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Study the Effect of Irradiation on Structural and Optical Properties of (CdO) Thin Films that Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis

In this research, the study effect of irradiation on structural and optical properties of thin film (CdO) by spray pyrolysis method, which deposited on glasses substrates at a thickness of (350±20)nm , The flow rate of solution was 5 ml/min and the substrate temperature was held constant at 400˚C.The investigation of (XRD) indicates that the (CdO) films are polycrystalline and type of cubic. The results of the measuring of each sample from grain size, micro strain, dislocation density and number of crystals the grain size decreasing after irradiation with gamma ray from(27.41, 26.29 ,23.63)nm . The absorbance and transmittance spectra have been recorded in the wavelength range (300-1100) nm in order to study the optical properties. the optical band gap for (CdO) decreasing after irradiation with gamma ray from(2.4, 2.35, 2.25)eV with increasing time irradiated, while extinction coefficient, refraction index,the optical conductivity increase after irradiated with gamma ray with increase irradiation time . Cs137 is used to obtain Gamma ray with energy( 662)KeV, activity( 4.3)ci , the irradiation time (1-3)week