalinity, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, total nitrogen, total phosphourus). The total number of species of epiphytic algae was145 species, 98 species belonging to Bacillariophyceae, followed by 27species of class Cyanophyceae, 19 species of class Chloroph
... Show MoreThe study conducted on the compositions of epiphytic diatoms on three taxa of aquatic plants were selected (Phragmites australis Trin ex stand , Ceratophyllum demersum L. and Typha domengensis Pers) in three sites within Al-Auda Marsh, from autumn 2013 to summer 2014 . The study was measured physical and chemical factors of all the study sites, such as: air temperature, power of hydrogen (pH), electrical conductivity (EC), salinity (S‰), total hardness(TH), dissolved oxygen (DO), and plant nutrient. The results showed that water of marsh was oxygenated and it was very hard. A total of 111 taxa of phytoplankton were identified, which belonged to 13 families and 26 genus (one family and two genus of centric diatoms, 12 families and 26 ge
... Show MoreThe present work included a study of benthic algae on two substrates: rocks and clay on a section of the Tigris River at the Al-Atifiyah site in the fall of 2018. The result of this study was recorded 89 species belong to 50 genus of benthic algae on both substrates and composed of Bacillariophyceae (59.6%, 61.2%), Chlorophyceae (25.8%, 20.4%) and Cyanophyceae (14.5%, 18.3%) respectively on epilithic and epipelic algae. The present study was recorded the highest total algae cell density (1173.2 cells *103/cm2) on epilithic algae while the lowest total algae cell density was recorded on epipelic algae (76.95 cells *103/gm). For measure div
The present study conducted to study epipelic algae in the Tigris River within Baghdad city for one year from September 2011 to August 2012 due to the importance role of benthic algae in lotic ecosystems. Five sites have been chosen along the river. A total of 154 species of epipelic algae was recorded belongs to 45 genera, where Bacillariophyceae (Diatoms) was the dominant groups followed by Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae. The numbers of common types in three sites were 47 species. Bacillariophyceae accounted 88.31% of the total number of epipelic algae, followed by Cyanophyceae 7.14 % and Chlorophyceae 4.55%. A 85 species (29 genera) recorded in site 1, 103 species (34 genera) in site2, 112 species (35 genera) in site3, 96 species
... Show MoreQuantitative and qualitative composition of benthic invertebrate communities was studied during the period from January to December2012 at four stations that were selected on the Tigris River at Baghdad Province. One of the stations S2 located near Al-Rasheed Power Plant (RPP) to represent the ecological features of the plant site, whereas other stations, S1 were located at the upstream of the RPP as a control station to investigate the ecological characters of the Tigris River. Moreover, the two other stations S3 and S4 were located down to the impact of RPP to reflect the possible effects of the plant on the ecology of the river by comparison with the control stations. The present study recorded 44 taxa belong to 4 o
... Show MoreA seasonal study of periphytic algae attached to the surface of river boats was conducted in Tigris river in Al Aadhamiya site for the period from October 2016 to May 2017. A total of 107 taxa of periphytic algae were identified belonging to the four classes of algae. The periphytic algae community dominated by Bacillariophyceae was (60.7%) followed by Chlorophyceae (20.5%) and Cyanophyceae (17.7%) Chrysophyceae was constituted (0.9%) of the total number. During the whole period of study filamentous taxa such as Oscillatoria amphibian, Phormidium spp., Spirulinagigantean, Cladophoreglomerata and Melosira roeseana remained the dominant colonizer which may be reflect the ability of this species to grow multiplies under different environmental
... Show More339 individuals , were sorted from 22 samples collected from three sites in Tigris River including , Al- Sarafiya district (S1), Al- Jaderiyah district (S2) and Al-Za'afaraniya district (S3), in addition to one site in the irrigation canal of the Al- Jaderiyah campus of the University of Baghdad (S4) , and in Al- Jeish canal(S5) east Baghdad. The sorting results revealed that the highest number of individuals of 102 was recorded at S4, whereas the lowest number of 24 individuals was recorded at S2. Regarding the sites, site S4 was the richest site with 30% of the total number represented 16 species, while each of S3 and S5 had 8 species only with 17.11% and 28.60% of the total individuals number respectively. The values of Jaccared Sim
... Show MoreAquatic Oligochaeta is an important group of Macroinvertebrates that has been very remarkable as bioindicators for assessing water pollution and determining its degree in water bodies. Hence, the idea of the current study aims at studying the impact of Baghdad effluents on the Tigris River by using oligochaetes community as bioindicators . For this purpose, four sites along the inside of Baghdad has been chosen. Site S1 has been located upstream, site S2 and S3 has been at midstream and site S4 at the downstream of the River.This investigation has used different types of biological indicators, including the percentage of oligochaeta within benthic invertebrates, which ranged from 49.2-51.28%. The highest percentage of the tubificid w
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