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Classical and Statistical Optimization of Medium Composition for Promoting Prodigiosin Produced by Local Isolate of Serratia Marcescens
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Prodigiosin is a ‘natural red pigment produced by Serratia marcescens which exhibits immunosuppressive and anticancer properties in addition to antimicrobial activities. This work presents an attempt to maximize the production of prodigiosin by two different strategies: one factor at time (OFAT) and statistical optimization. The result of OFAT revealed that sucrose and peptone were the best carbon and nitrogen sources for pigment production with concentration of prodigiosin of about 135 mg/ L. This value was increased to 331.6mg/ L with an optimized ratio of C/N (60:40) and reached 356.8 with pH 6 and 2% inoculum size at end of classical optimization. Statistical experimental design based on Response surface methodology was conducted to optimize the composition of trace element. The design revealed that the predicted prodigiosin production of 406 mg/L can be achieved when concentrations of trace element CaCl2·2H2O, FeSO4·4H2O, MgSO4·7H2O and MnSO4·4H2O were equal to 9.22, 0.32, 0.67 and 2.48 g/L, respectively. The actual production of prodigiosin in the optimized medium was 375  mg/L. Growth kinetics of S. marcescens were evaluated in optimized medium which revealed that prodigiosin was ‘non-associated growth’ secondary metabolite with maximum production of approximately 365.7 mg/L obtained after 54 hours of incubation.


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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Female Characters In The Pre-Raphaelite Novel: M.E. Braddon’s Lady Audley’s Secret (An Extracted Research of Master Degree Letter)
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Victorian age is known as a time of perpetual change. It is a time of new industrialization, increased urbanization and new technology. Therefore, one of the strongest undercurrents of this is the position of women. Woman at that time was viewed as “an angel in the house” especially this who belongs to the upper-middle class. She is described in such term because she spends much time in her domestic domain. Therefore, she should be passive, obedient and dependent. Despite the Victorian society contains several classes; women are defined under two labels: the angel and the demon or the whore. The angel woman can be any woman from the lower middle class to the aristocracy, while the whore refers to any working class woman. The differen

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Investigating the Adjuvanticity of K. pneumoniae Capsular Polysaccharide with Formalin-Killed S. aureus Against Live S. aureus Infection in Mice
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Klebsiella pneumoniae capsular polysaccharide (CPS) antigen was evaluated for their capability to increase immune responses. And, CPS neutralizing antibodies were approved as the main response to vaccination in many disease. Therefore, killed Stapthylococcus aureus bacteria was employed to evaluate K. pneumoniae CPS adjuvanticity. The mice groups were immunized (orally, intra-peritoneally and by swab skin)with a dose of (25μl of formalin killed S. aureus (1.5 x 108) with a CPS at dose 175μl/kg at a conc.50 μg/ml) vaccination occurred in first day then recurrent vaccination as booster dose beyond seven days. After first 7 days, the results revealed elevation of IL2,4,10,12 and IgG levels occurred mainly in oral and swab skin groups, an

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Spectral Properties of Coumarine -47 Dissolved in Chloroform: Rafah Abdul Hadi Omer|Mohammed T. Hussian|Lamia Kand Kalif
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The spectral propetties (absorption and fluorescence) of Coumarine-47 laser dye have been studied. This type of laser dye belong the Coumarine family and it has dissolved in chloroform at different concentrations (1x10-5, 5x10-5, and 1x10-4 M) at room temperature. The achieved results have been pointed out to increase in the absorption and fluorescence as the concentration increased which are agreements with Beer – Lambert law. These have been also showed an expansion in the spectral range of absorption and fluorescence with a noticed shift in the direction of longer wavelength (Red-shift) with increasing concentration. The quantum efficiency of the dissolved C47 in chloroform has been computed by using the brevious concentrations

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Measurement of the radioactivity in raw materials used in the ceramic industry in AL-Ramadi ceramic factory using (HPGe) detector
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In this research, we have measured specific activity concentrations in five samples for raw materials used in ceramic industry in AL-Ramadi ceramic factory by using (HPGe) detector. The results have shown that, the average specific activity, for 238U, 232Th and 40K are equal to (18.300±6.4 Bq/kg), (17.988±6.1 Bq/kg), (167.952±63.5 Bq/kg), respectively.  In order to assess the radiological hazards of the radioactivity in samples, radium equivalent activity, absorbed gamma dose rate, indoor and outdoor annual effective dose rates, gamma Index and both (external and internal) hazard effects have been calculated. All results were found to be less than the allowed global limit given by (UNSCEAR, 2000).

