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Gender Differences in Adverse Drug Reactions Among Adult Patients Reported to the Iraqi Pharmacovigilance Center
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For many years it was argued that there may be a gender differences in adverse drug reactions (ADRs). This assumption was based on many possible factors such as hormonal or behavior differences, and it was not clearly identified since the female gender was not preferred to be enrolled in many clinical trials. The primary aim of this study was to assess the extent of possibly relevant gender differences in drug–ADRs regarding causality, severity, preventability, seriousness, expectedness and outcome. While the secondary aim was to assess for which group of drugs and for which ADRs gender differences are identified most often. The study was a retrospective one that depends on processing a specially selected group of data obtained from the Iraqi Pharmacovigilance Center database. The data included consisted of 3833 individual case safety reports sent during the period from 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2019. It was found that the reported adverse drug reactions for females (60.84 %) were much more than males (39.16 %). In addition, significant differences in age group distribution of adverse drug reactions were found in which females in their reproductive age had more adverse drug reactions while the older adult males were more likely to suffer adverse drug reactions if compared with the same age groups from the opposite gender. The highest type of adverse drug reactions for both genders were those that fall in the skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders (26.4 % in females) and (22.6 % in males) with statically significant difference between the two genders. While the highest group to cause adverse drug reactions was the systemic anti-infective agents with a greater chance ‘statistically significant’ in females to suffer a side effect from this group of medications (40.8 %) compared to male gender (35.5 %). The frequency of serious adverse drug reactions was significantly more prevalent in females (45.4 %) than for males (41.3 %) while the fatal outcome was significantly more observed in males (0.8 %) as compared with females (0.2 %). The expectedness analysis gave the finding that for each gender the expectedness of adverse drug reactions was nearly equal.

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Geology and Structural Description of Shakrok Anticline; Northern Iraq
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The studied area is a part of the Arabian plate located within the High Folded Zone of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt in northeastern Iraq (Kurdistan Region). The Study area deals with the Shakrok Anticlines is located between Safin Mountain and Sork Mountain. These structures are formed during the Alpine Orogeny in Cretaceous-Tertiary period. Generally, the folded structures are trending NW-SE direction which is parallel to the main Zagros Orogenic trends.

The exposed stratigraphic succession of the studied area that represented by 4 formations deposited from the Early Cretaceous which are Shiranish, Aqrah, Bekhme and Qamchuqa formations. Shakrok Anticline are asymmetrical, double plunging and verging toward northeast. This establi

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Natural Radioactivity and its Hazards of Infracambrian Rocks at Jabal Sanam Structure, Southern Iraq
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The Jabal Sanam, a piercement salt plug, represents a unique geological phenomenon in southern Iraq. It is a remarkable geological landmark that rises about 141 m above sea level and covers approximately 2 km2, surrounded by flat areas on all sides. A radiological survey was conducted on the Jabal Sanam structure to determine the natural radioactivity levels and related radiation hazard indices. Eleven different rock types from several locations at Jabal Sanam were collected. An optical microscope and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were used to examine and identify the variable rock types in this structure. Natural radioactivity using field and laboratory equipment for these rocks was measured. The findings indicated that the average

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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In the present survey 18 species of endo and ecto-parasites were recorded during the examination of 50 Mus musculus (Linnaeus, 1758) among 10 localities in Erbil city, of which 7 species were protozoan and as follows : Chilomastix bettencourti (da Fonseca 1915)82%; Giardia muris (Filice, 1952) 68%; Tritrichomonas muris (Grassi,1879)36%; Entamoeba histolytica (Schaudinn,1903) 24%; Entamoeba coli (Grassi,1879)32%; Eimeria sp. 28% and Trypanosoma musculi (Kendall,1906)2%; and 8 species were helminthes as follows: 4 Cestodes: Rodentolepis nana (von Siebold, 1852) 8%; Hymenolepis diminuta (Rudolphi, 1819)2%; larval stage of Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch, 1786)8%, Cysticercus fasciolaris (Rudolphi, 1808)6%, 4 Nematodes: Aspiculuris tetrapter

