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Study of Microbial Desalination Cell Performance; Power Generation and Desalination Efficiency using Pure Oxygen in a Cathode Chamber
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Microbial Desalination Cell (MDC) is capable of desalinating seawater, producing electrical power and treating wastewater. Previously, chemical cathodes were used, which were application restrictions due to operational expenses are quite high, low levels of long-term viability and high toxicity. A pure oxygen cathode was using, external resistance 50 and 150 k Ω were studied with two concentrations of NaCl in the desalination chamber 15-25 g/L which represents the concentration of brackish water and sea water. The highest energy productivity was obtained, which amounted to 44 and 46 mW/m3, and the maximum limit for desalination of saline water was (31% and 26%) for each of 25 g / L and 15 g / L, respectively, when using an external resistance of 150 KΩ. At 50 KΩ, 13 and 12 mW/m3 were obtained, and the maximum desalination limit were 20% and 2% when using 25 g / L and 15 g / L, respectively. The concept of the mixing process was introduced in the desalination chamber to improve the performance of the system, where the highest energy productivity was obtained, which amounted 45 and 47 mW/m3, and the percentage of salt removal in the desalination chamber were 40% and 55% when using 15 g/L and 25 g/L and 150 KΩ, respectively. This study demonstrated a promising approach to using the mixing process in the desalination room in order to increase the desalination and electrical productivity.


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Plasma Medicine
Thermal Effect of Laser on Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by the Cold Plasma Method on Cancer Cells
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In this study, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesized using a cold plasma technique and a plasma jet. They were then used to explore how photothermal treatment may be used to treat lung cancer (A549) and normal cells (REF) <i>in vitro</i>. The anti-proliferative activity of these nanoparticles was studied after A549 cells were treated with (AgNPs) at various concentrations (100&#37;, 50&#37;, or 25&#37;) and exposure times (6 or 8 min) of laser after 1 h or 24 h from exposed AgNPs. The highest growth inhibition for cancer cells is (75&#37;) at (AgNPs) concentration (100&#37;) and the period of exposure to the laser is (8 min). Particle size for the prepared samples varied according to the diameter o

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 09 2020
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Torsional Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Externally-Bonded Fibre Reinforced Polymer: An Energy Absorption Evaluation
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The impacts of numerous important factors on the Energy Absorption (EA) of torsional Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams strengthened with external FRP is the main purpose and innovation of the current research. A total of 81 datasets were collected from previous studies, focused on the investigation of EA behaviour. The impact of nine different parameters on the Torsional EA of RC-beams was examined and evaluated, namely the concrete compressive strength (f’c), steel yield strength (fy), FRP thickness (tFRP), width-to-depth of the beam section (b/h), horizontal (ρh) and vertical (ρv) steel ratio, angle of twist (θu), ultimate torque (Tu), and FRP ultimate strength (fy-FRP). For the evaluation of the energy absorption capacity at di

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
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Medicinal plants are a source for a wide variety of natural active compounds and are used for the treatment of diseases throughout the world. Conocarpus erectus L. widely planted all over Iraq and has different secondary metabolites, which has been used in treatment of anemia, cancer, fever and diarrhea. The present study aims to estimate the antibacterial activity of Conocarpus erectus leaves extracts on some microorganisms collected from patients with burn infection. The study began with the collection of Conocarpus erectus leaves in June 2018 from the trees in university of Baghdad. Maceration method was used to prepare aqueous extract, while Soxhelt apparatus was used to prepare methanolic extract. The results of phytochemical test show

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Scopus (7)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates with General Boundary Elastic Supports Under Initial Thermal Load
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Free vibration behavior was developed under the ratio of critical buckling temperature of laminated composite thin plates with the general elastic boundary condition. The equations of motion were found based on classical laminated plate theory (CLPT) while the solution functions consists of trigonometric function and a continuous function that is added to guarantee the sufficient smoother of the so-named remaining displacement function at the boundaries, in this research, a modified Fourier series were used, a generalized procedure solution was developed using Ritz method combined with the imaginary spring technique. The influences of many design parameters such as angles of layers, aspect ratio, thickness ratio, and ratio of initial in-

