Various visual media are becoming an increasingly important and active instrument of communication. This fact has led some political parties and leading personalities in Iraq to make use of them as an accepted forum for the discussion of public affairs usually in a manner that conforms to their declared policy. They have to draw as much popular support as they could for the causes which they fight for. As a result, a state of great confusion has been created from the contradictory statements made by the contending parties and gave left grave consequences on all types of the audience receiving them. The problem of the study can be summarized in one major question: What is the opinions of the audience as regards the statements made by the political elites and how far the audience interacts with them?
This paper is to an attempt to examine some the role played by the press conferences in encouraging acts of violence in Iraq. It aims at explaining the contradictory nature of the statements made by the political parties and personalities and at exposing their adverse impact on the audience responding to them. A qualitative method approach is proposed for the study. It requires that the researcher conducts a survey on a casual sample of the population in order to reach a full understanding of the audiences' attitudes about the real content of the statements. The sample of the study has been mainly drawn from the young students of the universities in Baghdad. The choice serves two deliberate purposes: first, the university students represent a wide section of the society and second, they come from different background political social and economic which could variously affect their views and thoughts towards the current issues and the way they deal with them.
يتناول هذا البحث اساسيات التعامل بين الرسول الأعظم r وبين المخالفين له في المعتقد، وضرورة التسامح الديني الذي أقره الاسلام وطبقه الرسول الكريم r في حياته، وعلمه لأصحابه الكرام t، وأصناف الناس الذين تعايش معهم الرسول r مدة سيرته العطرة، لاسيما الكفار وأهل الكتاب والمنافقين، مستندا إلى كتب التفسير والحديث النبوي الشريف، وقد جعل الباحث لكل منهم مبحثا مستقلا ، ثم انتهى إلى الخاتمة وأهم التوصيات .
The holy city of Najaf is a vital space that helps to bring people together within a particular context, thus strengthening intellectual communication, community participation and increasing opportunities to learn about different cultures
The use of story to convey educational content which serves particular purposes is common use long ago, such as we see in Quran`s stories and bible stories which consider good examples, therefore the story individuates by this mission which has magnificent influence minds of the readers.
The Hasidic story is one of Hebrew literature affluents from it`s outset, therefore it has distinctive role in spread thoughts and principles which comes and believes it the Hasidic movement which considers reformatory Jewish religious movement. It aims to reforms the Jewish individual avvording to it`s vision and thoughts.
This paper research contains an introduction which presets s
... Show Moreان الهدف من البحث هو تقويم منهاج الفيزياء للصف الاول الثانوي في الجمهورية اليمنية
The organization and development of the irrigation system and agrarian reform in Iraq had an impact on the diversity of its methods and uses.
لقد أرسى الفنان العراقي القديم، بلا ريب، الأسس الأولى للفنون فكانت وما زالت أعماله مصدرا مهما للمدارس الفنية كافة منذ العصور التاريخية وما قبلها، وداولتها الحضارات المتعاقبة في أرضه وخارجها حتى أصبح فن الرافدين يطبع كثيرا من خصائصه وسماته على تلك الحضارات. وعندما بزغ نور الإسلام السرمدي وبدد
The research includes a bout IL- IQulle , and their role in scientific of the Islamic – Arabic civilization , for Dr. Khlood M.Namma the proff in the collage of education for woman , Baghdad university , History department .
Desde la Salamanca de doradas piedras que tantas veces cantara, don Miguel de Unamuno dio a la literatura y al pensamiento españoles unas obras que, a pesar de muchos pesares, perdura viva, como viva fue su agónica existencia.
El bilbaíno Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936) es autor de al menos, doce obras teatrales. Su costumbre de mezclar géneros literarios, sin distinguir claramente el drama de la novela dialogada, le llevó a preferir el teatro leído. De ahí que sus estrenos fuesen, frecuentemente, muy posteriores a las ediciones impresas.
The Bilbao Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936) is the author of at least twelve plays. His habit of mixing genres,
... Show MoreThe shortcomings of the Muslim regime were however, became more obvious in later periods. Under the first Abbasids, the Muslims bourgeoisies were still a new class, rising in the social hierarchy of the caliph empire. It became even powerful class and a factor to reckon with
The political system during the reign of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) was based on explicit openness in its features and objectives away from misinformation, and built its foundations and foundations on the Koranic legislation, and enacted by the Prophet (peace be upon him), and the decent legislation required by humanity