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Experimental and Finite Elements Analysis Study of Warming Effect on Deboned Force for Embedded NiTinol Wire into Linear Low Density Polyethylene
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This study presents the debonding propagation in single NiTi wire shape memory alloy into linear low-density polyethylene matrix composite the study of using the pull-out test. The aim of this study is to investigate the pull-out tests to check the interfacial strength of the polymer composite in two cases, with activation NiTinol wire and without activation. In this study, shape memory alloy NiTinol wire 2 mm diameter and linear fully annealed straight shape were used. The study involved experimental and finite element analysis and eventually comparison between them. This pull-out test is considered a substantial test because its results have a relation with behavior of smart composite materials. The pull-out test was carried out by a universal tensile test machine type (Laryee), load capacity (50 kN), and a test speed of 1mm/min. The finite elements modeling was performed by ANSYS V.15. The results of pull-out test showed that in the activation of NiTinol wire embedded in host matrix linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE), the deboned force was about 74 N, but for the case without activation, it was about 106 N. Deboned shear stress for the case with activation was about 0.73 MPa, but for the case of without activation, it was about 1.05 MPa. ANSYS result for deboned shear stress in case with activation was about 0.8 MPa. As for the case of without activation, deboned shear stress was about 0.99 MPa. The activation of the ratio of deboned shear stress and deboned force decreased by 30.47% and 30.13%, respectively. The error ratio between experimental and ANSYS results was equal to 8% for the case with activation and 5.7% for the case without activation. 

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 22 2021
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The Structural Design Of Tall And Special Buildings
Utilizing I‐shaped shear links as dampers to improve the behavior of concentrically braced frames
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Publication Date
Sun Nov 05 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
Production of Biodiesel from Waste Cooking Oil using Cao-Egg Shell Waste Derived Heterogeneous Catalyst
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Biodiesel is an environmentally friendly fuel and a good substitution for the fossil fuel. However, the purity of this fuel is a major concern that challenges researchers. In this study, a calcium oxide based catalyst has been prepared from local waste eggshells by the calcination method and tested in production biodiesel. The eggshells were powdered and calcined at different temperatures (700, 750, 800, 850 and 900 °C) and periods of time (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 hr.). The effect of calcination temperature and calcination time on the structure and activity of the solid catalyst were examined by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Brunaure-Emmett-Teller (BET). The optimum catalyst performance was obtained at 900 °C

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Petrophysical Properties of Mauddud Formation in Selected Wells in Al-Ahdab Oil Field, Middle Iraq
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       This paper aims to calculate the petrophysical properties in the Al-Ahdab field in the middle of Iraq within the Mauddud Formation. This study was based on the information available from well logs. The interactive petrophysical software IP (V4.5)  was used to calculate the porosity, hydrocarbon saturation and shale volume, divide the formation into reservoir units and buffer units, and evaluate these units in each well. The Mauddud was divided into five units, two of them were considered good reservoirs having good petrophysical properties (high porosity, Low water saturation, and low shale volume). The other three are not reservoirs because of poor petrophysical properties.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 05 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Natural Sciences Research
Immunomodulatory of Cordia myxa (L.) aqueous extract fruit in immunized mice with hydatid cyst fluid
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Human cystic echinococcosis caused by Echinococcus granulosus is one of most important and widespreadparasitic zoonoses in the world. The present study was aimed to identify the immunomodulatory activity ofaqueous extract of Cordia myxa fruit since this plant considers one of medically important plants, which is widely used for treatment of numerous diseases, that correlate with the effectiveness of immunized by hydatid cyst fluid antigen HCFAg. Forty Balb/c mice were divided into equal groups, first group was immunized with HCFAg, the second group was treated with aqueous extract of C. muxa fruit, the third group was immunized and treated, the fourth group was as a control. Delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH), Mitotic index (MI) and histop

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 21 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
The Response of a Highly Skewed Steel I-Girder Bridge with Different Cross-Frame Connections
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Braces in straight bridge systems improve the lateral-torsional buckling resistance of the girders by reducing the unbraced length, while in horizontally curved and skew bridges, the braces are primary structural elements for controlling deformations by engaging adjacent girders to act as a system to resist the potentially large forces and torques caused by the curved or skewed geometry of the bridge. The cross-frames are usually designed as torsional braces, which increase the overall strength and stiffness of the individual girders by creating a girder system that translates and rotates as a unit along the bracing lines. However, when they transmit the truck’s live load forces, they can produce fatigue cracks at their connection

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 29 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Karbala University
Optimization Quantitative Determination of Cimetidine in Pharmaceutical Preparations via Bromothymol Blue Using Central Composite Design
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Using the Artificial Gas Lift to Increase the Productivity of Noor Oil Field / Mishrif Formation
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Noor Oil Field is one of Iraqi oil fields located in Missan province / Amarah city. This field is not subjected to licensing rounds, but depends on the national effort of  Missan Oil Company. The first two wells in the field were drilled in seventies and were  not opened to production until 2009. The aim of this study is to study the possibility of using the method of gas lift to increase the productivity of this field . PROSPER software was used to design the continuous  gas lift by using maximum production rate in the design.

   The design was made after comparing  the measured pressure with the calculated pressure, this comparison  show  that the method of Beggs-Brill and Petroleum Exper

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 02 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Applied Physics
Characterization of Multilayer Highly-Pure Metal Oxide Structures Prepared by DC Reactive Magnetron Sputtering Technique
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In this work, multilayer nanostructures were prepared from two metal oxide thin films by dc reactive magnetron sputtering technique. These metal oxide were nickel oxide (NiO) and titanium dioxide (TiO2). The prepared nanostructures showed high structural purity as confirmed by the spectroscopic and structural characterization tests, mainly FTIR, XRD and EDX. This feature may be attributed to the fine control of operation parameters of dc reactive magnetron sputtering system as well as the preparation conditions using the same system. The nanostructures prepared in this work can be successfully used for the fabrication of nanodevices for photonics and optoelectronics requiring highly-pure nanomaterials.

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Publication Date
Sat May 02 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
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Asbestos is a hazard pollutant to human health, exposure to asbestos cause serious health effects and wide range of asbestos-related diseases such as asbestosis, lung cancer and malignant mesothelioma and it has been classified as carcinogen by the World Health Organization WHO which cause a carcinogenic effects. Fibers of asbestos are mainly released from friction product in brakes and clutch linings and from reinforce agent in the asbestos cement industry. The aim of this was to evaluate the levels of asbestos fibers in surroundings air of some dense traffic points in Baghdad, through winter 2020. Materials and Methods: Samples of airs was carried out by directing air flow to a mixed cellulose ester membrane filter mounted on an open face

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 04 2025
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
Oppositional Values Stimulated by ‘Structure of Feeling’: Analysing Hester’s Character in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter
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