There are a number of obstacles in the field of work of social workers that prevent them from performing their full role. Their tasks may sometimes be easy and manageable and at other times they may be difficult and complex, however professional roles are mostly the latter, contribute to the feeling of the inability to provide the work required at the level expected by others. In such cases, the relationship binding specialists to their work is affected negatively and this has devastating effects on the professional process as a whole, including their professional practice. This feeling of helplessness and depletion of energy and effort leads to a state of fatigue and emotional exhaustion that can be defined as job burnout, our study aims to identify the most important obstacles that specialists face which affect their professional practice, represented in “Obstacles specific to the institution” and “The client and the social specialist”. To achieve this goal, the study was divided into two sections. The first section included firstly: the general framework of the research and its elements and a definition of the research problem, its importance and objectives. Secondly, the concepts related to the subject of the research were identified, represented by the concepts of job burnout and the social worker. The second section was under the title “Job Burnout of Social Workers in Iraqi Society”, and the factors that lead to job burnout were discussed, firstly the role of the social institution, secondly the role of the client and thirdly the role of the social worker
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