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    A mounted specimen of a mustelid animal deposited in the Kurdistan Museum of Natural History, Salahaddin University, Erbil proved to be Mustela erminea (Linnaeus, 1758) and represents a new record for the mammalian fauna of Iraq. Its measurements and some biological noted are provided. Also, two passerine birds; the Red-headed bunting, Emberiza bruniceps Brandt, 1841(Family, Emberizidae) and the Variable wheatear, Oenanthe picata (Blyth, 1847) (Family, Muscicapidae) were recorded for the first time in Iraq. Furthermore, the tree frog Hyla savignyi Audouin, 1829 was found in two locations north east of Iraq with spotted dorsum and having interesting behavior in having the capabil

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Shedding Further Light on Upper Cretaceous – Neogene Subsurface Lithostratigraphy of Southwestern Iraq
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Exploratory activities carried out by oil companies in the latter half of the past
century proved the existence of voluminous reserve of oil and gas in the
southwestern area of Iraq. In view of this, it seemed more than prudent to add a new
knowledge to that currently existing about the subsurface lithostratigraphy of this
area. As a first step in fulfilling this mission, this paper will attempt to do so by
covering the time interval from the Upper Cretaceous to the Neogene. In turn, this
effort had entailed both the description of about 4707 metres of fully recovered
cores, plus the subjection of more than 4000 samples to existing petrologic analyses.
Findings worth mentioning does include the observation that wi

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 27 2019
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    A total of 54 abu mullet Planiliza abu (Heckel, 1843) were collected from two stations (north and south stations) along the Euphrates River near Samawa City, Al-Muthanna province and were examined during the period from October 2016 till September 2017 for parasites. Six out of 35 examined fishes from the north station (17.1%) and one out of 19 examined fishes (5.3%) from south station were infected with the microcotylid Solostamenides paucitesticulatus Kritsky & Öktener, 2015. The parasite was illustrated and described, and it is considered as a new record for the parasitic fauna of fishes of Iraq.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A Cut-off low at 500 hPa Geopotential Height and Rainfall Events over Iraq: Case Studies
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A cut-off low is a closed low with a low value of geopotential height at the upper atmospheric levels that has been fully detached (cut-off) from the westerly flow and move independently. A cut-off low causes extreme rainfall events in the mid-latitudes regions. The main aim of this paper is to investigate the cut-off low at 500 hPa over Iraq from a synoptic point of view and the behavior of geopotential height at 500 hPa. To examine the association of the cut-off low at 500 hPa with rainfall events across Iraq, two case studies of heavy rainfall events from different times were conducted. The results showed that the cut-off low at 500 hPa with a low value of geopotential height will strengthen the low-pressure system at the surface, lea

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Genetic Diversity and Polymorphism of Eucalyptus L՚He҆r Speciesby ITS Sequence
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      Genus Eucalyptus belongs to the family Myrtaceae that consists of more than 700 species, various hybrids and varieties. The majorly distributed species that are grown in Iraq are Eucalyptus alba, E. macarthurii, E. siderophloia and E. camaldulensis, E. tereticornis, E. vicina. Most Eucalyptus species are highly dependent on rainfall, and this is challenged by climatic changes owing to global warming making it difficult to effectively match the availability of mature trees and the market demand, especially for use as power transmission poles. With the widespread availability of other naturally occurring Eucalyptus species, it has become important to determine the genetic diversity and to analyze the phenotypic tra

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of Nutrients and Major Ions at Al Muthanna Storage Site Soil
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In the early 90s military operations and United Nations Special Commission “UNSCOM” teams have been destroyed the past Iraqi chemical program. Both operations led an extensive number of scattered remnants of contaminated areas. The quantities of hazardous materials, incomplete destructed materials, and toxic chemicals were sealed in two bunkers. Deficiency of appropriate destruction technology led to spreading the contamination around the storage site. This paper aims to introduce the environmental detection of the contamination in the storage site area using geospatial analysis technique. The environmental contamination level of nutrients and major ions such as sulphate (SO4), potassium (K), sodium (Na), magnesi

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Structural Reservoir Characterization of Akkas Gas Field, Western Iraq: Implications for Hydrocarbon Recovery
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     Akkas Field is a structural trap with a sandstone reservoir that contains proven gas condensate. The field is a faulted anticline that consists of the Ordovician Khabour Formation. The objective of this research is to use structural reservoir characterization for hydrocarbon recovery. The stratigraphic sequence of the Silurian and older strata was subjected to an uplift that developed a gentle NW-SE trending anticline. The uplifting and folding events developed micro-fractures represented by tension cracks.  These microfractures, whether they are outer arc or release fractures, are parallel to the hinge line of the anticline and perpendicular to the bedding planes. The brittle sandstone laye

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