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The predatory bush crickets Saga ephippigera Fischer Von Waldheim, 1846 is the largest Iraqi orthopterans and one of the most active and successful predators in the Kurdistan region. The nymphs and adults prey on all the stages of various species of insects. Twelve adult specimens were collected from Erbil Province during May 2018 and June 2021. Morphological structures of the adult insects were described and illustrated in details; important taxonomic characteristics of body regions with their appendages were chosen; and the results indicated the importance of morphological characteristics which confirmed the identification of this species correctly.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Ecological Study of the Brown Garden snail Cornu aspersum (Müller, 1774) from selected habitats in Jadiriya in Baghdad vicinity.
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The present study is considered a pioneer investigation that deal with the terrestrial brown garden snail Cornu aspersum (Müller), in Iraq. Cornu aspersum however is considered an exotic species in many parts of the world ,The species is most probably infiltrates with plants transferred from one place to another. The species has gained importance in many ways. Nutritionally, the species is consumed as food item in many countries, but in other cases it is considered as pest for the damage it causes when feeding on valuable plant shoots. It also has medical importance for its role and ability in healing wounds, burns and remedy of other skin problems. This snail species however may act as a vector for some parasitic nematodes that

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Survey Study to Indicate Contamination Ratio in Blood of Workers Run Generators in Baghdad City From Some Heavy Metals
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  The aim of this study was to  measure the concentration of some heavy metals (Lead, Cadmium ,Iron and Cupper) in blood samples  of workers who operate the diesel generator in Baghdad city(Dora, Harthya, Bayaa and Hay al Jameaa ) ,and their effects on Testosterone hormone. The study included two groups: the first control group consisted of 20 normal male (non workers and non smoking), and the second consisted of 20 male (generator workers). Blood samples were collected from each two groups, where each sample was divided into two parts, the first part estimated blood concentrations of heavy metals while the second tested testosterone. Data were treated statistically using (Statistical Analysis System 2012) program, and the

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 10 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of Socio-economic Status on Age at Menarche among Secondary School Students at AL-Dora Region in Baghdad Governorate
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Objective: To assess the Impact of Socio-economic status on age at menarche among secondary school students at
AL-Dora city in Baghdad, Iraq.
Methodology: This is a cross sectional study with multi-stage sampling was carried out during the period from the
th of December2013 to 12th of March 2014. The Sample comprised of 1760 girls, 1510 girls from urban area and
250 from rural area was included in the study. In first stage, selection of schools was done, and one class was
selected randomly from each level of Education, The data collection through a special questionnaire which Contain
the age of girl by year, class level, birth order, number of household, number of rooms, residency (urban/rural),
education level

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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Variables related to the performance styles of batik art to achieve linear tactile effects in the printmaking: نجلاء المرضوف السعدي
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The art of batik is one of the ancient arts that has a long history in East Asian countries, especially in Indonesia, where it was considered a traditional craft with which many Indonesian tribes lived. This art began to move to other continents and develops and progresses due to the artist’s connection to the surrounding technological and intellectual development, as art became more outgoing and liberated, it helped the artist to create and innovate in his designs. In this research, he focuses on modern performance methods through which print paintings can be produced through design elements, especially calligraphy, to create aesthetic and creative effects in the productive work. The current research aims to identify the various perfo

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 24 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Ultrasonic Technique to Measure Some Petrophysical Properties of Yamama Formation at Ratawi-7 Oil Well Core Samples, Southern Iraq
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Twenty nine core samples were taken from Ratawi 7 Oil well according to the presence of oil in formation and availability of core samples. This well is located in the province of Basra/southern Iraq. The samples were collected from Yamama Formation. The core samples are taken from the well at different depths, ranging between (3663m-3676m). The range of Vp for these core samples is (668-4017 m/sec) and its average is (1779 m/sec), While the range of Vs is (291-1854 m/sec) and its average is (796 m/sec). In the current study the ultrasonic method is conducted to measure Vp, Vs as well as some petrophysical properties for core samples and some elastic moduli such as (Young's modulus, Bulk modulus, Shear modulus, Poisson's ratio and Lame's

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