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A comparative study between conventional methods and Vidas UP Salmonella (SPT) to investigate salmonella species from local and imported meat
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The study was preformed for investigating of Salmonella from meat, and compared Vidas UP Salmonella (SPT) with the traditional methods of isolation for Salmonella , were examined 42 meat samples (Beef and Chicken) from the Local and Imported From local markets in the city of Baghdad from period December 2013 -February 2014 the samples were cultured on enrichment and differential media and examined samples Vidas, and confirmed of isolates by cultivation chromgenic agar, biochemical tests ,Api20 E systeme , In addition serological tests , and the serotypes determinate in the Central Public Health Laboratory / National Institute of Salmonella The results showed the contamination in imported meat was more than in the local meat 11.9% and 2.3 %, respectively, also recorded the highest isolation of Salmonella from chicken meat compared with beef meat 9.5% and 4.7%, respectively, where isolated 3 serotype (7.14%) from imported chicken meat include S.typhimurium S.entertidis and S.livingstone at16.6% for each of them and 1 serotype (2.3%) isolate from local chicken meat include S.hadar 16.6%. The study recorded for the first time isolate of S. living stone in Iraq from imported chicken. While isolated 2 serotype (4.7%) isolate from imported beef included S. dublin and S. antum at 16.6% each of them .the sensitivity of antibiotics , was studies the results showed that it was resistant to each of Trimethprime Cetazidime Ampicillin Chloromphenicol, Ceftriaxone, and Amoxicillin (100, 66.6 ,33.3, 16.6 , 16.6 , and 16.6 ) % respectively , but sensitivite to Imipenem and Ciprofloxacin at 100% and confirmed the results that the Vidas technique better than traditional methods for speed and accuracy of their results.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 20 2024
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceeding
Evaluation and production of predictive maps on the impact of climate factors on the the land cover for the Baghdad city for the period (1999-2021)
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The general objective of the research is to better understand changes in land cover and their impact on climatic factors by measuring changes in land cover for the Baghdad city for the period 1999-2021 and evaluating changes in land cover and measuring changes in climatic factors (relative humidity and evaporation). This study from 1999 to 2021 and in two different seasons: the April of the growing season and August the dry season. When using the supervised classification method to determine the differences, the results showed remarkable changes, the study showed the spatial variations in LC from 1999 to 2021 as follows: increase in the vegetation and water bodies during April and decrease this in August while the soil and built up decreas

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 26 2022
Journal Name
Bmc Public Health
Investigating the current environmental situation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region during the third wave of COVID-19 pandemic: urban vs. rural context
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Abstract<sec> <title>Background

Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic led to a massive global socio-economic tragedy that has impacted the ecosystem. This paper aims to contextualize urban and rural environmental situations during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region.


An online survey was conducted, 6770 participants were included in the final analysis, and 64% were females. The majority of the participants were urban citizens (74%). Over 50% of the urban residents significantly (p

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Al-fatih Journal
The impact of training on the sand development in the carrying(Speed &amp;#8203;&amp;#8203;and power performance) BalambarzhEmpirical researchOn the young players Basra Balambarzh
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تعد المبارزة أحد الألعاب الرياضية التي يتأثر فيها الأداء بتطور القدرات الخاصة بالأداء ومنها تحمل (سرعة وقوة الأداء ),وأن أكثر الأساليب السابقة في تدريب تطوير تحمل(سرعة وقوة الأداء) بالمبارزة تكون على ارض صلبة مثل الخشب والألمنيوم آو الإسفلت وفي بعض القاعات يكون التارتان, وظل هذا الأسلوب لفترات طويلة في العراق ،حيث تستخدم تدريبات الإثقال التي تعمل على تنمية تحمل القوة . أما في الوقت الحاضر فقد ظهر اتجاه حديث في

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Construct the Character Table of D7h Point Group and Apply it for Classify the (3N-6) Modes of Vibration for the [7] Cyclacene (Linear) Monoring Molecule
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The character table or the table of eigen values for the D7h point group, which is not found in the literature was constructed. The constructed table is used to classify all modes of the vibrational frequencies of the IR and Raman spectra for any compound or molecule that has the D7h symmetry in the Point Group. For that, it was used for classifying all the modes of vibrational frequencies of the [7] cyclacene (linear) monitoring molecule, possessing D7h symmetry. The constructed table was used to classify the symmetry species for the total degrees of freedom, total degrees of transition, total degrees of rotation and for the total degrees of modes of vibration (3N-6) for this tube. The character table wa