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Approximate Solution of the Space Fractional-Order Heat Equation by the Non-Polynomial Spline Functions
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     The linear non-polynomial spline is used here to solve the fractional partial differential equation (FPDE). The fractional derivatives are described in the Caputo sense. The tensor products are given for extending the one-dimensional linear non-polynomial spline to a two-dimensional spline  to solve the heat equation. In this paper, the convergence theorem of the method used to the exact solution is proved and the numerical examples show the validity of the method. All computations are implemented by Mathcad15.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Enhancement of Photoconductive Detector Based on Carbon Nanotubes Decorated with Silver Nanoparticles by Adding Conductive Polymer
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In this work, wide band range photo detector operating in UV, Visible and IR was fabricated using carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs, SWCNTs) decorated with silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs). Silicon was used as a substrate to deposited CNTs/Ag NPs by the drop casting technique. Polyamide nylon polymer was used to coat CNTs/Ag NPs to enhance the photo-response of the detector. The electro-exploding wire technology was used to synthesize Ag NPs. Good dispersion of silver NPs achieved by a simple chemistry process on the surface of CNTs. The optical, structure and electrical characteristic of CNTs decorated with Ag NPs were characterized by X-Ray diffraction and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy.  X-ray diffra

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimation of Reliability through the Wiener Degradation Process Based on the Genetic Algorithm to Estimating Parameters
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      In this paper, the researcher suggested using the Genetic algorithm method to estimate the parameters of the Wiener degradation process,  where it is based on the Wiener process in order to estimate the reliability of high-efficiency products, due to the difficulty of estimating the reliability of them using traditional techniques that depend only on the failure times of products. Monte Carlo simulation has been applied for the purpose of proving the efficiency of the proposed method in estimating parameters; it was compared with the method of the maximum likelihood estimation. The results were that the Genetic algorithm method is the best based on the AMSE comparison criterion, then the reliab

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Publication Date
Sun May 17 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Partitions on the Projective Plane Over Galois Field of Order 11^m, m=1, 2, 3
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This research is concerned with the study of the projective plane over a finite field . The main purpose is finding partitions of the projective line PG( ) and the projective plane PG( ) , in addition to embedding PG(1, ) into PG( ) and PG( ) into PG( ). Clearly, the orbits of PG( ) are found, along with the cross-ratio for each orbit. As for PG( ), 13 partitions were found on PG( ) each partition being classified in terms of the degree of its arc, length, its own code, as well as its error correcting. The last main aim is to classify the group actions on PG( ).

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) for Identifying Near-surface Bodies at Diyala University site, NE of Iraq
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      The current research demonstrates the ERI method's effectiveness as a supplementary engineering site investigation approach. Engineering site research is important to indicate the subsoil of proposed production sites. The benefit of the dipole-dipole array for ERI electrical resistivity imaging is that it provides informative records of subsurface geology and condition along with profiles. The dipole-dipole array was performed along with three parallel profiles at the Diyala University site to identify the buried facilities (pipes and cables) in the area. The buried electric cable embedded in a plastic tube was used for simulation to report and verify the field resistivity results. Interpretation of field facts confirmed that

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Title of Thesis The creedal purposes deduced from the Almighty’s saying: {It is easy for me}
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    I wanted to address this topic because of creedal purposes importance,and its r le in regulating lives of individuals and society, and to talk about purposes of Almighty's saying:{It is easy for me},to simplify its meanings for general educated person to obtain the believe of the Creator’s power and his oneness.

Therefore,this research came,whichincludes:an introduction and topics, first :concept of creedal objectives and their divisions,second: creedal purposes in Almighty’s saying:{It is easy for me},and conclusion:in where most important results were included:

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