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The Determination of Critical-Sampling Scheme of Preprocessing for Multiwavelets Decomposition as 1st and 2nd Orders of Approximations.
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One of the important differences between multiwavelets and scalar wavelets is that each channel in the filter bank has a vector-valued input and a vector-valued output. A scalar-valued input signal must somehow be converted into a suitable vector-valued signal. This conversion is called preprocessing. Preprocessing is a mapping process which is done by a prefilter. A postfilter just does the opposite.

The most obvious way to get two input rows from a given signal is to repeat the signal. Two rows go into the multifilter bank. This procedure is called “Repeated Row” which introduces oversampling of the data by a factor of 2.

 For data compression, where one is trying to find compact transform representations for a dataset, it is imperative to find critically sampled multiwavelet transforms schemes which this paper focuses on finding a simple and easy to follow algorithm for its computation.

One famous multiwavelet filter used here is the GHM filter proposed by Geronimo, Hardian, and Massopust. The GHM basis offers a combination of orthogonality, symmetry, and compact support, which can not be achieved by any scalar wavelet basis. Using a computer program for the proposed method, an example test on Lena image is verified which shows image properties after a single level decomposition and the reconstructed image after reconstruction.


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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Computer Sciences And Mathematics
Braille Character Recognition System: Review
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The Braille Recognition System is the process of capturing a Braille document image and turning its content into its equivalent natural language characters. The Braille Recognition System's cell transcription and Braille cell recognition are the two basic phases that follow one another. The Braille Recognition System is a technique for locating and recognizing a Braille document stored as an image, such as a jpeg, jpg, tiff, or gif image, and converting the text into a machine-readable format, such as a text file. BCR translates an image's pixel representation into its character representation. As workers at visually impaired schools and institutes, we profit from Braille recognition in a variety of ways. The Braille Recognition S

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Gompertz Fréchet stress-strength Reliability Estimation
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In this paper, the reliability of the stress-strength model is derived for probability P(Y<X) of a component having its strength X exposed to one independent stress Y, when X and Y are following Gompertz Fréchet distribution with unknown shape parameters and known parameters . Different methods were used to estimate reliability R and Gompertz Fréchet distribution parameters, which are maximum likelihood, least square, weighted least square, regression, and ranked set sampling. Also, a comparison of these estimators was made by a simulation study based on mean square error (MSE) criteria. The comparison confirms that the performance of the maximum likelihood estimator is better than that of the other estimators.

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Scopus (4)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Jewish Community Holidays
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      Is a day or series of days celebrated by Jews for religious or worldly important event in Jewish history as an occasion in Hebrew is called Eid יום טוב good day or good or חג תענית celebrate the festival or celebration. Most of the Jewish holidays are of a religious nature, and there is a worldly character with festivals such as the Festival of Lights חג החנוכה the holiday of Purim and the holidays, although a religious appearance, but she celebration in mundane aspects of the history and traditions of the Jewish occasions. Mass over the holidays when Jews are those mentioned in the Bible in my Leviticus and Deuteronomy. And some holidays established by rabbis in the vicinity of the anc

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Jeder Lernende, der in der Fremdsprache Deutsch kommunizieren möchte, wird sich auch mit der deutschen Aussprache beschäftigen (müssen). Wer eine gute Aussprache hat, wird nicht nur oft und zu Recht bewundert, er hat es auch leichter, die deutsche Sprache zu verstehen, und er wird gut verstanden. Aussprachefehler beeinträchtigen die Kommunikation, sie führen zur Unverständlichkeit von Namen, Wörtern und Äußerungen oder Mißverständnissen, sie bewirken Ermüdung und Konzentrationsverluste und beeinträchtigen die Sprachverarbeitung durch Assoziationen und Emotionen, die beim Hörer entstehen können.’’[1]

Diese vorliegende Forschung befasst sich mit der Wic

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
تقنیة جدیدة لدراسة انتقال الطاقة الجانبیة
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The transport of energy from the focal region when high power laser are focused onto
solid targets is of two dimensions axially in the direction of the laser and laterally in the
direction along the target surface perpendicular to the laser direction.
In this paper we present anew consideration to study lateral energy transport in plasma
produced by laser KrF λ=248nm and pulse time 20n sec. Targets are C, Al, Cu.we used
photo resist (negative type) which is mode localy and noticing the effective area as
afunction of lateralenergy transport

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Modeling Social Networks using Data Mining Approaches-Review
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     Getting knowledge from raw data has delivered beneficial information in several domains. The prevalent utilizing of social media produced extraordinary quantities of social information. Simply, social media delivers an available podium for employers for sharing information. Data Mining has ability to present applicable designs that can be useful for employers, commercial, and customers. Data of social media are strident, massive, formless, and dynamic in the natural case, so modern encounters grow. Investigation methods of data mining utilized via social networks is the purpose of the study, accepting investigation plans on the basis of criteria, and by selecting a number of papers to serve as the foundation for this arti

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Scopus (6)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu May 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Invertible Operators on Soft Normed Spaces
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Despite ample research on soft linear spaces, there are many other concepts that can be studied. We introduced in this paper several new concepts related to the soft operators, such as the invertible operator.  We investigated some properties of this kind of operators and defined the spectrum of soft linear operator along with a number of concepts related with this definition; the concepts of eigenvalue, eigenvector, eigenspace are defined. Finally the spectrum of the soft linear operator was divided into three disjoint parts.

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jul 14 2021
Journal Name
The Open Civil Engineering Journal
Producing Sustainable Concrete using Nano Recycled Glass
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Many tools and techniques have been recently adopted to develop construction materials that are less harmful and friendlier to the environment. New products can be achieved through the recycling of waste material. Thus, this study aims to use recycled glass bottles as sustainable materials.


Our challenge is to use nano glass powder by the addition or replacement of the weight of the cement for producing concrete with enhanced strength.


A nano recycled glass p

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Crossref (12)
Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering
HF Wave Propagation Prediction Based On Passive Oblique Ionosonde
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High frequency (HF) communications have an important role in long distances wireless communications. This frequency band is more important than VHF and UHF, as HF frequencies can cut longer distance with a single hopping. It has a low operation cost because it offers over-the-horizon communications without repeaters, therefore it can be used as a backup for satellite communications in emergency conditions. One of the main problems in HF communications is the prediction of the propagation direction and the frequency of optimum transmission (FOT) that must be used at a certain time. This paper introduces a new technique based on Oblique Ionosonde Station (OIS) to overcome this problem with a low cost and an easier way. This technique uses the

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Jurisprudential applications to restrict permissible in Islamic jurisprudence
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Research summary


Muslim scholars have established fundamental rules for deriving rulings to be a methodology for every mujtahid who wants to extract rulings from his reliable sources, and one of the most prominent fundamental rules on which many rulings are built is the permissible and the many rulings related to it.

Leaving what is permissible on its own terms sometimes causes embarrassment and distress in some cases, so we need something that restricts it. In our Islamic law, many legal rulings are embodied in which the restriction of what is permissible is in the public interest, or to relieve embarrassment in public.

Because of the importance of this fundamentalist rule, and the difference in some

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