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Investment of Propaganda in Al-Rafidain and Al- Sharqiya News Channels: Content Analysis of News Bulletins from 1/12/2016 to 29/2/2016
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The technological developments in the field of communication have witnessed considerable impact in the variables which exist in following up and conveying the events which link it’s meaning to political implications. This makes a number of satellite channels depend on the techniques of propaganda and use them in the news bulletins to achieve political aims and ends related to its formational directives where those channels allotted a considerable time in its programming transmission map to concentrate on the security and political status to complete the image of the informational scene according to the logic of its propaganda and styles in processing news for daily events.The technological developments in the field of communication have witnessed considerable impact in the variables which exist in following up and conveying the events which link it’s meaning to political implications. This makes a number of satellite channels depend on the techniques of propaganda and use them in the news bulletins to achieve political aims and ends related to its formational directives where those channels allotted a considerable time in its programming transmission map to concentrate on the security and political status to complete the image of the informational scene according to the logic of its propaganda and styles in processing news for daily events.Depending on the descriptive approach, this paper endeavored to achieve two aims: First, identifying the major propaganda styles which are used by Al-Rafidain and Al- SharqiyaNews Channels in their news bulletins. Second, discovering the minor styles which the two channels depend on in investment the propaganda activity within the news bulletins. Content Analysis Method is also used to arrive at the aims of those news implications. Of the results that have been achieved in this study Al-Rafidain and Al- Sharqiyanews depend on exaggeration and inflation as a part of its styles in the propaganda investment within their news bulletins. Moreover, Al-Rafidain Channel concentrates on the style of using Strong Emotional Motives within their propaganda investment whereas Al- SharqiyaNews Channel concentrates on the style which depends on the international reports, studies and statistics to achieve the reliability in their bulletins and propaganda implications. Finally, the study includes the news material which have been analyzed according to the overall restriction style from 1/12/2015 to 29/2/2016.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
جوطرافياى شيَوةزارى باجةلآنى ناسراو بة شيَوةزارى شةبةك Geography of Bajalan Variety known as Shabak variety
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Shabak is one of minority related to Kurdish nation , speaking Bajalan variety especially Goran Dialect.

     This study is a historic  and diactological study about Kurdish Bajalan variety.The study is composed an  introduction and tw0 chapters. The first  chapter talks about Bajalan variety , and it has two axes . In the first axe , I talk about the geography of Bajalan variety and in the second axes the map of goran dialect . The second chapter is about Shabak variety and it is constituted of three axes : The first section is about Shabak variety , in the second section is allocated to the domicile of Shabak variety and in the third section , talks about the saint of shabak and in the end the

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 20 2020
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
Investigating the Effectiveness of YouTube as a Learning Tool among EFL Students at Baghdad University
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YouTube is not just a platform that individuals share, upload, comment on videos; teachers and educators can utilize it to the best maximum so that students can have benefits. This study aims at investigating how active and influential YouTube can be in the educational process and how it is beneficial for language teachers to enhance the skills of students. The study demonstrates different theoretical frameworks that tackle the employment of technology to enhance the learning/teaching process. It relies on the strategies of Berk (2009) for using multimedia media, video clips in particular to develop the abilities of teachers for using technology in classrooms. To achieve the objective of the study, the researchers develop a questionnair

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Solution of Second Kind Volterra Integral Equations Using Third Order Non-Polynomial Spline Function
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In this paper, third order non-polynomial spline function is used to solve 2nd kind Volterra integral equations. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the applications of this method, and to compare the computed results with other known methods.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Differential Equations
Dynamical Behaviours of Stage-Structured Fractional-Order Prey-Predator Model with Crowley-Martin Functional Response
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In this paper, the dynamic behaviour of the stage-structure prey-predator fractional-order derivative system is considered and discussed. In this model, the Crowley–Martin functional response describes the interaction between mature preys with a predator.  e existence, uniqueness, non-negativity, and the boundedness of solutions are proved. All possible equilibrium points of this system are investigated.  e su‰cient conditions of local stability of equilibrium points for the considered system are determined. Finally, numerical simulation results are carried out to con‹rm the theoretical results.

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 25 2018
Journal Name
Summaries Of Working Papers, Research And Experiments
E-learning at the College of Mass Communication, subject: public relations campaigns as a model
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Publication Date
Mon May 28 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
M A Modified Similarity Measure for Improving Accuracy of User-Based Collaborative Filtering: Nadia Fadhil
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Production sites suffer from idle in marketing of their products because of the lack in the efficient systems that analyze and track the evaluation of customers to products; therefore some products remain untargeted despite their good quality. This research aims to build a modest model intended to take two aspects into considerations. The first aspect is diagnosing dependable users on the site depending on the number of products evaluated and the user's positive impact on rating. The second aspect is diagnosing products with low weights (unknown) to be generated and recommended to users depending on logarithm equation and the number of co-rated users. Collaborative filtering is one of the most knowledge discovery techniques used positive

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Bearing Capacity of a Strip Model Footing on Loose Sand Reinforced With Pomegranate Sticks Mat
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A series of laboratory model tests has been carried out to investigate the using of pomegranate sticks mat as reinforcement to increase the bearing capacity of footing on loose sand. The influence of depth and length of pomegranate sticks layer was examined. In the present research single layer of pomegranate sticks reinforcement was used to strengthen the loose sand stratum beneath the strip footing. The dimensions of the used foundation were 4*20 cm. The reinforcement layer has been embedded at depth 2, 4 and 8 cm under surcharge stresses . Reinforcing layer with length of 8 and 16 cm were used. The final model test results indicated that the inclusion of pomegranate sticks reinforcement is very effective in improvement the loading cap

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
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Laser And Particle Beams
Surface morphology modifications of human teeth induced by a picosecond Nd:YAG laser operating at 532nm
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Solving Systems of Non-Linear Volterra Integral Equations by Combined Sumudu Transform-Adomian Decomposition Method
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     This paper is used for solving component Volterra nonlinear systems by means of the combined Sumudu transform with Adomian decomposition process. We equate the numerical results with the exact solutions to demonstrate the high accuracy of the solution results. The results show that the approach is very straightforward and effective.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study of Some Mechanical Properties for a Polymer Material Reinforcement with Chip or Powder Copper
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In this paper, chip and powder copper are used as reinforcing phase in polyester matrix to form composites. Mechanical properties such as flexural strength and impact test of polymer reinforcement copper (powder and chip) were done, the maximum flexural strength for the polymer reinforcement with copper (powder and chip) are (85.13 Mpa) and (50.08 Mpa) respectively was obtained, while the maximum observation energy of the impact test for the polymer reinforcement with copper (powder and chip) are (0.85 J) and (0.4 J) respectively  

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