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Background : Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy of upper extremities and Open carpal tunnel release is the most frequent surgical procedure and the gold standard for cases that do not respond to conservative treatment. Aims :This study is used to evaluate the functional outcome of limited palmar mini-incision of carpal tunnel release. This study aims to determine the safety and symptomatic and functional efficacy of median nerve decompression with limited incision in carpal tunnel syndrome surgery. Patients and methods:Carpal tunnel release with a 1.5-2 cm limited palmar incision was performed on 20 patients. Patients were evaluated initially at one month after treatment according to symptom severity and functional status of Boston carpal tunnel Questionnaire (BCT). Results: At postoperative evaluation, there was a statistically significant increase in Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire scores, grip and pinch strengths, and sensory tests results of the patients when compared with preoperative values also with good postoperative scar Conclusion : Carpal tunnel release with limited incision technique appears to be effective when compared with classical open incision techniques. So, limited incision is both effective and safe in carpal tunnel release.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2025
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De Psicología Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte, Issn 1886-8576, Vol. 18, Nº. 3, 2023, Págs. 288-290
The History of Clubs?: Participation in the Iraqi Volleyball Premier League and Its Results for the Period from (1991 to 2022)

Autorías: Omar Saeed Sabbar, Ali Mousa Jawad, Maher Amer Jabbar. Localización: Revista iberoamericana de psicología del ejercicio y el deporte. Nº. 3, 2023. Artículo de Revista en Dialnet.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Public Health
Information Expertise and its Role in Management Ability to Produce the Physical Education Lesson in the Directorate of Education in Basra

Those interested in the educational process and lesson management sought to invest the information experience with industrial intelligence and technology because of its importance in increasing the effectiveness of lesson management and developing the creative capabilities of the teacher in directing and managing his lesson. Field research for sports educational institutions that are interested in managing the lesson and preparing mathematical teaching cadres is an important issue and necessary means for identifying the most important phenomena that accompany the process of managing the educational process, as the teacher's success in providing the appropriate conditions to provide rich and influencing experiences in managing and directing

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Publication Date
Sat May 09 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
The Role of Human Resources Strategic Management on Enhancing Talent Success Factors; Exploratory analytical research in the General Authority for Tourism

The research aims to verify the role of the Human Resources Strategic Management (HRSM) in enhancing the strategic success factors for talent (SSFT) in the General Tourism Authority by distributing a questionnaire consisting of (36) paragraphs on an intentional sample represented by the higher departments as it reached (50) and the sample valid for testing was (44) Person and to test the relationships between the two research variables, the researchers used statistical methods represented by (Bartlett test / mean / simple regression coefficient / difference coefficient, alpha- cronbachAch, confirmatory factor Analysis ) through the statistical program (SPSS v.23 & AMOS v.23). In enhancing the factors of success for talent management in the

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 28 2021
Journal Name
Misan Journal For Physical Education Sciences
The Effectiveness of Using Generative Learning Model in Learning Kinetic Series on Rings and Horizontal Bar In Artistic Gymnastics for men

The aim of this study was to identify the effectiveness of using generative learning model in learning kinetic series on rings and horizontal bar in artistic gymnastics for men ,Also, the two groups were better in learning the two series of movements on the rings and horizontal bar . The experimental method was used to design two parallel groups with pretested and posttest .The sample included third graders at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Baghdad ,The third class (d) was chosen to represent the control group that applied the curriculum in the college, with (12) students per group. After conducting the tribal tests, the main experiment was carried out for (8) weeks at the rate of two units per week di

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 20 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The effect of high-intensity interval training (using weights) during the special preparation period on functional variables among junior basketball players

This study is concerned with the comparison of the results of some tests of passing and dribbling of the basketball of tow different years between teams of chosen young players in Baghdad. Calculative methods were used namely (Arithmetic mean, Value digression and T.test for incompatible specimens). After careful calculative treatments, it has been that there were abstract or no abstract differences in the find results of chestpass, highdribble and cross-over dribble. The clubs were: (Al-Khark, Air defence, Police and Al-Adamiyah) each one separate from the other for the year (2000-2001). After all that many findings were reached such as the lack of objective valuation (periodical tests) between one sport season and the other. In the light

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Treatability influence of municipal sewage effluent on surface water quality assessment based on Nemerow pollution index using an artificial neural network
Abstract<p>Assessing water quality provides a scientific foundation for the development and management of water resources. The objective of the research is to evaluate the impact treated effluent from North Rustumiyia wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) on the quality of Diyala river. The model of the artificial neural network (ANN) and factor analysis (FA) based on Nemerow pollution index (NPI). To define important water quality parameters for North Al-Rustumiyia for the line(F2), the Nemerow Pollution Index was introduced. The most important parameters of assessment of water variation quality of wastewater were the parameter used in the model: biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen dem</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Vostok. Afro-aziatskie Obshchestva: Istoriia I Sovremennost
The carrier of word-formation meaning in russian and arabic gramatic traditions: the word model in the russian-arabic translation algorithm

The article is devoted to the Russian-Arabic translation, a particular theory of which has not been developed in domestic translation studies to the extent that the mechanisms of translation from and into European languages are described. In this regard, as well as with the growing volumes of Russian-Arabic translation, the issues of this private theory of translation require significant additions and new approaches. The authors set the task of determining the means of translation (cognitive and mental operations and language transformations) that contribute to the achievement of the most equivalent correspondences of such typologically different languages as Russian and Arabic. The work summarizes and analyzes the accumulated exper

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Investigating the Accuracy of IRI Model for the Ionospheric TEC parameter during Strong, Severe and Great Geomagnetic Storms from 2000-2013

Several efforts have been made to study the behavior of Total Electron Content (TEC) with many types of geomagnetic storm, the purpose of this research is to study the disturbances of the ionosphere through the TEC parameter during strong, severe and great geomagnetic storms and the validity of International Reference Ionosphere IRI model during these kinds of storms. TEC data selected for years 2000-2013 (descending solar cycle 23 to ascending cycle 24), as available from koyota Japan wdc. To find out the type of geomagnetic storms the Disturbance storm time (Dst) index was selected for the years (2000-2013) from the same website. Data from UK WDC have been taken for the solar indices sunspots number (SSN), radio flux (F10.7) and ionosp

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Creative behavior and its relationship to the administrative leadership of secondary school principals in Al- Karkh/2 district in Baghdad governorate

The importance of research lies in the school administration and that the school is the main cell of the educational system and its ultimate goal, and therefore modern education requires the presence of sophisticated leaders represented in educational administration at various levels. Administrative leaderships and the two researchers' belief that the institution’s ability and success or failure depend on a special type of leader who is highly effective and efficient, directing workers ’behavior towards creativity and achievement in order to achieve the goals of the institution in serving the educational bodies, increasing the effectiveness of leadership and developing the creative behavior of secondary school principals in

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Multiple and Coherent Noise Removal from X-Profile 2D Seismic Data of Southern Iraq Using Normal Move Out-Frequency Wavenumber Technique

Multiple eliminations (de-multiple) are one of seismic processing steps to remove their effects and delineate the correct primary refractors. Using normal move out to flatten primaries is the way to eliminate multiples through transforming these data to frequency-wavenumber domain. The flatten primaries are aligned with zero axis of the frequency-wavenumber domain and any other reflection types (multiples and random noise) are distributed elsewhere. Dip-filter is applied to pass the aligned data and reject others will separate primaries from multiple after transforming the data back from frequency-wavenumber domain to time-distance domain. For that, a suggested name for this technique as normal move out- frequency-wavenumber domain

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