This study aimed to determine the possibility of culturing genus Artemia in under laboratory conditions for locally culturing and producing. Different salinity concentrations were used, ranging from 5-40g/l . the results showed that the concentration 30g/l is the best for hatching. This concentration recorded hatching efficiency of 68800 nauplii/g cysts and hatching percentage of 45.86%, while the concentration 5g/l recorded less hatching efficiency and hatching percentage of 20266 nauplii/g and 13.5% respectively . Investigating the effect of salinity on individuals survival and growth using saline concentrations ranging from 30to 100g/l, revealed that the best percentage was 75.00% in the first week with 70g/l, whilst the best rates of survival percentage with concentration 80g/l during the second, third and forth week were 58.33,54.61 and 39.58% respectively. The individuals, as a whole, suffered from mortality in the concentration 90 and 100g/l in the forth and third week respectively. The results of salinity effect on growth showed that the best length rate was recorded with the concentration 80g/l for four weeks reaching 9.43mm in the forth week, while the lowest length rate was recorded as 7.03mm in the forth week with concentration 30g/l.