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Benzoic acid concentration levels recovery in Ketchup and Sauce products available in local market.
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This research is dealing with five sample of tomato ketchup products available in local market that were respectively as follows: Hello-Baghdad Iraq, Tiffany-Abu Dhabi, Melody-Dubai, Baidar-Saudi Arabia, and Altunsa-Turkey. Also it is dealing with four sample of sauce products available in local market that were respectively as follows: Hello-Baghdad, Iraq, Al-Badawi-Baghdad Iraq, Family-Baghdad, Iraq, and Hala-Amman Jordon. Analysis was performed on each sample three times and mean of the reading was taking. Samples were tested through terse and shorthand from lengthened steps. The spectrophotometric method used rely on theoretical and practical bases in extraction and diagnosis by UV spectrophotometer. This method in short notes, consisted of achievement of extraction of the ketchup and sauce aqueous solution in three steps from which benzoic acid extracted in the form of benzoate, through these steps the benzoate form was changed into benzoic acid form, so the sample aqueous solution extracted using diethyl ether and its quantity was transferred by volume. The UV absorbance curve for benzoic acid was drawn in spectral range 200-290 nm, and the spectra for benzoic acid 250-290 nm was also drawn, whereas in this range the higher absorbance at 272 nm was predicted, and the final benzoic acid solution was tested using UV spect. at this proper wavelength, so the benzoic acid reading was obtained using acid standard curve utilization. In this work was also noticed that pH values for ketchup and sauce products are differed and ranging from 2 to 5 instead of the stated values that must be between 3.5 to 4.7. The higher recorded benzoic acid concentrations in ketchup samples in this work was higher as 1315 and lower as 745 mg/Kg, and it recorded a value 255 mg/Kg which approaches allowable value stated by Iraqi standardization (250 mg/Kg). Whereas the higher recorded benzoic acid concentrations in sauce samples in this work was higher as 2695 mg/Kg, and some of which recorded a value 280 mg/Kg which approaches allowable value stated by Iraqi standardization (250 mg/Kg). In general terms the concentration levels in samples investigated were higher than allowable value stated by Iraqi standardization (250 mg/Kg).

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 26 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Investigate the Microbial Load and Types of Preservatives Yogurt Available In Local Market.: Investigate the Microbial Load and Types of Preservatives Yogurt Available In Local Market.
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The aim of this study to investigate the microbial load and type of preservative for the types of yogurt available in the Iraqi market to ensure the safety of food provided to the consumer and protect through examining the types of yogurt from harmful bacteria as well as to contain ratios acceptable to yeasts and molds is to find out by comparing models curd careless Iraqi standard quality(ISQ) and see how they conform to these specifications have been collecting 12 brands of yoghurt types it was been (Kala, Activia 1, Activia 2, Mazia, Shelan, Aib, Mersin, Morsi, Al-Safi, Zabady, Zakho, Arbil). Bacteriological tests were conducted on samples of yogurt (total bacterial count, coliform count, counting yeasts and molds). The results showed

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Study of Nutritional Adequacy Provided by some Imported Infant Milk Formula Available in the Local Market: Study of Nutritional Adequacy Provided by some Imported Infant Milk Formula Available in the Local Market
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This investigation was carried out to study the nutritional adequacy for
infant milk formula, which imported by Iraqi Ministry of Trade, and are
available in local markets .Most of these formulas contained nearly the same
composition of nutrients which are ,Matines ,Sunny Boy , Salsabeel AL- Badie
,Moroug, ,Charton ,Materna Lery Celia ,Lacstar Lailac,Nactalia. yet they are
unbalanced for providing the daily nutritional requirements for infants whom
depend on bottle feeding for six times daily in their first six month of age. As
there were an increase in daily intake for protein content and most vitamins
that included D, E, C, B1, B2, Niacin, B6, B12, and Biotin as well as most
minerals namely Calci

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Recovery of High Concentration Hexavallent Irradiated Uranium From Inorganic Fission Products
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  In this study , extraction of  irradiated high concentration hexavallent uranium from fission products ( high gamma radiation ) was carried out using multistages countercurrent continuous technique (mixer setller) , employing this technique requires a designing flow sheet that recover all the amounts of uranium and to minimize its losses in the nuclear waste streams. Due to the several parameters required to reach this design, SEPHIS program which is one of the famous code in this field were used to select the optimum conditions through many theoretical runs  , finally the experimental results give a good assurance in SEPHIS results and its optimum conditions. 

