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Media separation: The Relationship of Arab Immigrants with the Media of the Countries of Diaspora (Sweden as a model) (A Research Derived from PhD Dissertation)
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The research seeks to study the subject (Media separation: the Relationship of Arab Immigrants with the Media of the Countries of Diaspora/ Sweden as a model). Where this phenomenon, "problem" has not been subjected to an in-depth study to find out the causes of this media separation and its repercussions on the immigrant, whether in the problem of integration, or his opportunity to work, or adapt to live in the new society.

Separation is a kind of word that is rarely used in Arabic media studies, relevant, sometimes, to the meaning of “refraining from watching TV or listening to the radio or reading newspapers”. Sometimes, it means “not tuning to or using any form of media like radios or newspapers to be updated about what is going on in the world”.

If the separation is a kind of break in the link between the messages and means of mass communication from one side, and the public on the other side, it is defined in this study as: “as a case of voluntary or involuntary abstaining from following up the satellite channels and other means of media for a number of reasons hidden or declared by the person who assumes this attitude against such means of communication, or because this person is unable to follow up due to the barrier of the language used by these media channels; this failure may be due to programmed plans drawn by the owners of these means who intentionally ignore the  problems of the immigrant or going too far in degrading his  image or underestimating his value.”

The research sought to study the theme of (Media separation: the Relationship of Arab Immigrants with the Media of the Countries of Diaspora, Sweden as a model).

The research has also identified some concepts and terminology relative to the subject matter of the research, including the researcher`s knowledge of relevant previous studies and research related to the subject of the study and the extent of its utilization of the results.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 25 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
نظام الفعالية السكنية ومستوى الضوضاء الحالة الدراسية:- منطقة سكنية في مدينة اربيل/ منطقة راستي الجديدة
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التحديات التحديات المعاصرة للثقافة الإسلامية دراسة في الصورة النمطية المتبادلة للسلام وللحرب بين الإسلام والغرب
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Islamic Culture face many challenges Such as، Secularism، westrenism، globalism and Colonialism under current attempts For western States and united states of America to dominate on world and Confront all her Opponent Polaris it be clear when U. S. A. Occupied Afghanistan and Iraq and Threatened many Arabic and Islamic States

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
استخدام ادوات التحليل المالي كمؤشرات لتحديد واحتساب ضريبة الدخل: دراسة تطبيقية في الهيئة العامة للضرائب
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A financial analysis tool such as financial rations concentrates on explanation of financial statement and using them in the evaluation of company profiles and fixing taxable profits, by analyzing final calculation, explaining their results and studying relationships between a group of financial lists 'elements in a specific period and the trend of their relationships in percentage from so, financial analysis is considered on important instrument for tax analytical test procedures through studying and evaluating financial data in order to get proper information which is needed to make sure of credibility and reliability of statements submitted by the taxpayer and the satisfaction of the tax analyzer in the credibility of these statements

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Ammonia Removal in Free-Surface Constructed Wetlands Employing Synthetic Floating Islands: Employing synthetic floating islands
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Free water surface constructed wetlands (FSCWs) can be used to complement conventional waste water treatment but removal efficiencies are often limited by a high ratio of water volume to biofilm surface area (i.e. high water depth). Floating treatment wetlands (FTWs) consist of floating matrices which can enhance the surface area available for the development of fixed microbial biofilms and provide a platform for plant growth (which can remove pollutants by uptake).  In this study the potential of FTWs for ammoniacal nitrogen (AN) removal was evaluated using experimental mesocosms operated under steady-state flow conditions with ten different treatments (two water depths, two levels of FTW mat coverage, two different plant densities and

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Scopus (7)
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Sustainability by recycling palm waste in designing women's belts: وفاء حسن شافعي -مرام زيد الحربي
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This research contributes to environmental sustainability by recycling natural waste resources in making clothing products. The research aims to employ palm trees waste in designing belts suitable for contemporary women's fashion trends. Both descriptive and applied research approaches were used. Therefore, a collection of belts was designed and implemented. Then, a questionnaire was used to assess the extent to which the implemented belts achieved in sustainability standards using Likert scale. The sample size was 60 women. The data were analyzed using the SPSS program to calculate the arithmetic mean and standard deviation. One of the significant results of the research is the high average scores of the criteria for achieving sustainab

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
بعض الاضطرابات السلوكية والانفعالية والانفعالية وعلاقتها بالاستعمال المفرط للألعاب الالكترونية لدى التلاميذ في المرحلة الابتدائي
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سعى البحث الحالي الى التعرف على بعض الاضطرابات السلوكية والانفعالية وعلاقتها بالاستعمال المفرط للالعاب الالكترونية لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية, إذ يواجه التلاميذ مشكلات سلوكية عديدة ،تظهر من خلال تعاملهم مع اقرانهم في البيت او في المدرسة والتي قد تتطور عند بعضهم وتتحول الى اضطرابات نفسية،مما يؤدي بهم الى ضعف التعلم وسوء التوافق في حياتهم المدرسية ويصبحون عُرضة للا صابة بالامراض النفسية ،إذا لم يتم تشخ

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التخطيط التخطيط العمراني والسكاني لمدينة بغداد في عهد الوالي العثماني محمد رشيد الكوزلكي 1852-1857
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I've dealt with my research is marked by ((urban and population planning for the city of Baghdad, during the reign of the Ottoman governor Muhammad Rashid Alkozlki 1852-1857)), a set of facts and incidents historical with the physical and demographic dimension, which passed on the history of the city of Baghdad on the fifth of the nineteenth century the contract during the Ottoman control Iraq, which lasted almost nearly four centuries

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Revitalizing Interior Designs in Religious Shrines: رؤى صلاح الدين حامد فريد-فاتن عباس الاسدي
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  The current research is interested in the objective study of revitalizing the religious sites and the extent to which they achieve the pragmatic and semantic ends, because they are derived from history and civilization and have a clear impact over the recipient. The research question is (what are the techniques of developing the spaces of the religious shrines in accordance with revitalizing the interior spaces within them?).
The research aims at determining the weak and strong points in the process of revitalizing the interior spaces in the religious shrines.
The theoretical framework consists of two parts: the first addressed the revitalization in the interior design, and the second addressed the religious shrines and th

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
اختبار العلاقة بين التدفقات النقدية والعوائد المتحققة للاسهم: دراسة تطبيقية في سوق العراق للاوراق المالية
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غالبا ما يؤكد موضوع تحليل البيانات المالية على اختبار عناصر التدفق النقدي لغرض النتبؤ بعوائد الاسهم بالمستقبل ، فضلا عن ان المستثمرين دائما ما يبحثون عن زيادة عوائد الاسهم، وان مثل هذا النوع من التحليل يمكن استخدامه لطبيعة المعلومات المحتواة في عناصر التدفق النقدي ، والدرجة التي على اساسها تنعكس مثل هذه المعلومات المالية في اسعار الاسهم من خلال تقويم القيم السوقية للأوراق المالية فتؤدي إلى تغيير قرارات م

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Imam Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Yazid                Bin Harun Abu Bakr Alkhalal             And his jurisprudence in transactions
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The message of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the most complete of the messages, and the conclusion of the messages and completed by the mercy of this nation. Al-Khalal al-Baghdadi al-Hanbali (may Allaah have mercy on him) was a scholar who updated his writings. And The Nha Brhnha and became an independent and arranged doctrine Such a world of Galilee Hambali must show his character and his knowledge and its impact on the Islamic arena.

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