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Investment of Propaganda in Al-Rafidain and Al- Sharqiya News Channels: Content Analysis of News Bulletins from 1/12/2016 to 29/2/2016
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The technological developments in the field of communication have witnessed considerable impact in the variables which exist in following up and conveying the events which link it’s meaning to political implications. This makes a number of satellite channels depend on the techniques of propaganda and use them in the news bulletins to achieve political aims and ends related to its formational directives where those channels allotted a considerable time in its programming transmission map to concentrate on the security and political status to complete the image of the informational scene according to the logic of its propaganda and styles in processing news for daily events.The technological developments in the field of communication have witnessed considerable impact in the variables which exist in following up and conveying the events which link it’s meaning to political implications. This makes a number of satellite channels depend on the techniques of propaganda and use them in the news bulletins to achieve political aims and ends related to its formational directives where those channels allotted a considerable time in its programming transmission map to concentrate on the security and political status to complete the image of the informational scene according to the logic of its propaganda and styles in processing news for daily events.Depending on the descriptive approach, this paper endeavored to achieve two aims: First, identifying the major propaganda styles which are used by Al-Rafidain and Al- SharqiyaNews Channels in their news bulletins. Second, discovering the minor styles which the two channels depend on in investment the propaganda activity within the news bulletins. Content Analysis Method is also used to arrive at the aims of those news implications. Of the results that have been achieved in this study Al-Rafidain and Al- Sharqiyanews depend on exaggeration and inflation as a part of its styles in the propaganda investment within their news bulletins. Moreover, Al-Rafidain Channel concentrates on the style of using Strong Emotional Motives within their propaganda investment whereas Al- SharqiyaNews Channel concentrates on the style which depends on the international reports, studies and statistics to achieve the reliability in their bulletins and propaganda implications. Finally, the study includes the news material which have been analyzed according to the overall restriction style from 1/12/2015 to 29/2/2016.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
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مجلة علوم الرياضة في جامعة ديالى
إتخاذ القرار و علاقته بإنماط الشخصية و الإدراك البنائي لدى مدراء منتديات الشباب و الرياضة في محافظات الفرات الأوسط و الجنوبية.
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
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مجلة كلية الادارة والاقتصادللدراسات الاقتصادية والادارية والمالية
تصميم الترتيب الداخلي األمثل باستعمال تقنية التخصيص النسبي المحوسب للتسهيالت )CRAFT)بحث تطبيقي في الشركة العامة لصناعة الزيوت النباتية – مصنع المأمون
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The facilities layout are among the most important of the most influential factors in the efficiency of the production system, and represents the systematic layout of the various work centers, tools, persons, and other auxiliary services within the factory. Careful selection of the technique that would be used in Re-layout, represents an important step in reaching to the optimum layout that keeps on reducing handling costs and reduce unnecessary movement of materials, as well as the regularity and functioning of the flow of materials through the facilities. The research aims to propose a new layout of (Al-M'ammon Factory / The General Company for Vegetable Oils Industry), and then re-layout according to the new propose layout by using of te

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Publication Date
Sun May 06 2007
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كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة/جامعة بغداد .
تأثير التمرينات الاوكسجينية واللاأوكسجينية في الوحدة التدريبية لتطوير بعض القدرات الوظيفية والبدنية للاعبي كر ة القدم بعمر (13-14)سنة. رسالة ماجستير
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تعيين عنصر الزئبق السام بتراكيز نزرة في نماذج غذائية ومائية مختلفة باستخدام منظومة بخار الزئبق البارد المرتبطة مع جهاز الامتصاص الذري اللهبي
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     يتضمن البحث تعيين عنصر الزئبق السام بتراكيزنزرة عالية الدقة (نانوغرام) باستخدام منظومة يخار الزئبق البارد لنماذج غذائية (لحوم حمراء ، لحوم بيضاء ) مختلفة ونماذج مائية (ماء النهر، مياه صناعية ، ماء الشرب) وربط المنظومة بتقنية الامتصاص الذري اللهبي.

     ان عنصر الزئبق من اشد العناصر سمية وان التراكيز المسموح بها عالميا لايتعدى جزء واحد

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الاديب الكاتب والمؤرخ الفقيه يحيى بن خلدون (ت 780هـ/ 1379م) كاتب ديوان الانشاء في دولة بني زيان (633-962هـ/ 1235-1554م) بتلمسان
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    A prominent figure such as Yahya bin Khaldoun and a scholar of the moroccan countries in the medieval era, and had a special place in the history of the country and the state of Bani Zayan, and the positions he occupied in it and left his scientific, literary and historical traces, leaving him an imprint in the course of history and its events, and in this study
I dealt with the research: his personal life : his name and lineage, then his upbringing and his family.

    The aim of the study is to know this character in the details of his personal and scientific life, according to the historical descriptive research method, including description and presentation of events, and linking them in a

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
جهود جُهُودُ عُلَمَاءِ العِرَاقِ في تَدْوِينِ الف هَ ا رِسِ والكَ ش ا فَاتِ والمَ جَ ل تِ المعْ ن يةِ بال ت راثِ
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The scholars of Iraq in the modern and contemporary era have been interested in the definition of tremendous knowledge treasures left by the successive Iraqi civilizations on Mesopotamia and around the cities, through the census and extrapolation of manuscript heritage and even printed, they compiled indexes,evidence

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 03 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
أثر تطبيق الضريبة الانتقائية على السجائر في زيادة الحصيلة الضريبية: The effect of applying the selective tax on cigarettes on increasing the tax revenue
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The increasing rates of consumption of cigarettes harmful, to health in the world in general, and in Iraq in particular, and because of the costs borne by individuals, and the state as a result of addressing its damage, as well as Iraq's commitment, to international conventions against cigarettes, and demands of the World Health Organization, to raise prices to reduce consumption. Therefore, the tax Selectivity is one of the most important ways of regulating the consumption of this commodity on the one hand and increasing the tax revenue on the other. The research aims to shed light on the issue of selective tax on cigarettes and the impact of their application in increasing tax revenues and identify the effectiveness of the application

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Full Text Book Of Minar Congress10
مستوى الافصاح عن المعلومات المالية المتعلقة بالاستدامة على وفق معيار (IFRS-S1) وتأثير على أداء الشركة - بحث تطبيقي في عينة عن المصارف الاسلامية العراقية
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
کاریگەری ستراتیجیەتی مێزگرد لەسەر دەستکەوتی بابەتی خوێندنەوە و ئەدەبی کوردی
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم الاحصائية
نمذجة السلاسل الزمنية التي تنتجها اجهزة الاحصاء الدولية وانتاج قيم تنبؤية لمتخذ القرار حالة دراسية : التنبؤ بالمساحة المزروعة لمحصول الذرة الصفراء في العراق للفترة (2015-2020
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تنفذ أجهزة اإلحصاء الدولية ومنها الجهاز المركزي لإلحصاء في العراقإحدى أجهزة وزارة التخطيط، تقوم بإجراء مسوح سنوية ودورية لإنتاج مؤشرات تقييم وتقويم أنشطة القطاعات الاقتصادية المختلفة. يتيح هذا الكم الهائل من البيانات بشكل سلسل زمني لهذه الأجهزة إنتاج مؤشرات جديدة، بما في ذلك القيم التنبؤية لمؤشرات رئيسية تستخدم في إعداد الخطط طويلة وقصيرة المدى. في عام 2015، قامت مديرية الإحصاء الزراعي في الجهاز المركزي للإ

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