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Bioequivalence and Pharmacokinetics Comparison of Two Formulations of Extended-Release Pentoxifylline Tablets in Healthy Subjects after Fasting and Fed Conditions
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The pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of a newly developed extended-released (ER) tablet containing 400 mg pentoxifylline as a test product was compared with the reference brand product Trental® 400 mg ER tablet produced by Sanofi-Aventis. Two separate studies were conducted simultaneously. The first study was conducted under fasting condition, whereas, the second study was conducted under fed condition; using the same batches of the test and reference products in both studies. In each study, both products were administered to 32 healthy male adult volunteers applying a single-dose, two-treatment, two-period, two-sequence, randomized crossover design with one-week washout period between dosing. Twenty two blood samples were withdrawn from each volunteer over 24 hours period.  Pentoxifylline concentrations were determined in plasma by a validated HPLC method according to FDA Bioanalytical Method Validation Guidance using UV detection and chloramphenicol as internal standard. The lower limit of quantitation of the drug in plasma was 5 ng/ml and the upper limit of quantitation was 500 ng/ml. From the plasma concentration-time data of each individual, the pharmacokinetic parameters; Cmax,  AUC0-t, AUC0-Â¥, Cmax/AUC0-Â¥, Tmax, lZ & T0.5; were calculated applying non-compartmental analysis. Data of the test and reference products were statistically analyzed to test for bioequivalence of the two products, using criteria of FDA and EMEA Guidance.  The pharmacokinetic parameters mentioned above were statistically analyzed by descriptive statistics, ANOVA test and 90% Confidence Interval (CI). ANOVA test involved the calculation of the effects of: treatment, period, sequence and subjects nested in sequence. According to the above guidance, the primary pharmacokinetic parameters used for bioequivalence testing, namely Cmax, AUC0-t and AUC0-Â¥ were also statistically analyzed by ANOVA & CI tests using the corresponding Ln-transformed values. The mean values  Cmax,  AUC0-t , AUC0-Â¥ , Cmax/AUC0-Â¥ , Tmax, lZ & T0.5 for the test formula obtained from the fasting study  were; 144.4 ng/ml,  845.4, 868.4, 0.186 hr-1, 3.29 hr, 0.561 hr-1 and 1.65 hr, respectively; and the mean values of these parameters for the reference formula were; 150.0 ng/ml,  871.1, 893.7, 0.177 hr-1, 3.70 hr, 0.558 hr-1 and 1.59 hr,  respectively.  The mean values of the above mentioned parameters for the test formula obtained from the fed study were; 157.8 ng/ml, 826.5, 853.8, 0.198 hr-1, 5.4 hr, 0.458 hr-1 and 2.06 hr, respectively; and the mean values of these parameters for the reference formula were; 162.1 ng/ml, 869.7, 894.8, 0.196 hr-1, 4.1 hr, 0.525 hr-1 and 1.80 hr, respectively.  Based on criteria of FDA and   EMEA Guidance on Bioavailability and Bioequivalence, the results of the fasting and fed studies demonstrated bioequivalence of the two products under either condition. Accordingly, it is concluded that the newly developed ER tablet containing 400 mg pentoxifylline is bioequivalent to Trental® 400 mg ER tablet produced by Sanofi-Aventis.

Keywords: Pentoxifylline, Pharmacokinetics, Bioequivalence.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
Chem Istry & Chem Ical Technology
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Novel derivatives of 1-(´1, ´3, ´4, ´6-tetra benzoyl-β-D-fructofuranosyl)-1H- benzotriazole and 1-(´1, ´3, ´4, ´6-tetra benzoyl-β-D-fructofuranosyl)-1H- benzotriazole carrying Schiff bases moiety were synthesised and fully characterised. The protection of D- fructose using benzoyl chloride was synthesized, followed by nucleophilic addition/elimination between benzotria- zole and chloroacetyl chloride to give 1-(1- chloroacetyl)- 1H-benzotriazole. The next step was condensation reaction of protected fructose and 1-(1-chloroacetyl)-1H- benzotriazole producing a new nucleoside analogue. The novel nucleoside analogues underwent a second conden- sation reaction with different aromatic and aliphatic amines to provide new Schiff b

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 20 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The effect of high-intensity interval training (using weights) during the special preparation period on functional variables among junior basketball players
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This study is concerned with the comparison of the results of some tests of passing and dribbling of the basketball of tow different years between teams of chosen young players in Baghdad. Calculative methods were used namely (Arithmetic mean, Value digression and T.test for incompatible specimens). After careful calculative treatments, it has been that there were abstract or no abstract differences in the find results of chestpass, highdribble and cross-over dribble. The clubs were: (Al-Khark, Air defence, Police and Al-Adamiyah) each one separate from the other for the year (2000-2001). After all that many findings were reached such as the lack of objective valuation (periodical tests) between one sport season and the other. In the light