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Determination of some heavy Metals in tattoo Stickers in Children sweets available in local markets: Determination of some heavy Metals in tattoo Stickers in Children sweets available in local markets
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The objective of this study is to determination the content of some heavy metals (lead, cadmium, chromium) in colored tattoo stickers. twelve kinds of colored tattoo stikcers were collected from Baghdad markets, it was estimated heavy metals using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Shimadzu A5000). The results indicated the concentrations of lead in all samples (1.61_1.00 mg / kg) and chromium in the three samples (0.85_0.97 mg / kg) while other samples are free of chromium , and cadmium. These elements are the components of printing inks and dyes in tattoo stickers, and this does not conform to the health and safety conditions for the packaging of food according to the organizations of the health and safety of

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Publication Date
Tue May 05 2015
Journal Name
The 16th Science Conference/ College Of Basic Education.
Detection of Microbial and Chemical Contamination in Canned Meat Available in Baghdad Local Markets
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 07 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Isolate and diagnose Mycotoxins associated with some producers of Indomie and Chips that available in local markets: Isolate and diagnose Mycotoxins associated with some producers of Indomie and Chips that available in local markets
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This study aimed to survey fungi associated with the product Indomie and Chips being the trades Iargely by a very important segment of society who are the children, beside consumed by adults, but less so, as the survey results to accompany some fungui samples sterile showed proportions presence included various fungi like. Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium Spp., Fusarium graminearum, F.moniliforme, Alternaria alternate and Rhizopus Spp., and other fungi sterile are not diagnosed. The results showed large dominion fungi A. niger by presence sterile samples of both producers, followed by infection in Fusarium Spp., Penicillium Spp., and A. alternata by infection percentage 55, 20 and 17% respectively for the pr

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Heavy Metals Concentration in Commercial Rice Available at Erbil City Markets, Iraq and Soaking Effects
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Heavy metal (HM) pollution has long been a significant source of environmental deterioration and a problem for the safety of food. Iraqis prefer rice over any other food, and since heavy metals have a direct impact on health, their traces in rice have drawn particular attention. Before cooking rice, it is usual in Iraq to wash and soak it. Some 55 varieties of imported and local rice were sampled from Erbil city markets in 2022 with the aim of determining the concentration of As, Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb before and after soaking. Standard procedure of acid digestions was applied on the raw and soaked samples. The solutions were analyzed using ICPE-9820 Shimadzu. The mean concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb (in mg/kg) in the rice samples bef

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Scopus (2)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Malaysian Journal Of Science
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In this study, the results of the uranium concentrations and specific activity in 10 rice samples are described using a solid-state track detector (CR-39). Samples were collected from various local Iraqi markets with different origins (Iraq, India, America, and Thailand). Our findings found that the results of uranium concentration in all studied samples are ranging from (0.55 ± 0.28 to 1.74 ± 0.31) ppm with a weighted average of (1.24 ± 0.99) ppm. Also, results demonstrate that the specific activity values of the studied samples swing between values of (6.88 ± 3.52 and 21.49 ± 3.85) Bq/Kg. The obtained results of the studied rice samples are indicated that it is less than the acceptable limit of those studies established by ma

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Find the concentration of radon gas emitted naturally from the bones and skin of some kinds of birds and local and imported chicken available in the City of Baghdad
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In the present research we the study the deposition of radioactive elements naturally and particularly radioactive radon gas in parts of the body of organisms which are of direct relevance to human life in the city of Baghdad as the samples which were collected from the bones and skin of some kinds of birds and chicken based on the principle that radioactive elements are concentrated always on the bones. We use of this as the exercise detector impact nuclear (CR-39), using the technology Cylindrical diffusion , the results indicated that the largest concentration of radon found in the bone bird Seagull tapered as it was (625 ± 37), and less concentration of radon gas in the chicken bones of Al-kafeel as it was (105 ± 10) Bq.c

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The study aimed to estimate the content of lead and determine the quality of the internal coating of metal cans through electrical conductivity as well as to determine the accuracy of the information card for some types of canned food that available in local markets. The information card test showed that all of these samples contained the name of the food, trade mark, country origin, weight, and components, as was indicated by the company producing in all of them except for the C12 sample which was otherwise, and the batch number was mentioned in all samples except for the C3 and C17 which was not clear and not mentioned in the C21, and the validity period was observed (produce and fini

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