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C-Reactive Protein and Cholesterol level In Male Type 2 Diabetic Patients.
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Elevated C-Reactive Protein (CRP) level in serum is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes ,this relationship is likely to be the cause it means elevated CRP leads to T2D in future . Our objective was to examine CRP in male Type 2 Diabetes(T2D) patients in different age ,we studied 120 male subjects divided to two groups according to their age. First group A age (31 - 40) year old ,60 person )30 control & 30 T2D patients(,3 person for each same age: second group B age (41 – 50) years old ,60 person )30 control & 30 T2D patients(,3 person for each same age. We examined blood sugar ,cholesterol and CRP in each group. and we toke the mean of samples in the same age in each data in all the 4 groups. Our data shows that CRP raised significantly P?0.05 in group A(T2D) and in group B(T2D) comparing with control group of each .And cholesterol levels, and sugar levels raised significantly P?0.05 in group A(T2D) and in group B(T2D) comparing with control group of each. CRP ,Cholesterol and sugar are higher in group B(T2D) than in group A(T2D),and in group B (control) than in group A (control). CRP level can predict diabetes but not causal, diabetes may cause a kind of inflammation (showed by high CRP) by its effect on body and this effect (inflammation) may cause rising CRP level.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 31 2021
Journal Name
Integrative Systematics: Stuttgart Contributions To Natural History
A confirmed record of the European catfish Silurus glanis L., 1758 (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes: Siluridae) from the southern marshes of Iraq, with a new anatomical set of characters to separate S. glanis and S. triostegus
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Sources of Organizational Power Prevailing among Academic Leaders at University of Tabuk and its Relationship to Institutional Creativity from the Viewpoint of Faculty Members: شروق بنت عبد الخالق الأسمري , علي بن حسن القرني
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This study aims to examine the sources of organizational power prevailing among the academic leaders at the University of Tabuk from the faculty members’ viewpoint. The purposes behind such an aim are: to reveal the level of administrative and technical institutional creativity, the nature of the relationship between the reality of organizational power and the level of institutional creativity, and to disclose statistically the significant differences between the averages of faculty members’ responses attributed to the demographic variables (gender,  years of experience, academic degree). The study used the descriptive approach, both survey and correlational. A questionnaire was used to collect data from a simple random sample o

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Finding Best Clustering For Big Networks with Minimum Objective Function by Using Probabilistic Tabu Search
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     Fuzzy C-means (FCM) is a clustering method used for collecting similar data elements within the group according to specific measurements. Tabu is a heuristic algorithm. In this paper, Probabilistic Tabu Search for FCM implemented to find a global clustering based on the minimum value of the Fuzzy objective function. The experiments designed for different networks, and cluster’s number the results show the best performance based on the comparison that is done between the values of the objective function in the case of using standard FCM and Tabu-FCM, for the average of ten runs.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Linguistic Characteristics In The Morphology ( Nominal Suffixes ) Of a Number Of ( Khoryat or Hoyrat ) Printed By The Poet Kamal Mustafa Daquqli: Kemal Mustafa Dakuk ̕ lunun Basılmayan Bazı Hoyratlarında Şekil Bilgisi Özelliklerin ( İsim Durum Ekleri )
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The present study, entitled “ linguistic characteristics (the morphology - nominal suffixes ) of a number of (Quriyat or koyrat ) by the poet Kamal Mustafa Daquqli, aims at studying and making a comparison between  Turkmen dialect written and spoken forms that show many of the hidden language structures. Similarly, the study sheds light on the poet as one of the most prominent literary figures in Turkmenistan literature.

Turkman Quriyat is one of Turkman blank verse significant forms. Apart from (songs and Quriyat) and until the 19th C., folk poetry has been stalled for a long time but reclaimed its literary high position in the middle of the 20th C.