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Treatability influence of municipal sewage effluent on surface water quality assessment based on Nemerow pollution index using an artificial neural network
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Abstract<p>Assessing water quality provides a scientific foundation for the development and management of water resources. The objective of the research is to evaluate the impact treated effluent from North Rustumiyia wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) on the quality of Diyala river. The model of the artificial neural network (ANN) and factor analysis (FA) based on Nemerow pollution index (NPI). To define important water quality parameters for North Al-Rustumiyia for the line(F2), the Nemerow Pollution Index was introduced. The most important parameters of assessment of water variation quality of wastewater were the parameter used in the model: biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen dem</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Method Development of Nested Allele-Specific Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (NASM-PCR) for the Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)-related Gene Polymorphisms
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Polymorphisms in the genes of G-protein subunit beta 3 (GNB3); rs5443, tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (TPH1); rs211105 and rs4537731, tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2); rs4570625 and sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 (SCN5A); rs1805124, have known to cause the abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract that are implicated to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) predisposition. Upfront genetic polymorphism genotyping in IBS-related gene polymorphisms will help to intervene and guide the decision-making in the management of IBS patients. This study aimed to develop a genotyping method to detect the respective polymorphisms using nested allele-specific multiplex polymerase chain reaction (NASM-PCR). A combi

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Comparative Study of Various Intelligent Algorithms Based Nonlinear PID Neural Trajectory Tracking Controller for the Differential Wheeled Mobile Robot Model
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This paper presents a comparative study of two learning algorithms for the nonlinear PID neural trajectory tracking controller for mobile robot in order to follow a pre-defined path. As simple and fast tuning technique, genetic and particle swarm optimization algorithms are used to tune the nonlinear PID neural controller's parameters to find the best velocities control actions of the right wheel and left wheel for the real mobile robot. Polywog wavelet activation function is used in the structure of the nonlinear PID neural controller. Simulation results (Matlab) and experimental work (LabVIEW) show that the proposed nonlinear PID controller with PSO
learning algorithm is more effective and robust than genetic learning algorithm; thi

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 17 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
PDF Photodynamic effect of Rose Bengal activated by low-level laser light on S. aureus : Qusay K. Abbas*, Layla M. Hassan
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Abstract: Background: Staphylococcus aureus is Gram-positive bacteria that lives as a normal flora in living organisms but can be pathogenic to humans. Although a relatively unspectacular, nonmotile coccoid bacterium, S. aureus is a dangerous human pathogen in both community-acquired and nosocomial infections. Due to the increasing emergence of new strains of this antibiotic-resistant bacteria, it has become essential to approach different methods to control this pathogen. One of these methods is the antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation process using a low-level laser, in this paper, the Photodynamic effects of Rose Bengal and LLLL on the virulence factors of S.aureus were evaluated.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 13 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Efficient Numerical Method for Solving Volterra-Fredholm Integro-Differential Equations of Fractional Order by Using Shifted Jacobi-Spectral Collocation Method
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The aim of this article is to solve the Volterra-Fredholm integro-differential equations of fractional order numerically by using the shifted Jacobi polynomial collocation method. The Jacobi polynomial and collocation method properties are presented. This technique is used to convert the problem into the solution of linear algebraic equations. The fractional derivatives are considered in the Caputo sense. Numerical examples are given to show the accuracy and reliability of the proposed technique.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A New Approach for the Turbidimetric Determination of Hydronium ion by Using Homemade Linear Array Ayah 5SX1-T-1D-CFI Analyser
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A new Turbidimetric method characterized by simplicity, accuracy and speed for determination of Hydronium ion by continuous flow injection analysis. The method was based on the formation of complex Zn3[Fe(CN)6] for Zinc(II) that was eluted by Hydronium ion from cation exchanger column with Potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) for the formation of a pale yellow precipitate and this precipitate was determined using homemade Linear Array Ayah-5SX1-T-1D continuous flow injection analyser. The optimum parameters were 2.7 mL.min-1 flow rate using H2O as a carrier stream, 1.7 mL.min-1 reagent stream, 110 L sample volume and open valve for the purge of the sample segment. Data treatment shows that linear range 0.01-0.1 mol.L-1 for each acids (HClO

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Single Layer of Chromium Oxide Nanoparticles Films Coated with Carbon by Applying Exploding Wire Technique for Efficient Solar Selective Absorber
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    The efficiency of solar energy absorption in solar heaters is increased by the use of selective absorption coating that possesses high absorption of solar radiation in the UV-visible spectrum as well as low emission at the operating temperature in the infrared region. In this work, novel selective coatings were synthesized by improving the selectivity of chromium oxide (Cr2O3) nanoparticles by doping with carbon nanoparticles using the exploding wire technique for carbon rods by high current in suspended Cr2O3 particles. The structural properties and surface topography were studied by XRD and FE-SEM, which illustrate the carbon-coated Cr2O3 nanoparticles. The prepar

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Chemical-Free Greywater Treatment Using Aeration, Sedimentation, Followed by Granular Activated Carbon Filter (GAC) -A Case Study of Baghdad city household
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Greywater is a possible water source that can be improved for meeting the quality required for irrigation. Treatment of greywater can range from uncomplicated coarse filtration to advanced biological treatment. This article presents a simple design of a small scale greywater treatment plant, which is a series of physical and natural processes including screening, aeration, sedimentation, and filtration using granular activated carbon filter and differentiates its performance with sand filter. The performance of these units with the dual filter media of (activated carbon with sand) in treatment of greywater from Iraqi house in Baghdad city during 2019 and that collected from several points including washbasins, kitchen si

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