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Impact of alkaloids extract of Moringa olievera Lam. leaves on the development, fertility and demography of the southern cowpea beetle insect Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)
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The Southern Cowpea Beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) is one of the most widespread insect pests of stored legumes, causing a considerable loss during storage, decreasing the net weight of the crops, and resulting in reduced the quality of the crops. This study has been conducted to determine the lifetime, fertility and life table parameters of C. maculatus by using an alkaloids extract from Moringa oleifera leaves at different concentrations 1000, 2000, and 3000 ppm. The result was shown that the lowest survival rate was 49% at a concentration of 1000, 2000 ppm, as compared with the control which was 77%. The lowest reproductive rate (Ro) was 4.76 female/female/generation at the concentration of 1000 ppm, c

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Publication Date
Sun May 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of the auditor in allocating common costs in the gas industry and its reflection on the company's performance: Applied Research in North Gas Company
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The auditor has a role in allocating joint costs in the gas industry, and the auditor's procedures are considered as systematic critical examination, analysis and evaluation of everything related to costs in general and joint costs in the gas industry in particular, with the aim of controlling the joint costs of gas industry products, and knowing the share of the cost of each product from the total industry costs Gas products reflect the reality of the company's performance by discovering weaknesses, defects and any errors, to ensure increased effectiveness and efficiency of the parties concerned with auditing them and imposing control and control over the company's resources, as well as

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Heated and silent adoration in the novel of " Desert of Love" by Francois Mauriac: Passions dévorantes et cachées dans Le Désert de lʼAmour de François Mauriac
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  François Mauriac’s novel The Desert of Love (1949) puts the reader before an experienced sociologist who is skillfully able to analyze the most mysterious human emotions and feelings.  The writer's starting point is that people are similar in feelings but different in behavior. He severely criticized the aristocratic class and uncovered its defects and faults.

         The novelist presents Courege's family as an example of the aristocratic class. It is a family torn by hatred, selfishness and disagreements due to absence of intimacy and love. This poisoned environment pushes the father and his son, Raymond, to search away for emotional ventures and banned relations

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Flow injection analysis for the photometric determination of promethazine-HCl in pure and pharmaceutical preparation via oxidation by persulphate using Ayah 3SX3-3D solar micro photometer
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The first flow injection spectrophotometric method is characterized by its speed and sensitivity which have been developed for the determination of promethazine-HCl in pure and pharmaceutical preparation. It is based on the in situ detection of colored cationic radicals formed via oxidation of the drug with sodium persulphate to pinkish-red species and the same species was determined by using homemade Ayah 3SX3-3D solar flow injection photometer. Optimum conditions were obtained by using the high intensive green light emitted diode as a source. Linear dynamic range for the absorbance versus promethazine-HCl concentration was 0-7 mmol.L-1, with the correlation coefficient (r) was 0.9904 while the percentage linearity (r2%) was 98.09%. the L.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Article The problem of nuclear proliferation and its impact on the formula of strategic balance in the Middle East after the events of September 11, 2001
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The issue of nuclear proliferation is one of the most vital issues as it reflects a form of dealing in the field of international relations. Therefore, the Middle East region has taken great interest in reducing the levels of nuclear armament and acquiring nuclear power within the strategic framework of the international and regional powers. The establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East region is currently one of the most important international and regional arrangements for controlling the levels of nuclear proliferation and attempting to build a state of stability and balance. In the Middle East and the world. The importance of the research comes from the fact that it deals with an important and vital issue

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Determination the concentration of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in saliva of acromegalic patients, and comparison it with the levels of serum IGF-I.
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Acromegaly is ametabolic disorder characterized by an acquired progressive somatic disfigurement, mainly involving the face, extremities and many other organs, that are associated with systemic manifestations, caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone and a resultant persistent elevation of insulin-like growth factor-I concentrations. In more than 90% of cases originates from a monoclonal benign pituitary adenoma. Aim of this study to assess the level of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in saliva of acromegalic patients, and to compare it with the basal levels of serum IGF-I. Sixty specimens of serum and saliva collected from two groups of subjects (forty acromegalic patients and twenty healthy persons). The specimens were

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