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Measuring the level of communicative competence in news headlines and the level of stylistic and semantic processing in its formulation requires creating a quantitative scale based on the bases on building the scales and their standards. As judging by scientific of journalism studies lies in the possibility of quantifying the journalistic knowledge, i.e. the ability of this knowledge to shift from qualitative language to its equivalent in the language of numbers.

News headlines and editorial processing are one of the journalistic knowledges that should be studied, analyzed stylistically and semantically; their conclusions drawn and expressed in numbers. Press knowledge is divided into two types:

First: Knowledges related to the means element means the newspaper, whether a newspaper or magazine.

Second: Knowledges related to the sender, message, receiver, echo or impact elements. The news headline measure to be developed depends on the division of these types of journalistic knowledge according to the elements of the communication process. It measures the efficiency of each of its components as follows:

  1. Stylistic and semantic measurement of the media message in the form of news headlines: It includes a set of mathematical equations that adopt the ratio and proportionality system developed by the researcher for the purpose of accomplishing the measurement of the effectiveness of the headlines published in newspapers and their level of communication efficiency. This measurement represents the press knowledge related to the element of the message.
  2. Measure the level of communication skills of press editors with regard to stylistic and semantic processing in formulating the news headlines using the test model prepared by the researcher for the purpose of completing this measurement of twenty questions and each question estimate five grades.

In this light, the degree of drafting skill of news editors is determined. And this measurement represents journalistic knowledge related to the sender's element. Communication skill is matched by craft and intelligence. It means upgrading the meanings positively, excitement and conciseness in order to reach balance with the form of the method used; and to provide meaning in harmony and rhythm.

Communication skills mean writing and speaking skills on the one hand; and reading and listening skills on the other hand, i.e. the ability of the writer or speaker as the sender or source to choose linguistic and non-linguistic symbols; as well as the ability of the recipient to convert the symbols received to meanings he/ she can understand and grasp. This process is called coding skills.

  1. Determining the preference of the formulas in the news headlines resulting from the treatment taken by the editor that achieve the means of attracting attention and interest of the reader using the semantic differentiation form prepared by the researcher to identify the preference of the formulations used in the headlines of the readers that attract their attention and interest in the news. This measurement represents journalistic knowledge related to the elements of the future and echo.
  2. Identifying the newspapers whose titles are subject to the study according to the research plan and objectives; measuring the efficiency of drafting the titles; and presenting and diagnosing the type of journalism school to which it belongs. This measurement represents journalistic knowledge related to the instrument element.

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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Approximaitly Prime Submodules and Some Related Concepts
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In this research note approximately prime submodules is defined as a new generalization of prime submodules of unitary modules over a commutative ring with identity. A proper submodule  of an -module  is called an approximaitly prime submodule of  (for short app-prime submodule), if when ever , where , , implies that either  or . So, an ideal  of a ring  is called app-prime ideal of  if   is an app-prime submodule of -module . Several basic properties, characterizations and examples of approximaitly prime submodules were given. Furthermore, the definition of approximaitly prime radical of submodules of modules were introduced, and some of it is properties were established.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
العلاقة بين نوعية حياة العمل والإبداع التنظيمي (بحث تطبيقي في ديوان وزارة التخطيط)
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    يهدف البحث الحالي إلى اختبار العلاقة بين نوعية حياة العمل والإبداع التنظيمي في ديوان وزارة التخطيط ، ولبلوغ الهدف المذكور وبناء على معطيات البحث الاستطلاعي للباحث بني ألانموذج الفرضي للبحث الذي ضم المتغير المستقل والمعتمد، واعتماداً على حركية الأنموذج صيغت فرضيتان، ولاختبار صحة الفرضيات وجمع المعلومات من عينة البحث البالغة (100) مدير يمثلون مرك

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Climatic Analysis and Climatic Water Balance Determination for Al- Yusufiyah Area, Southern Baghdad, Iraq
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The Climatic parameters for the years (1985-2015) were collected from Baghdad
meteorological station and then were applied to evaluate the climatic conditions for
the Al-Yusufyiah area south Baghdad. The total annual rainfall is (119.65 mm),
while the total annual evaporation is (3201.7 mm), relative humidity is (43.62%),
sunshine (8.76 h/day), temperature (23.28 C◦) and wind speed (3.06 m/sec). Climate
of the study area is described as an arid according to classification of (Kettaneh and
Gangopadhyaya, 1974), (Mather, 1973), and (Al-Kubaisi, 2004). Mean monthly
water surplus for the period (1985-2015) was recorded in the study area about (4.7
mm) in November, (11.67 mm) in December, (20.56 mm) in January and (6

