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Semantic Confusion of the Term in Cultural Pages for Students of College of Arts (University of Baghdad)
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The research is exposed to an important issue, related to communication obstacles that prevent the media message contained in cultural topics published in local newspapers to reach the hands of the readers; or related to lack of awareness of aspects of that media message, Because it contains immersed vocabulary in elitism where, sometime, the average reader of the newspaper of medium-sized educated, and even the academic reader are unable to decode it and understand its significance.

After determining the problem of the study and the tools that the researcher wants to use to accomplish his research, a sample of students of college of Arts at the University of Baghdad was selected. As they are closest to the specialization is concerned. This choice came to the assumption of the researcher that the problem extends beyond the general readers to affect those close to the specialization of university students at the departments of literature.

The researcher reached a number of results, which is that the discourse adopted in the cultural pages, is an elitist discourse does not fit the level of the general readers. Readers, as well, suffer from the frequent use of editors of translated terms, as well as blurry in the brainstorming, in addition to the lack of suspense in the drafting the topics, which made the readers away from follow-up cultural pages.

The study also revealed a decline in readers’ interest in cultural topics, which had a low percentage in the penultimate sequence of the bottom of the list of priorities for their favorite pages in the newspapers they read.

The researcher developed a number of proposals to address the phenomenon in question, which can be summarized as follows:

  1. The need to include cultural topics that contain translated terms for some illuminations that clarify the meaning of the term to the reader and help him to understand and absorb the subject.
  2. Avoiding semantic overlap and lack of understanding of the meaning of the term, the researcher recommends not to use complex terms; and replace them with understandable vocabulary.
  3. The need to avoid editors to the method of exaggeration in reviewing the linguistic abilities; and adopt an interesting method in presenting the cultural material.
  4. Using annual coupons to see the views of readers and their suggestions in order to identify the obstacles faced by them in understanding the topics.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Si Alfonso x el sabio y la Escuela de Traductores de Toledo habia hecho del castellana una lengua apta para la expresión cientifica, fue Pablo Neruda quien aplicó su sentido artistico para crear una poesia amorosa de caracter lileraria. Por lo tanto, pocos poetas han llegado ton populares come. Pablo Neruda, en el mismg tiempo: se comsidera esccitor de una abundante producción literaria ne sólo en su ciudad natal de (Chile), Sino ha sida uno de los padres de la poesia hispanoamericana contemporónea. Ademas la influencia que ejerció en el grupo de poetas de la Generación del 27, con los que empezó a relacionarse durante su estancia en Madrid, fue decisiva también para la poesia espańola. Esa era la razon principal que me hizo pe

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 11 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اثر أثر الحضارة الإسلامية في الفكر السياسي الحديث
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There are many opinions about modern political thoughts for future , trying to draw a map of strong powers in the world and one of these thoughts is the conflict with civilizations. Both of these phenomena search for future and western civilization. It is important to mention that Islamic civilization has special place and clear effect through its conditions.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
المقالات البارزة في الفكر الاداري والاقتصادي والمحاسبي والاحصائي
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انطلاقاً من ضرورات التجديد والتطوير لمجلتنا العزيزة، ستجرى اضافات عليها بين الحين والآخر، قد تتناول شكلياتها و/ او محتوياتها. والبداية ستكون بترجمة المقالات والبحوث التي تقع في اختصاصها من المجلات الاجنبية المرموقة عالمياً، فإختارت هيئة التحرير المقالات الخمسة التي سيرد ذكرها لاحقاً للقيام بترجمتها بأسلوب علمي يعطي للتصرف والاضافات حدوداً لتصبح مقبولة وسهلة على القراء. فالمهمة هذه وان كانت صعبة وتت

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 21 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
توظيف العمارة المعاصرة في التقليل من الاحتباس الحراري
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
قراءة في تأسيس الدولة العراقية 1921 الاهداف والنتائج
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قراءة في تأسيس الدولة العراقية 1921 الاهداف والنتائج

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Zur Opposition restriktiv/nichtrestriktiv im Hocharabischen und im Deutschen
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This paper deals with the restrictive/nonrestrictive relative clauses in German and Arabic. I will, first of all, be concerned with some theories that have been provided to define the restrictive and the nonrestrictive relative clauses, particularly with the phonetic hypothesis. It will be, then, shown that the phonetic aspect is unable to give clear answers in this respect. The best way to determine restrictivity in both languages is, I think, by implementing of semantic indicators.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
الثروة السمكية في العراق الواقع و الآفاق المستقبلية
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Despite all the possibilities, owned by Iraq for the production of fish, but there is low in the level of production and in the rate of per capita consumption is due to inter alia, the weakness of investment, stop government support, a significant decline in the quantities of water, the high proportion of salinity and the proportion of pollution in the water, the use of means and fishing methods are primitive, weak laws and legislation, the policy of dumping markets imported products. Despite all this research has shown that there are investment opportunities very large in this sector through the size of the market and the absorptive capacity and the growth of per capita income and cultural revelation

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الاسس الاسس الفكرية لثقافة التعايش السلمي في المجتمعات
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Those human societies, which based on pluralism and cultural diversity, can be handled with completely consciously، when converting the contradiction to integration and the collision to coexistence and the transition from intolerance to tolerance.  This diversity in communities make individuals differ acconding to the following:  

1- The requirements of human nature.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
مرجعية الموروث الشعري في شعر ابي إسحاق الغزي
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Literary heritage and its employment in poetry has received the attention of poets, and they have employed it in their literary texts, as this employment is one of the oldest phenomena in Arabic literature, that the inspiration of this heritage in texts through the overlap of their texts with previous texts, and no poet neglected the importance of this employment.  The ancient critics determined that the poet’s special culture is represented in the necessity of taking from the ancients, and this taking is the reference from which the poet draws his material and idea, as well as to clarify the meaning and its significance

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اثر أثر العقيدة في ترسيخ التمكين عند المسلمين
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That is feared we frequent urgent calls from Islamic scholars and leaders of the Muslim faithful to their religion and nation to a culturally، economically، politically and militarily Muslim communities، in response to the call of the divine stones in the sit-rope of God and taking the greatest causes of strength and stamina، pride and empowerment

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