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Preparation and Evaluation of Liquid and Solid Self-Microemulsifying Drug Delivery System of Mebendazole
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The aim of present study was to develop solid and liquid  self-microemulsifying drug  delivery system of poorly water soluble drug mebendazole using Aerosil 200 as solid carrier.  Microemulsions are clear, stable, isotropic liquid mixtures of oil, water and surfactant, frequently in combination with a co-surfactant having droplet size range usually in the range of 20-250 nm. Oleic acid, tween 80 and polypropylene glycol were selected as oil, surfactant and co-surfactant respectively and for preparation of stable SMEDDS, micro emulsion region was identified by constructing pseudo ternary phase diagram containing different proportion of surfactant: co-surfactant (1:1, 2:1 and 3:1), oil and water. In brief S/ CoS mix means surfactant to co-surfactant and oil were mixed at ratio of 1:9, 2:8, 3:7, 4:6, 5:5, 6:4, 7:3, 8:2 and 9:1 manner. To the resultant mixtures, water was added drop wise till the first sign of turbidity in order to identify the end point and after equilibrium; if the system became clear then the water addition was continued. Prepared optimised formula of microemulsion was evaluated for SEM, particle size analysis, polydispersity index, phase separation, viscosity determination, zeta potential, in- vitro dissolution study and in- vivo studies. The optimized microemulsion was converted into solid form by Spray Drying technique by using Aerosil 200 as solid carrier. Prepared SMEDDS was characterized for same parameters as that of microemulsion. Solid SMEDDS of mebendazole prepared using Aerosil 200 by spray drying technique showed good drug content uniformity. After reconstitution it formed microemulsion with micrometric range. In-vitro drug release and in-vivo plasma drug concentration of microemulsion and SMEDDS was much higher than that of marketed praparation. Hence lipid based drug delivery system may efficiently formulate microemulsion and it can be solidified easily by spray drying technique which enhances dissolution rate and thus concomitantly bioavailability. In conclusion ,self micro emulsifying drug delivery system has become promising tool to overcome shortcomings associated with conventional delivery.

Kew words: Self-microemulsifying drug  delivery system, Microemulsion, Mebendazole.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Antimicrobial Effect of Eco- Friendly Silver Nanoparticles Synthesis by Iraqi Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) on Gram-Negative Biofilm-Forming Bacteria
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Date palm silver nanoparticles are a green synthesis method used as antibacterial agents. Today,
there is a considerable interest in it because it is safe, nontoxic, low costly and ecofriendly. Biofilm bacteria
existing in marketed local milk is at highly risk on population health and may be life-threatening as most
biofilm-forming bacteria are multidrug resistance. The goal of current study is to eradicate biofilm-forming
bacteria by alternative treatment green synthesis silver nanoparticles. The biofilm formation by bacterial
isolates was detected by Congo red method. The silver nanoparticles were prepared from date palm
(khestawy) fruit extract. The formed nanoparticles were characterized with UV-Vis

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Dentistry
The Effect of Different Obturation Techniques in Primary Teeth on the Apical Microleakage using Endoflas: A Comparative In Vitro Study
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Objectives. This study was carried out to quantitatively evaluate and compare the sealing ability of Endoflas by using differentobturation techniques. Materials and Methods. After 42 extracted primary maxillary incisors and canines were decoronated, theircanals were instrumented with K files of size ranging from #15 to #50. In accordance with the obturation technique, the sampleswere divided into three experimental groups, namely, group I: endodontic pressure syringe, group II: modified disposable syringe,and group III: reamer technique, and two control groups. Dye extraction method was used for leakage evaluation. Data wereanalyzed using one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s T3 post hoc tests. The level of significance was set at p<0:05. Results.

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Qualitative Study of Epiphytic Algae (Diatom) on Some Aquatic Plants in Al-Auda Marshes Within Maysan Province / Southern Iraq
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The study conducted on the compositions of epiphytic diatoms on three taxa of aquatic plants were selected (Phragmites australis Trin ex stand , Ceratophyllum demersum L. and Typha domengensis Pers) in three sites within Al-Auda Marsh, from autumn 2013 to summer 2014 . The study was measured physical and chemical factors of all the study sites, such as: air temperature, power of hydrogen (pH), electrical conductivity (EC), salinity (S‰), total hardness(TH), dissolved oxygen (DO), and plant nutrient. The results showed that water of marsh was oxygenated and it was very hard. A total of 111 taxa of phytoplankton were identified, which belonged to 13 families and 26 genus (one family and two genus of centric diatoms, 12 families and 26 ge

