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Asemi-Empirical Study of the Adsorption of Some Organic Pollutants on Modified Iraqi Clays
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In this work semi–empirical method (PM3) calculations are carried out by (MOPAC) computational packages have been employed to calculate the molecular orbital's energies for some organic pollutants. The long– chain quaternary ammonium cations called Iraqi Clays (Bentonite – modified) are used to remove these organic pollutants from water, by adding a small cationic surfactant so as to result in floes which are agglomerates of organobentonite to remove organic pollutants. This calculation which suggests the best surface active material, can be used to modify the adsorption efficiency of aniline , phenol, phenol deriviatives, Tri methyl glycine, ester and pecticides , on Iraqi Clay (bentonite) by comparing the theoretical results with experimental results achived in previous experimental studies between some organic pollutants and modified bentonite by (1- Hexadecyl pyridinium bromide) (HDPYBr). The theoretical calculation is made by using three surface active materials [1- (Hexadecyl pyridinium bromide) (HDPYBr), (1,12- Dipyridiniododecane dibromide) (DPYDDBr2) and Hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (HDTMA)]. Using (HDTMA) leads to the best adsorption efficiency for most pollutants involved in this study. The enthalpy of formations, dipole and energy of molecular orbitale HOMO and LUMO energies levels are calculated for all pollutants and the three surface active materials.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Adsorption of Congo Red Dye from Aqueous Solution onto Natural and Modified Bauxite Clays
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The adsorption behavior of congo red dye from its aqueous solutions was investigated onto natural and modified bauxite clays. Both bauxite and modified bauxite are primarily characterized by using, FTIR, SEM, AFM, and XRD. Several variables are studied as a function of adsorption including contact time, adsorbent weight, pH, ionic strength, particle size and temperature under batch adsorption technique. The absorbance of the solution before and after adsorption was measured spectrophotometrically. The equilibrium data fit with Langmuir model of adsorption and the linear regression coefficient R2 is found to be 0.9832 and 0.9630 for natural and modified bauxite respectively at 37.5°C which elucidate the best fitting isotherm model. The gene

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Scopus (6)
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of some Organic Pollutants (furfural and toluene) on Biological Aspects of Free- living Ciliate Oxytricha falax
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Samples of Oxytricha falax were collected from Tigris River by 55µ. mesh net. Culturing of O. falax were cultivated in specific conditions (DO 3-5mg/l.; W.Temp. 24±1ºC; pH: 6.8-7.5).The effect of various furfural concentration 0, 20, 40, 80,100 and 124 ppm and toluene concentration 0, 15, 30, 34.2, 34.5 and 35 ppm after two periods of treatment (24 and 48 hr.) on the physiological parameters of O. falax ciliate were observed. This study showed that the lethal concentration of furfural was 124ppm and 80ppm after 24hr. and 48hr. from treatment which killed all the individual community respectively. Furthermore the treatment of O. falax individuals with different concentrations of toluene indicated that 34.5 ppm of it caused disappearance o

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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single and binary competitive sorption of phenol and p-nitrophenol onto clay modified with
quaternary ammonium (Hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium ) was investigated to obtain the
adsorption isotherms constants for each solutes. The modified clay was prepared from
blending of local bentonite with quaternary ammonium . The organoclay was characterized
by cation exchange capacity. and surface area. The results show that paranitrophenol is
being adsorbed faster than phenol . The experimental data for each solute was fitted well with
the Freundlich isotherm model for single solute and with the combination of Freundlich-
Langmuier model for binary system .