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 04 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of The Iraqi University
La imprescindibilidad de la Exégesis en la Traducción del Texto Coránico
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In the process of translating Qur’anic texts, there is an urgent need for interpretations of the Qur’anic text due to the presence of many incomprehensible Qur’anic verses or words because of our distance from the standard Arabic, language in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed, and the introduction of the foreign words into our language, in addition to the fact that many Qur’anic words are no longer used. All this prompted the need for the interpretation of the Qur'anic text, Therefore, it is necessary for the translator to resort to the books of interpretation if he intends to translate the Qur’an

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 02 2021
Journal Name
مجلة بحوث الشرق الأوسط
PROPÓSITOS RETÓRICOS DE LA VOZ PASIVA EN EL NOBLE CORÁN Estudio comparativo entre dos versiones españolas الأغراض البلاغية لصيغة المبنى للمجهول فى القرآن الکريم «دراسة مقارنة بين ترجمتين للقرآن الکريم»
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This research deals with the rhetoric purposes of the passive voice in the holy Quran. First, we put an introductory to the concept of the Quran language and its difference of the spoken Arabic language during the revelation period. Besides; we gave a brief about the structure passive voice form of Arabic language. Second, we explained the purposes of passive voice used in the holly Quran with sufficient examples, commentaries and clarifications about all the cases. Rhetoric purposes that we deals with are: concision, emphasize an idea, avoid using the subject because it is known and clear for all or because it is really unknown, etc. This part has contained the most important purposes for the use of passive voice in holy Quran. At the end

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Survey In Fisheries Sciences
Spectrum Analyzing X-ray Data Image (FITS) Using Ds9 Program
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n this study, data or X-ray images Fixable Image Transport System (FITS) of objects were analyzed, where energy was collected from the body by several sensors; each sensor receives energy within a specific range, and when energy was collected from all sensors, the image was formed carrying information about that body. The images can be transferred and stored easily. The images were analyzed using the DS9 program to obtain a spectrum for each object,an energy corresponding to the photons collected per second. This study analyzed images for two types of objects (globular and open clusters). The results showed that the five open star clusters contain roughly t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Pose Invariant Palm Vein Identification System using Convolutional Neural Network
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Palm vein recognition is a one of the most efficient biometric technologies, each individual can be identified through its veins unique characteristics, palm vein acquisition techniques is either contact based or contactless based, as the individual's hand contact or not the peg of the palm imaging device, the needs a contactless palm vein system in modern applications rise tow problems, the pose variations (rotation, scaling and translation transformations) since the imaging device cannot aligned correctly with the surface of the palm, and a delay of matching process especially for large systems, trying to solve these problems. This paper proposed a pose invariant identification system for contactless palm vein which include three main

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Scopus (19)
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fuzzy-assignment Model by Using Linguistic Variables
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      This work addressed the assignment problem (AP) based on fuzzy costs, where the objective, in this study, is to minimize the cost. A triangular, or trapezoidal, fuzzy numbers were assigned for each fuzzy cost. In addition, the assignment models were applied on linguistic variables which were initially converted to quantitative fuzzy data by using the Yager’sorankingi method. The paper results have showed that the quantitative date have a considerable effect when considered in fuzzy-mathematic models.

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Scopus (5)
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Skin Detection using Improved ID3 Algorithm
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Skin detection is classification the pixels of the image into two types of pixels skin and non-skin. Whereas, skin color affected by many issues like various races of people, various ages of people gender type. Some previous researchers attempted to solve these issues by applying a threshold that depends on certain ranges of skin colors. Despite, it is fast and simple implementation, it does not give a high detection for distinguishing all colors of the skin of people. In this paper suggests improved ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser) to enhance the performance of skin detection. Three color spaces have been used a dataset of RGB obtained from machine learning repository, the University of California Irvine (UCI), RGB color space, HSV color sp

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A New Three Step Iterative Method without Second Derivative for Solving Nonlinear Equations
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In this paper , an efficient new procedure is proposed to modify third –order iterative method obtained by Rostom and Fuad [Saeed. R. K. and Khthr. F.W. New third –order iterative method for solving nonlinear equations. J. Appl. Sci .7(2011): 916-921] , using three steps based on Newton equation , finite difference method and linear interpolation. Analysis of convergence is given to show the efficiency and the performance of the new method for solving nonlinear equations. The efficiency of the new method is demonstrated by numerical examples.

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