The study was preformed for investigating of Salmonella from meat, and compared Vidas UP Salmonella (SPT) with the traditional methods of isolation for Salmonella , were examined 42 meat samples (Beef and Chicken) from the Local and Imported From local markets in the city of Baghdad from period December 2013 -February 2014 the samples were cultured on enrichment and differential media and examined samples Vidas, and confirmed of isolates by cultivation chromgenic agar, biochemical tests ,Api20 E systeme , In addition serological tests , and the serotypes determinate in the Central Public Health Laboratory / National Institute of Salmonella The results showed the contamination in imported meat was more than in the local meat 11.9% and 2.3 %, respectively, also recorded the highest isolation of Salmonella from chicken meat compared with beef meat 9.5% and 4.7%, respectively, where isolated 3 serotype (7.14%) from imported chicken meat include S.typhimurium S.entertidis and S.livingstone at16.6% for each of them and 1 serotype (2.3%) isolate from local chicken meat include S.hadar 16.6%. The study recorded for the first time isolate of S. living stone in Iraq from imported chicken. While isolated 2 serotype (4.7%) isolate from imported beef included S. dublin and S. antum at 16.6% each of them .the sensitivity of antibiotics , was studies the results showed that it was resistant to each of Trimethprime Cetazidime Ampicillin Chloromphenicol, Ceftriaxone, and Amoxicillin (100, 66.6 ,33.3, 16.6 , 16.6 , and 16.6 ) % respectively , but sensitivite to Imipenem and Ciprofloxacin at 100% and confirmed the results that the Vidas technique better than traditional methods for speed and accuracy of their results.
Change in structure of land surface can affect atmospheric boundary layer and formation of internal boundary layer. This will change shear stresses and turbulent boundary layer. Change in low level wind shear and turbulent can affect air craft performance and has potentially adverse effects on flight safety during landing and taking-off stages. In this study, change in land area around Baghdad Airport and its effects on structure of boundary layer and radix layer through summer season (July from years 1985 and 2014) is examined. The examination is done through atmospheric data of radiosonde (at altitude more than 1500 m) and remote sensing by Landsat 5 and 8 images (circular region around airport has radius 3.250 km and the airpor
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Experimental work is carried out with air flow rates from 0.09 to 0.45 m3/hr and liquid flow rates from 0.65 to 1.1m3/hr in order to study the effects of superficial gas velocity, nozzle diameter and liquid flow rate on the characteristics of hydrodynamic interactions viz. gas hold up, bubble diameter and bubble velocity by using two technical methods, direct height measurements for air-wa
Bilinear interpolation and use of perceptual color spaces (HSL, HSV, LAB, and LUV) fusion techniques are presented to improve spatial and spectral characteristics of the multispectral image that has a low resolution to match the high spatial resolution of a panchromatic image for different satellites image data (Orbview-3 and Landsat-7) for the same region. The Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) fidelity criterion for achromatic information has been calculated, as well as the mean color-shifting parameters that computed the ratio of chromatic information loss of the RGB compound inside each pixel to evaluate the quality of the fused images. The results showed the superiority of HSL color space to fuse images over the rest of the spac
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