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Influence of Eggshell Particle Sizes on the Adsorption of Organic Dye
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This work aimed to use effective, low-cost, available, and natural adsorbents like eggshells for removal of  hazardous organic dye result from widely number of  industries and study the influence of different eggshell particle size (75, 150) Mm.  The adsorbent was characterized by SEM, EDX, BET and FTIR . The initial pH of dye solutions  varying from 4 to 10 , the initial concentrations of methyl violet (MV) 2B range (20-80) mg/L, dosage range (0.5-10) g, contact time (30-180) min, and particles size of the adsorbent (75, 150) Mm were selected to be studied. Two adsorption isotherms models have been used to fit the experimental data. Langmuir and Freunlich models were found to more represent the experiments with high

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 08 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Study the adsorption of diphenhydramine – HCl on Iraqi bauxite
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Drug overdose and poisoning are common clinical problems and could occur with Diphenhydramine hydrochloride (DFH) (one of anti histaminic drug ). It therefore important to study the adsorption of the DFH on pharmaceutical adsorbents which could serve as possible antidotes for the emergency treatment of DFH overdose or poisoning when they occur. The rate and extent of adsorption of DFH on some pharmaceutical adsorbents, bauxite were investigated spectra photometrically also the effect temperature, pH, presence of sucrose as additive have been studied as well, adsorbent's weight and partical size.The equilibrium adsorption contact times were determined for clay surface. Adsorption isotherms have been analyzed by the freundlich model. The appa

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Adsorption Study for Chromium (VI) on Iraqi Bentonite
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The subject of this research involves studying adsorption to remove hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions. Adsorption process on bentonite clay as adsorbent was used in the Cr(VI) concentration range (10-100) ppm at different temperatures (298, 303, 308 and 313)K, for different periods of time. The adsorption isotherms were obtained by obeying Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm with R2 (0.9921-0.9060) and (0.994-0.9998), respectively. The thermodynamic parameters were calculated by using the adsorption process at four different temperatures the values of ?H, ?G and ?S was [(+6.582 ? +6.547) kJ.mol-1, (-284.560 ? -343.070) kJ.mol-1 and (+0.977 ? +1.117) kJ.K-1.mol-1] respectively. This data indicates the spontaneous sorp

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 26 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Adsorption Desulfurization of Iraqi Light Naphtha Using Metals Modified Activated Carbon
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The study aims to evaluate the removal of sulfur content from Iraqi light naphtha produced in Al-Dora refinery by adsorption desulfurization DS technique using modified activated carbon MAC loaded with nickel Ni and copper Cu as single binary metals. The experiments were carried in a batch unit with various operating parameters;  MAC dosage, agitation speed, and a contact time of 300 min at constant initial sulfur concentration 155 ppm and temperature. The results showed higher DS% by AC/Ni-Cu (66.45)% at 500 rpm and 1 g dosage than DS (29.03)% by activated carbon AC, increasing MAC dosage, agitation speed, and contact time led to increasing DS% values.  The adsorption capacity of MAC results was recorded (16,

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 26 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Adsorption Desulfurization of Iraqi Light Naphtha Using Metals Modified Activated Carbon
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The study aims to evaluate the removal of sulfur content from Iraqi light naphtha produced in Al-Dora refinery by adsorption desulfurization DS technique using modified activated carbon MAC loaded with nickel Ni and copper Cu as single binary metals. The experiments were carried in a batch unit with various operating parameters;  MAC dosage, agitation speed, and a contact time of 300 min at constant initial sulfur concentration 155 ppm and temperature. The results showed higher DS% by AC/Ni-Cu (66.45)% at 500 rpm and 1 g dosage than DS (29.03)% by activated carbon AC, increasing MAC dosage, agitation speed, and contact time led to increasing DS% values.  The adsorption capacity of MAC results was recorded (16, 15, and 20) mg sulfu

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2017
Journal Name
Environmental Earth Sciences
Purification of aqueous solutions from Pb(II) by natural bentonite: an empirical study on chemical adsorption
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Adsorption of Tetracycline on the Bauxite and Modified Bauxite at Different Temperatures
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  In this study, bauxite and modified bauxite /polymer, which were prepared as an adsorbent surfaces to adsorption of the tetracycline from aqueous solutions. A series of adsorption experiments were conducted to determine the equilibrium time and temperature effect on the adsorption process. The results showed that adsorption was agreed with the Freundlich equation model for the surface of the bauxite. As for the modified bauxite surface, the results were consistent with the Langmuir equation model. The values of the basic thermodynamic functions of the adsorption process were calculated, so the process of adsorption was founded   spontaneous and endothermi

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