The study introduction briefly discusses Tu

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Publication Date
Sat May 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal And Political Thought
The extent of the possibility of compensating for the obstruction of the view (vision) as a result of the establishment of public projects - a legal study in light of the position of the American courts
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Despite the great economic and commercial importance given to real estate by virtue of its view of the landscape or public roads, US courts have differed in their position on compensation for damages resulting from blocking that view or vision by public projects. Some courts compensated for such damages, other courts approved such compensation. Hence, this research came to shed light on the extent of the possibility of compensation for blocking the view or vision as a result of public projects, and the research has supported us with many judicial decisions.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
University Youth Attitudes towards Electronic Advertisements and their Relationship to the Behavior of the Consumer A Field Study of a Sample of Students of the College of Mass-Communication / University of Baghdad as a Model
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This research aims at identifying the communicative habits and content reflections on the communication process, especially the young audience which is one of the main group for whom the announcements are made. Because young people face life with passion and aspiration making them respond to each effect used by the media in the design of the advertising using all the effective techniques, attractive methods for young children like depending on drama, technical tricks, music and logos easily to be remembered and responded to the desires of the young in their entertainment. This research also aims at identifying the impact of the internet as a channel of commercial advertising on the purchasing behavior of young people at the universities

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Degree to which Arabic Language Teachers at the Secondary Stage Possess the Teaching Competencies Necessary to Develop the Literary Appreciation Skills of Their Students from the Point of View of Educational Leaders in Bisha Governorate
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This study aims to identify the degree of Arabic language teachers at the secondary stage possessing the teaching competencies necessary to develop the skills of literary savor among their students from the perception of educational leaders in Bisha Province. To achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive approach was used by adopting a comprehensive survey method. The study sample consisted of (48) school principals and Arabic language supervisors in Bisha Province who supervise the teaching of Arabic language at the secondary level in Bisha Province. The necessary data was collected using a questionnaire. The results of the study revealed that the evaluation of the study sample for the degree to which Arabic language teachers

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Principles of modeling a dictionary article in the «Dictionary of the Russian Folklore: lexicon epics» (M.A. Bobunova, A.T. Khro: Принципы моделирования словарной статьи В «словаре языка русского фольклора: Лексика былины» (М. А. Бобунова, А. Т. Хроленко)
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The article describes the basic principles of modeling a dictionary article in the “Dictionary of the Language of Russian Folklore Lexicon epics” (M. A. Bobunova, A. T. Khrolenko). Among such principles are the principle of linguocentrism (representation of universal cognitions in strict observance of the traditions of lexicographic science), the principle of anthropocentrism (language learning as a means of human consciousness / subconsciousness), the principle of expansionism (attracting material from various knowledge bases), the principle of explanatory ("explanatory moment"), and fractal principle (synergistic potential of the presented material: nonlinearity and self-similarity; hierarchical organizati

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Basic Education College Magazine For Educational And Humanities Sciences
Measure awareness Petknlogia the information and its impact on the attainment of knowledge to solve the problems of scientific research material for the students of the fourth stage at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls
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يعتقد البعض ان مفهوم العلم يعني الآلات والاجهزة العلمية (تقنيات التعليم) وهي لا تختلف عن مفهوم تكنولوجيا المعلومات , ويعد هذا الاعتقاد خاطئ , لان العلم هو بناء المعرفة العلمية المنظمة والتي يتم التوصل اليها عن طريق البحث العلمي , اما تكنولوجيا المعلومات فهي "التطبيقات العملية للمعرفة العلمية في مختلف المجالات ذات الفائدة المباشرة بحياة الانسان, او هي النواحي التطبيقية للعلم وما يرتبط بها من آلات واجهزة".

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Faithful representation of accounting information according requirements width financial statements depending on international standard (IFRS-15) revenue from contracts with customers: Applied research in a sample of the joint stock companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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This study seeks to identify the possibility of achieving the property of faithful representation of accounting information and measure it by using the standard approach based on mathematical and statistical equations by comparing two financial periods before and after the application of (IFRS-15) Revenue from contracts with customers, during the period. (2014-2018), for the financial statements of the mixed joint stock companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange, which is one of the main pillars of the economic structure of the country, as a joint investment between the state and the private sector, and has importance in many aspects, including support for projects of public companies, S Absorption and employment of labor, as well as ra

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