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رواية جورج اليوت : ميدل مارش الفجوة بين المثالية و الواقع

       In English literature, the Victorian age is characterized by the dominance of the novel. Many great novelists , represent different literary schools appeared in this  age including women novelists like  the Bronte sisters ( Emily 1818-1848 and Charlotte 1816-1855 ), Jane Austen  (1775- 1817 ) and George Eliot (1819- 1880) . George Eliot occupies a notable position among them. She represents the realistic trend in the English novel and her masterpiece Middlemarch ( 1872 ) is considered by many critics as one of the great novels in English literature. Through many characters and  different  related episodes Middlemarch depicts the conflict between idealism and reality in society. The major characters, especially Dorothea Brook, the intelligent wealthy young woman. and  the young Ladislaw are of high ambitions and great huge aims but they face failure and disillusionment because of their being idealistic and out of touch with real life .

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