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Interactivity of iraqi daily newspapers sites an analytical study of the websites of al-mada, tareqal-shaab newspapers
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A study of interactivity in the Iraqi newspaper sites_ An analytical study of the website of Al-Mada, Al-Zaman, Al-Sabah and Tariq Al-Shaab newspaper sought to determine the amount of interactivity in the sites of Iraqi newspapers that have been published since 2003, which consists of (15) newspapers according to the statistics of the Iraqi Books and Documents House.

and the researcher conducted an analytical survey on these sites, and the percentage of interactivity in general was weak, not more than (47.1%), and this weakness in interactivity contributed greatly to the decline in surfers of the websites of those electronic newspapers.

The highest aggregate rate of the research sample was in the simple interactive tools such as commenting, polls, benefit and subscription lists, and admiration, as it got a total of (75%), while the multiplicity of interactive options, which is one of the most interactive options and the most important in the international electronic newspaper sites, got a percentage (48.53%), which is very weak compared to its importance.

The results of the research found that the monitoring system in the sites of the sample newspapers does not exceed (56.25%), which is a medium percentage indicating the weakness of the Iraqi electronic newspapers' websites in benefiting from these systems. The search results also showed that the websites of the Iraqi electronic newspapers are linked to the social networking site by (50%) in general, and the highest was the Facebook page by (100%), then Twitter, YouTube, Instagram after they were used by the sample newspapers by (75%), and Telegram , radio station, and Plus Google (25%).

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 17 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
البُعد الأخلاقي للتسامح الديني مع غير المسلمين في عصر صدر الإسلام والخلافة الراشدة
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The religious forgiving in Islam takes its highest moral value from the law of Muslims (Holy Quran) that practically embodied through the biography of passenger Mohammad (pubh) and the caliphs who behave also according to prophet did to treat with non muslim who were a part of society those are Jewish ,

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Renaissance des Briefromans Oder Der Alltag in Krisen-und Wendezeiten
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In der Nachwendezeit erschienen im deutschen Buchmarkt zahlreiche Werke deutscher Autoren, die einen Trend oder Tendenz markieren können. Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit steht die Analyse der Struktur und des Inhalts von drei erst nach der Wende erschienen Briefromanen: Alles, alles Liebe (2000) von Barbara Honigmann (geb. 1949), Die Liebenden (2002) von Gerhard Henschel (Jahrgang 1962) und Neue Leben (2005) des im Jahre 1962 geborenen Ingo Schulze. Dieser Beitrag macht sich zur Aufgabe zu erklären, ob der Briefroman ein neuer Trend in der deutschen Literatur nach der Wende ist.


In the after( Wende) period a large collection of literary works for  German writers has been p

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
اثر العامل الديني في تخطيط المدينة العربية والعمارة الاسلامية مدينة النجف الاشرف أنموذجاً
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 24 2009
Journal Name
كتاب الوقائع /المؤتمر العلمي الثالث لكلية العلوم جامعة بغداد
Using antibiotics as mutagenic and curing agents for Prodigiosin Production By Serratia marcescens
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The effect of different antibiotics on growth pigment and plasmid curing of Serratia marcescens were studied, S. marcescens was cultured in media containing(16_500)µg/ml of antibiotics, curing mutants unable to produce prodigiosin and lost one plasmid band were obtained of of ampicillin, amoxillin, antibiotics concentrations (64 500) µg/ml metheprim, ultracloxam, azithromycin, cephalexin and erythromycin treated with (350 500) µg/ml of The mutant cells rose- light color and and refampicin revealed S.marcescens inhibited ciprodar and tetracyclin, lincomycin did not lost the plasmid band chlaforan

Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Agent technology has a widespread usage in most of computerized systems. In this paper agent technology has been applied to monitor wear test for an aluminium silicon alloy which is used in automotive parts and gears of light loads. In addition to wear test monitoring، porosity effect on
wear resistance has been investigated. To get a controlled amount of porosity, the specimens have
been made by powder metallurgy process with various pressures (100, 200 and 600) MPa. The aim of
this investigation is a proactive step to avoid the failure occurrence by the porosity.
A dry wear tests have been achieved by subjecting three reciprocated loads (1000, 1500 and 2000)g
for three periods (10, 45 and 90)min. The weight difference a

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Removal Water Turbidity by Crumb Rubber Media
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The removal of water turbidity by using crumb rubber filter was investigated .The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of variation of influent water turbidity (10, 25 and 50 NTU), media size (0.6and 1.14mm), filtration rate (25, 45 and 65 l/hr) and bed depth (30 and 60 cm) on the performance of mono crumb rubber filter in response to the effluent filtered water turbidity and head loss development, and compare it with that of conventional sand filter.Results revealed that 25 l/hr flow rate and 25 NTU influent turbidity were the best operating conditions.  smaller media size and higher bed depth gave the best removal efficiency while higher media size and small bed depth gave lower head

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2013
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
WHAT IS DEMOCRACY? A MEDIA CONCEPT: (Socio-Cultural Linguistic Analysis)
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It is easy to talk about democracy, but it is difficult to practice. We talk about postmodernism, but difficult to be embodied in the ground. Yet, the age of democracy and modernity at the same time prompted the researcher to try to find a media concept for it. It does not mean that this concept has not yet formed. But the rooting of democracy and the approaching of states and groups towards it, made it necessary to by studied again.

The relationship between democracy and the media has made them look like one concept. The existence of one is linked to the existence of the other. The reality is only a linguistic formulation, but the social and cultural aspect is related to democracy origin

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2009
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Rheumatoid Arthritis Detected by Doppler Ultrasound
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Background: The excess mortality associated with
rheumatoid arthritis is largely due to
cardiovascular disease. Rheumatoid arthritis is of
primary importance in atherogenesis. The intimamedia thickness of extracranial carotid arteries is a
measurable index of the presence of
Objective: To assess carotid intima-media
thickness in rheumatoid arthritis by Doppler
Methods: Fifty two Iraqi patients with rheumatoid
arthritis were studied and compared with another
fifty two, healthy individuals matched for age and
sex as a control group. Full history was taken and
complete clinical examination was done for all
individuals in both groups. Rheumatoid arthritis
diagnosis was

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Tympanostomy Tube Complication in Otitis Media with Effusion
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Background: Otitis media with effusion is characterized by accumulation of fluid in the middle ear in absence of acute inflammation and  it is the most common cause of  acquired hearing loss in children, and may  negatively affect language development failure of medical treatment of middle ear effusion frequently require myringotomy and tympanostomy tube insertion.

Objectives: To determine tympanostomy tube complications of tube in children with chronic otitis media with effusion who were treated with Shah Grommet tube insertion.

Methods: The Medical records of 162 ears of 87 children (52 male and 35 female) were reviewed respectively, the patients ages wer

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Quantifying Suicidal Ideation on Social Media using Machine Learning: A Critical Review
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Suicidal ideation is one of the severe mental health issues and a serious social problem faced by our society. This problem has been usually dealt with through the psychological point of view, using clinical face to face settings. There are various risk factors associated with suicides, including social isolation, anxiety, depression, etc., that decrease the threshold for suicide. The COVID-19 pandemic further increases social isolation, posing a great threat to the human population. Posting suicidal thoughts on social media is gaining much attention due to the social stigma associated with the mental health. Online Social Networks (OSN) are increasingly used to express the suicidal thoughts. Recently, a top Indian actor industry took th

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