The widows of the woman most exposed to stress and traumatic events, because the husband represents the force that is based upon the wife in the exercise of her life all this leads to psychological damage affect them a starting point for many mental disorders, so the goal of current research to know the level of social exclusion and building program and counseling know the effect of the counseling program in reducing social exclusion, so the researcher used the scale Alttiara 2011 extracted validity and reliability to him and extracted item discrimination and statistical methods used by the researcher is testing Mann Whitney and chi square test and T- test samples for one sample and the use of the bag statistical Spss well as the researcher has built a counseling program in a Modulation style extinguish negative for Beck consists of 10 sessions for 45 minutes session on women, widows, and the researcher found that the effect of extension of the program to reduce social exclusion among widows and reached a number of recommendations and proposal
Publication Date
Mon Nov 12 2018
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
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اثر أسلوب إطفاء التحوير السلبي في خفض الاستبعاد الاجتماعي لدى الأرامل
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