Various visual media are becoming an increasingly important and active instrument of communication. This fact has led some political parties and leading personalities in Iraq to make use of them as an accepted forum for the discussion of public affairs usually in a manner that conforms to their declared policy. They have to draw as much popular support as they could for the causes which they fight for. As a result, a state of great confusion has been created from the contradictory statements made by the contending parties and gave left grave consequences on all types of the audience receiving them. The problem of the study can be summarized in one major question: What is the opinions of the audience as regards the statements made by the political elites and how far the audience interacts with them?
This paper is to an attempt to examine some the role played by the press conferences in encouraging acts of violence in Iraq. It aims at explaining the contradictory nature of the statements made by the political parties and personalities and at exposing their adverse impact on the audience responding to them. A qualitative method approach is proposed for the study. It requires that the researcher conducts a survey on a casual sample of the population in order to reach a full understanding of the audiences' attitudes about the real content of the statements. The sample of the study has been mainly drawn from the young students of the universities in Baghdad. The choice serves two deliberate purposes: first, the university students represent a wide section of the society and second, they come from different background political social and economic which could variously affect their views and thoughts towards the current issues and the way they deal with them.
عملية صناعة واتخاذ القرار في السياسة الخارجية للرئيس جورج والكر بوش
This paper discusses an important part of the doctrine documented by AL Imam Ali (God peace him) to the prince of Egypt “Malik al Ashter” Which charactrised by universality Where it comprised all of what the administ-rative facilities need of the responsibilities to handle the society issues and problems to have a fair society .
הילדות נחשבה השלב חשוב בתולדות האדם, וגם המשפיע ביותר בהיווצרות של אישיותו, משום שבו תתהווה את הליבה של ציוני דרך אישיותו של האדם, ויתגבש בו את ציוני דרכו ותכונותו שלו, וגם תשרטט את הבסיס העיקרי של מה יהיה האדם בעתיד. היות והילדות נשארה היא והשלכותיה בקרבו של האדם, עם זכרונותיה היפות והעצובים כאחד, במחקר זה עסקנו בילדותו של הסופר עמוס עוז כסיסמה לפענוח לדמותו, ולספרותו, כמו כן לכאבים שהעברו
... Show MoreThe Negro minority in the United States is associated with social injustice,
political deprivation, and economic oppresion. Its members felt that they are
second-class citizens, and that the acceptance of such status will lead to the
continual oppresion of the Whites upon them. As a result, the educated community
adopted a process to put a framework to their opposition to the former's injustice.
This organised framework is exemplified in the "Niagara Movement," which is
regarded as the first national organisation for Negros. The topic of this study is
chosen due to its historical and political significance.
The study consists of an introduction and five sections. The first section
addresses the preliminaries an
تزايد اهتمام الحكومات باختلاف أنظمة الحكم فيها والأفكار السياسية التي تؤمن بها، بالضرائب كأحد أدوات السياسة المالية، تسعى إلى أن تحقق من خلالها أهداف اقتصادية واجتماعية وسياسية فضلا" عن الأهداف المالية، إذ إن السياسة الضريبية تصاغ أهدافها باتساق وانسجام مع أهداف السياسة الاقتصادية بشكل عام، و إنما كانت الضريبة عام، ولما كانت الضريبة على هذا القدر من الأهمية فانه لم يكن مستبعدا" أن تحظى بعناية مشرعي ا
... Show MoreBarium–doped TiO2 / n-Si photodetector was fabricated by spray pyrolysis exhibited visible enhancement responsivity profile with peak response at 600 nm flat response between 650 and 900 nm. The quantum efficiency was 30% and specific detectivity was 5x1012 W-1Hz1/2cm at peak response. The GaAlAs laser diode was used to estimate the rise time of the detector.
The Andalusi did not leave any poetic art without expressing his psychological and sentimental emotions and the depth of emotions and it sincerity. We found Andalusian translated his emotions into poetry and in many different subjects