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TV planning and ways to deal with space developments
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The quote of a Canadian communication scientist (Marshall McLuhan) (“The world has become an electronic village”) has become an archaic information compared to the great and rapid development of communication in the last two decades of the 20th century and what will happen later in the 21st century, to the extent that the world is called, thanks to the internet, a “Small screen” and this fact is a sign of the great progress that has been made in this field. As for the other statement of the Canadian communication scientist mentioned before “the medium itself, is the message”, it has been renewed and developed in its meaning and it’s purpose. Each new technical development in the means of communication necessarily means a media development in the content of the message if it has been properly formulated and used. When the TV broadcast began to be colored, its programs have become more attractive to the audience and more popular to reach its goals. Especially when it is planned  to fit the goals set out in the TV message.

When satellite broadcast became to cover wider international areas from several different TV stations, planners began to rethink their previous plans of TV broadcasting to catch up with the fast growing development and the challenges, imposed by foreign satellite broadcasting, on national independent TV stations that consumes trending programs. There have been extensive changes in communication technology, especially in the field of audiovisual media during the 1980s and 1990s in Western Europe and the United States, which has led to the intensification of dialogue about the new roles of the media in the political, cultural and social spheres. Perhaps the most dangerous of these roles is what the media is doing in shaping certain patterns of human behavior and marginalizing other patterns through its languages and symbols. These new roles and their importance have been recognized by the governments in the industrialized North countries and can be carried out by the media to measure the efficiency of political and economic performance of contemporary systems.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Some Organizational Factors Role in Limited Talent Management Strategies Field Research in Number of Talent Schools in Iraq)
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 The purpose of this research is measuring relationship level and impact between Organizational Factors and their Dimensions (Leadership, Organizational Structure, Organizational Culture), and Talent Management Strategies (Talent Recruitment,Talent performance management, Talent Development, Talent Retention ). it was relied on the Questionnaire form as a basic instrument in collecting the Data by using (Likert) instrument ,which was distributed on the research Sample which number was (100) individual included (Managers of schools, assistants  (scientific and Administration ) and teachers in Four schools of Talents in Iraq (Baghdad , AL-Nagaf , AL-Basra, Mesan). All fo

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
الادارة بالرؤية المشتركة وانعكاساتها على التسويق الابداعي بحث استطلاعي لعينة من موظفي الشركة العامة للصناعات الكهربائية
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ان السبب الرئيسي لاختيار الموضوع كونه من الاساليب الادارية الحديثة التي تهدف الى انجاح المنظمة او الشركة المبحوثة, اذ تمثلت مشكلة البحث في ما دور الادارة بالرؤية المشتركة في تعزيز التسويق الابداعي بالشركة المبحوثة, يهدف البحث الى تسليط الضوء على مفهوم الادارة بالرؤية المشتركة وانعكاساتها على التسويق الابداعي للمنظمة ، باعتبارها منهج اداري حديث يسهم في تغيير وتجديد وتطوير واقع المنظمة المبحوثة( الشرك

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A traditional model of translation: Critical analysis: Традиционные модели перевода: критический анализ
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 The article critically analyzes traditional translation models. The most influential models of translation in the second half of the 20th century have been mentioned, among which the theory of formal and dynamic equivalence, the theory of regular correspondences, informative, situational-denotative, functional-pragmatic theory of communication levels have been considered. The selected models have been analyzed from the point of view of the universality of their use for different types and types of translation, as well as the ability to comprehend the deep links established between the original and the translation.


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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Re-distribution of income in favor of the poor - theoretical entrance of stagnation treatment
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Research deals the crises of the global recession of the facets of different and calls for the need to think out of the ordinary theory and find the arguments of the theory to accommodate the evolution of life, globalization and technological change and the standard of living of individuals and the size of the disparity in income distribution is not on the national level, but also at the global level as well, without paying attention to the potential resistance for thought the usual classical, Where the greater the returns of factors of production, the consumption will increase, and that the marginal propensity to consume may rise and the rise at rates greater with slices of low-income (the mouths of the poor) wi

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology
Factors affecting global virtual teams’ performance in software projects
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Scopus (23)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Advances In Bioresearch
Cytotoxicity of Miltefosine against Leishmania majorPromastigotes
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