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جوهر التزام الطبيب بإعلام المصاب بفيروس كورونا
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ان موضوع الالتزام بالاعلام بشكل عام ليس بالموضوع الحديث في المجال الطبي ، اذ ان العلاقة بين المريض والطبيب معروفة منذ القدم ، ورتبت هذه العلاقة منذ نشأتها التزامات على عاتق الطبيب لصالح المريض ، وهذه الالتزامات هي في الحقيقة تشكل حقوقاً للمريض ، وتكمن حداثة موضوع البحث في جوهر هذه العلاقة وماينبغي على الطبيب تجاه المريض بكوفيد 19 الناتج عن فيروس كورونا المستجد . ويعد الالتزام بالاعلام اولى لبنات هذه العلاقة مقتضاه قيام الطبيب بتزويد المريض بالمعلومات اللازمة حول المرض وعلاجه وهذا الالتزام لم ينشأ من عدم بل استدعته ضرورات ومبررات عملية منها جهل المريض لهذا المرض لحداثته وإ ستحالة قيامه بالبحث والاستعلام عن المعلومات التي يحتاجها حول طبيعة هذا المرض وقرينة علم الطبيب بها .وعليه يرقى الالتزام بالاعلام الى مصاف الالتزامات الاخلاقية، فهو مقرر ليس فقط لمصلحة المريض وانما لضبط مهنة الطب عموماً .

Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Factors affecting physician commitment to insight
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The physician's commitment to medical insight is affected by several factors that vary from patient to patient in terms of the nature of the disease, the severity of the disease, the age of the patient, and the purpose of undergoing medical intervention. There are circumstances surrounding patients that require the physician to reduce the insight towards them, by concealing medical information. The physician must firmly commit to expanding the scope of his vision to a wider extent than in normal medical work. Therefore, we will discuss in this regard the cases in which medical explanation is reduced and the cases that require confirmation in the following order.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
The Degree of Commitment of Social Workers Who Work in the ‎Ministry of Social Development to the Professional Principles of ‎the Social Work Profession under the Corona Pandemic
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The study aimed to identify the degree of commitment of social workers working in the Ministry of Social Development to the professional principles of the social work profession in light of the Corona pandemic, and the sample consisted of (135) specialists. The study reached several results: the most important one is  the degree of commitment of social workers working in the Ministry of Social Development to the professional principles of social service was great. The other result is the absence of statistically significant differences according to the variables of sex and place of residence. Moreover, the results also showed the absence of statistically significant differences in the principles of ( Acceptance o

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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     This aims tackles the importance of the organizational energy of the hotel organizations that search the success in the business field to penetrate in the whole tourist markets, and to draw the policies and firm rules which must be framed with the administrative strategies that contributed in creativity and achievement the targets besides provide a future vision due to its position among the competitive henceforth achieving the activity. This is what the chapters tackle in the theoretical side. Also many general questions have been arisen to determinate the importance of the research and many other special questions that express the problem of the study. To limit the levels of study alter

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Mothers Information Regarding Asthmatic Child Care in Kirkuk City
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Objectives: To assess the information of mothers regarding asthmatic child care, and to find out the relationship between information of mothers and some of demographic characteristic such as age of mothers, Level of education, and away of child feeding. Methodology: Quantitative design (a descriptive study) was conducted in pediatric hospital in Kirkuk city from the period of first of July 2011 to the end of March 2012. To achieve the objectives of the study, non probability sample of (50) mothers having asthmatic children who attend to the pediatric hospital. The data are collected through utilization

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Iraqi Journalistic Treatment of COVID-19 pandemic
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This research aims to investigate the approaches adopted by Iraqi newspapers in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Employing a descriptive methodology and survey technique, the study conducts content analysis on articles published in three prominent newspapers: Al-Sabah, Al-Mada, and Tareeq Al-Shaab. A multi-stage sampling method was employed, encompassing 260 issues of the aforementioned newspapers. Data collection involved the use of a content analysis questionnaire, with the "How it was said?" method utilized to determine analysis categories.
The results showed that Al-Sabah newspaper adopted a positive approach in addressing COVID-19-related topics, while Al-Mada newspaper remained neutral, and Tare

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Coping Strategies for Parents of Autistic Child and their relation to educational level
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Objectives: To assess the coping strategies of parents of children with autism and the relationship of
different strategies with their educational level.
Methodology: A descriptive analytical study was carried out from Feb. 14th, 2013 through April, 10th
, 2013 in
several private rehabilitation centers of autism in Baghdad city. A non- probability (purposive) sample of 100
autistic children and 100 of their parents (father or mother) was assessed by a questionnaire which consisted of
two parts; the first part is concerned with the demographic characteristics of the child and demographic
characteristics of the parents; the second part consisted of 50 questions about coping strategies that were
distributed on 8 doma

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological Stress As A Result of the Spread of the COVID-19 Pandemic
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The pressures of life have become a tangible phenomenon in all societies in varying degrees. This disparity determines several factors, including the nature of societies, the level of their urbanization, the intensity of interaction, the intensity of conflict, and the increasing rate of change in those societies. many people name The modern era in which we live the “era of pressures", where one of the most important of these changes is the “new Coronavirus 19-COVID”, which has spread widely throughout the world, as the pandemic, has affected all aspects of daily life, including the educational and academic process, academic activities have been suspended in universities, which caused sudden change

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Publication Date
Wed May 11 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Law/al-nahrain University
التزام الملاك بنفقات صيانة الاجزاء المشتركة وأعبائها في الاسكان العمودي.
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The phenomenon of multi-class construction and landlords has increased in Iraq, and this is not justified except because of the change in the economic and social conditions in it, because like any social system interacts with what happens in society, whether it is positive or negative, and since the vertical housing system contains common parts and these parts need to Maintenance and preservation, and in order to continue to perform the construction and other parts in an effective and regular manner for a long period of time and with appropriate efficiency, it must be maintained, and maintenance is one of the most important and difficult problems facing the partners. It is recognized that it is not possible to understand these practical dif

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Future of Mathematical Modelling: A Review of COVID-19 Infected Cases Using S-I-R Model
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The spread of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has resulted in chaos around the globe. The infected cases are still increasing, with many countries still showing a trend of growing daily cases. To forecast the trend of active cases, a mathematical model, namely the SIR model was used, to visualize the spread of COVID-19. For this article, the forecast of the spread of the virus in Malaysia has been made, assuming that all Malaysian will eventually be susceptible. With no vaccine and antiviral drug currently developed, the visualization of how the peak of infection (namely flattening the curve) can be reduced to minimize the effect of COVID-19 disease. For Malaysians, let’s ensure to follow the rules and obey the SOP to lower the

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 08 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Impact of Coronavirus on the Implementation of Contractual Obligations
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The global health crisis resulting from the spread of the Corona virus, which the World Health Organization described on January 30, 2020 as a public health emergency of international concern, then returned to describe it as a pandemic on March 11, 2020, and the measures and procedures taken by government authorities in different countries of the world, whether at the highest level of imposing a comprehensive curfew or what is called globally home quarantine and thus disrupting all sectors and activities in the state, whether public or private (with the exception of some sectors such as the health, media and security sectors), or at a lower level than that, such as reducing work rates in different sectors by rates that vary from one country

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