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The antiviral activity of the compound chalcone (4-ethoxy-2-hydroxy-4, 6-dimethoxy-chalcone) against rubella virus in vitro
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The studies on the antiviral compound chalcone in vitro in both tissue and organ culture systems against rubella virus glass that this compound relatively non toxic to the cell culture and organ culture of the concentration of 8 ug/ml or less, chalcone have significantly antiviral activity against rubella virus in tissue culture and organ culture. We find that a concentration of 0.03ug/ml or more inhibit the IOOTCID50 of rubella virus. The therapeutic index (TI) used in this study to evaluate the drug, the (TI) which is the ratio of the dose of drug which is just toxic (Maximum tolerated dose) to the dose which is just effective (Minimum effective dose). If this index is one or less it not possible to use the drug under the conditions outli

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Calculate the sum of squares for parts (vehicles) SSE in 2n global trials with total integration In a suggested manne
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In order to serve the field of knowledge in the field of design and analysis of experiments by adopting formulas and methods that are easy and simple in arithmetic work, especially in experiments that require many calculations for squares, including tests of type
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of the strategic foresight capabilities in green creativity An exploratory study for the State Company for Food Products
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The current research variables have received increasing attention in the recent period because they are one of the important issues affecting the future of organizations, as a result of the speed of environmental variables that have greatly affected organizations and for the purpose of explaining the relationships and links between research variables, as this research presents a test "the type and direction of the relationship between strategic foresight capabilities As an independent variable and green creativity "as a respondent variable. A set of questions has arisen about the basic research problem, including what is the nature and level of interest in the research variables (strategic foresight capabilities an

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Dec 26 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Effect of Cadmium Selenide Thin Film Thickness on Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensing Properties prepared by Plasma DC-Sputtering Technique
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     Cadmium Selenide (CdSe) thin films have been deposited on a glass substrate utilizing the plasma DC-sputtering method at room temperature at different deposition time in order to achieve different films thickness, and studied its sensitivity to the  carbon monoxide CO gas which are show high response as the film thickness increases, the DC-conductivity and photoconductivity are also studied and which are increased too as the film thickness increases, that indicates the good semiconducting behavior at room  temperature and light environments.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Iraqi opposition press from The P.M. Yaseen Al-Hashimi second term till the death of king Ghazi ( 1935 – 1939 )
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At the beginning of 1935 theMinistry of (Yasin AL-Hashimi) was formed which was the result of the (Sulayikh)Conference .The new ministys policy was towards the authority of the one party and the exclusivity of power.The policy of (Yasin AL-Hashemi)has faced severe campaigns from the AL-Ekhaa and AL-Ahaly newspapers.The new ministry like its predecessor ministries . When it faces criticism from opposition newspapers .its shutting down newspapers and not accepting requests for them. Some opposition newspapers named Yassin AL-Hashemi (the dictator).Iraqi opposition newspapers have been neglected and deprived of press freedom although they were the main factor in educating the community and representing the public opinion of people . Lt appe

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Using Activated Carbon developed from Iraqi Date Palm Seeds as Permeable Reactive Barrier for Remediation of Groundwater Contaminated with Copper
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The possibility of using activated carbon developed from date palm seeds wastes as a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) to remove copper from polluted shallow groundwater was investigated. The activated carbon has been developed from date palm seeds by dehydrating methods using concentrated sulfuric acid. Batch tests were performed to characterize the equilibrium sorption properties of new activated carbon in copper-containing aqueous solutions, while the sandy soil (aquifer) was assumed to be inert. Under the studied conditions, the Langmuir isotherm model gives a better fit for the sorption data of copper by activated carbon than other models. At a pilot scale, One-dimensional column experiments were performed, and an integrated model ba

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Japanese territorial dispute about the Soviet northern provinces )South Kuril Islands until the end of the Cold War( Historical Study
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The imposition of (state) policy on the South Kuril Islands.In the Pacific was a subject
of borders dispute between Japan and Soviet Union which appeared clearly afterthe second
Great War and during the cold war. Despite the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the
Soviet Union in 1991, this conflict has continued, thus both countries had to made a historic
and legitimate claims to demand the rights of sovereignty and ownership of four islands
occupied by the Soviet Union after World War II under the international conventions and
treaties, but these claims are proven failures through the continuation of the regional conflict.

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