The insurance company (or the insurer) like many other commercial organizations, needs persuasion for the sake of convincing the customers to buy his insurance products. The insurer uses many persuasive strategies through many platforms to persuade people to market his products. The current study aims to analyze the primary persuasive strategies that are used by AIG in facebook profile in order to specify the most effective strategies used by the American insurers, and to suggest the most suitable strategies to the Iraqi insurers. The present study hypothesizes that the persuaders use more than one strategy together to achieve their goals, and the American insurers focus on the persuasive strategies that show the insurance significance. This study analyzes nine samples by using the model suggested by Sabah (2019). It results in: the strategies are classified into three main types: primary, secondary and tertiary strategies and the ladder of the primary strategies suggested to Iraqi insurers (where there is no insurance awareness) is power, highlight benefits, context, character and emotions based on that of the American insurers: character, emotions, context, highlight benefits and power (where people have awareness of insurance).