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The propaganda content of the elements of expression in the face of the promotion of terrorist thought: (Military information of the popular crowd model)
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The propaganda war is one of the most dangerous weapons used in various conditions of war and peace within any intellectual, political or military conflict to be targeted by multiple social groups and their effects on the intellectuals to change the viewpoints at the local and global level, including the use of technical treatment of the audio and visual medium, The impact of the psychological dimensions of the arms in the confrontation and spread terror in the ranks of the enemies and in the forefront of what Iraq faces in its battle against the And the use of it as a propaganda content contributes to the development of the spirit of tranquility and tranquility in the hearts of Iraqis and the return of the right to the owners “that artistic expression cannot be achieved not through something to turn into that exciting or sensory stimuli .... Only after the hand of the artist has spread to them created from them Aesthetically felt “(), hence the problem of research in the following question: What is the role of the elements of cinematic expression as an intermediary within the structure of the work of art to counter the promotion of radical ideas for the terrorist?

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Technique for Estimating Degradation Parameters for Medical Images Blind Restoration
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      Restoration is the main process in many applications. Restoring an original image from a damaged image is the foundation of the restoring operation, either blind or non-blind. One of the main challenges in the restoration process is to estimate the degradation parameters. The degradation parameters include Blurring Function (Point Spread Function, PSF) and Noise Function. The most common causes of image degradation are errors in transmission channels, defects in the optical system, inhomogeneous medium, relative motion between object and camera, etc. In our research, a novel algorithm was adopted based on Circular Hough Transform used to estimate the width (radius, sigma) of the Point Spread Function. This algorithm is based o

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 10 2016
Journal Name
British Journal Of Applied Science & Technology
Illumination - Invariant Facial Components Extraction Using Adaptive Contrast Enhancement Methods
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The process of accurate localization of the basic components of human faces (i.e., eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, etc.) from images is an important step in face processing techniques like face tracking, facial expression recognition or face recognition. However, it is a challenging task due to the variations in scale, orientation, pose, facial expressions, partial occlusions and lighting conditions. In the current paper, a scheme includes the method of three-hierarchal stages for facial components extraction is presented; it works regardless of illumination variance. Adaptive linear contrast enhancement methods like gamma correction and contrast stretching are used to simulate the variance in light condition among images. As testing material

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Steganography Based on Arabic Language Texts by Kashida Using STRI As RNG
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One of the primary problems in internet is security, mostly when computer utilization is increasing in all social and business areas. So, the secret communications through public and private channels are the major goal of researchers. Information hiding is one of methods to obtain a security communication medium and protecting the data during transmission.
This research offers in a new method using two levels to hide, the first level is hiding by embedding and addition but the second level is hiding by injection. The first level embeds a secret message in one bit in the LSB in the FFT and the addition of one kashida. Subtraction of two random images (STRI) is RNG to find positions for hiding within the text. The second level is the in

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Symmetric- Based Steganography Technique Using Spiral-Searching Method for HSV Color Images
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Steganography is defined as hiding confidential information in some other chosen media without leaving any clear evidence of changing the media's features. Most traditional hiding methods hide the message directly in the covered media like (text, image, audio, and video). Some hiding techniques leave a negative effect on the cover image, so sometimes the change in the carrier medium can be detected by human and machine. The purpose of suggesting hiding information is to make this change undetectable. The current research focuses on using complex method to prevent the detection of hiding information by human and machine based on spiral search method, the Structural Similarity Index Metrics measures are used to get the accuracy and quality

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Survey In Fisheries Sciences
Spectrum Analyzing X-ray Data Image (FITS) Using Ds9 Program
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n this study, data or X-ray images Fixable Image Transport System (FITS) of objects were analyzed, where energy was collected from the body by several sensors; each sensor receives energy within a specific range, and when energy was collected from all sensors, the image was formed carrying information about that body. The images can be transferred and stored easily. The images were analyzed using the DS9 program to obtain a spectrum for each object,an energy corresponding to the photons collected per second. This study analyzed images for two types of objects (globular and open clusters). The results showed that the five open star clusters contain roughly t

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Image Signal Decomposition Using Polynomial Representation with Hybrid Lossy and Non-Lossy Coding Scheme
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This article presents a polynomial-based image compression scheme, which consists of using the color model (YUV) to represent color contents and using two-dimensional polynomial coding (first-order) with variable block size according to correlation between neighbor pixels. The residual part of the polynomial for all bands is analyzed into two parts, most important (big) part, and least important (small) parts. Due to the significant subjective importance of the big group; lossless compression (based on Run-Length spatial coding) is used to represent it. Furthermore, a lossy compression system scheme is utilized to approximately represent the small group; it is based on an error-limited adaptive coding system and using the transform codin

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Image Focus Enhancement Using Focusing Filter and DT-CWT Based Image Fusion
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Combining multi-model images of the same scene that have different focus distances can produce clearer and sharper images with a larger depth of field. Most available image fusion algorithms are superior in results. However, they did not take into account the focus of the image. In this paper a fusion method is proposed to increase the focus of the fused image and to achieve highest quality image using the suggested focusing filter and Dual Tree-Complex Wavelet Transform. The focusing filter consist of a combination of two filters, which are Wiener filter and a sharpening filter. This filter is used before the fusion operation using Dual Tree-Complex Wavelet Transform. The common fusion rules, which are the average-fusion rule and maximu

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Medical Image Classification for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Using Convolutional Neural Networks
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     The coronavirus is a family of viruses that cause different dangerous diseases that lead to death. Two types of this virus have been previously found: SARS-CoV, which causes a severe respiratory syndrome, and MERS-CoV, which causes a respiratory syndrome in the Middle East. The latest coronavirus, originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan, is known as the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a new kind of coronavirus that can harm people and was first discovered in Dec. 2019. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of people infected with this serious disease has reached more than seven million people from all over the world. In Iraq, the number of people infected has reached more than tw

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A New Beta Chaotic Map with DNA Encoding for Color Image Encryption
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Images hold important information, especially in military and commercial surveillance as well as in industrial inspection and communication. Therefore, the protection of the image from abuse, unauthorized access, and damage became a significant demand. This paper introduces a new Beta chaotic map for encrypting and confusing the color image with Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) sequence. First, the DNA addition operation is used for diffusing each component of the plain image. Then, a new Beta chaotic map is used for shuffling the DNA color image. In addition, two chaotic maps, namely the proposed new Beta and Sine chaotic maps, are used for key generation. Finally, the DNA XOR operation is applied between the generated key and shuffled DNA i

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A New Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Multi Chaotic System
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       In recent years, encryption technology has been developed rapidly and many image encryption methods have been put forward. The chaos-based image encryption technique is a modern encryption system for images. To encrypt images, it uses random sequence chaos, which is an efficient way to solve the intractable problem of simple and highly protected image encryption. There are, however, some shortcomings in the technique of chaos-based image encryption, such limited accuracy issue. The approach focused on the chaotic system in this paper is to construct a dynamic IP permutation and S-Box substitution by following steps. First of all, use of a new IP table for more diffusion of al

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