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The Interactive Communication and its Reflection on Social Capital

The Internet makes the world like a small village. It has the ability to make groups of the same ideas, thoughts, and identity close to each other by gathering them in one place. It is a way to communicate and share information and opinion; shaping and sharing of comprising individuals with common interests and the participation of individuals in a fruitful dialogue results in achieving a set of goals promote ideas and mobilizing people about issues and events of common interests.

To address the relationship of the internet via interactive communication and its ability to achieve social capital and discuss issues and various social events, the study sees that the problem of the study could be formulated as follows:

Consider the impact of interactive communication on social capital through Internet users by measuring the indicators of social capital formation, which is the social network formed by the individual; the exchange of knowledge and confidence that demonstrate achievement of websites to gain social capital.

This approach is based on a set of introductions that are not more than deliberative hypotheses for discussion. Its discussion may lead to the development of the concept of social capital, the definition of its connotations, and limitations, the disclosure of its contents, and its interrelationships with other forms of capital and its reflection on the interactive communication of the Internet users.

The concept of social capital is subjective and objective double stem characteristics of subjective individuals, groups and societies through communications via the Web. But perhaps the emotive establish effectiveness as a trace of the predominantly contents background values as honesty, integrity, uprightness, love, and others, in addition to equality, freedom, autonomy, other virtues, and Supreme human values that establish social values.  

The virtual community provides a place of mutual information advice, support and social networking sites represent new ways of political and civil participation, teamwork and emotional, social support and knowledge sharing social capital. It achieves effective democracy and helps resolve conflicts and can be activated in media studies and virtual communities.

The Internet is a means to help existing communities to communicate with their members. It helps to be integrated with social capital occurs among individuals. It doesn’t lead to a decrease in social capital. But, rather, it gets social capital to be integrated. In addition. It also increases existing social capital via online capital and helps complete the construction of existing social capital off-line by engaging individuals in various activities through online communication that may actually turn into activities and participation in society.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر برنامج أنشطة مكتبية لتنمية بعض القدرات الإبداعية في الأداء اللغوي عند اطفال الرياض

This study aims to find out the impact of activities office provided to kindergarten children in the development of creativity in linguistic performance goal of capabilities (fluency, flexibility and originality) through the application of the test configuration Algheih Children Riyadh, which consists of (70) Single to measure the skills of language arts four a listening and speaking and a willingness to read and prepare for writing, was applied (30) Single of language arts, listening and speaking in this research, and was the correlation coefficient for the hearing (0.78) and for speaking was (0.61) has been extracted stability of the scale using the equation Alvakronbach the value of (0.73).

The proper

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
متطلبات تطبيق المواصفة ISO 9001:2008)) في الشركة العامة لصناعة الزيوت النباتية دراسة حالة

The research is to use the specifications and detection of the main and secondary causes of the problems that lead to the weakness and low quality of local production in Iraqi companies and develop appropriate solutions to them, as Iraqi companies suffer from the low quality of production, And the adoption of the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008, which contributes to the development of production processes within the company, and through the field co-operation and survey conducted for public companies affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, The importance of the research through the statement of the most important problems facing the General Company for vegetable oil industry in terms of low and weak in production qual

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
Journal Name
Relationship of psychological time with elements of movie's expression Example) movies, which their events takes, place in one day / as)

This research deals with and which was entitled: relationship between psychological time and elements of filming expression (one-day event filmsas an example). It is about the relationship of psychological time (internal) with the elements of filming expression and how the time affected when using these elements in terms of its deceleration or acceleration. In particular, this research focus on elements that slow down time or stops it when using these elements. As one day time is short and heavy at the time of spectators in terms of the large number of film events which makes the viewer runs out of breath to understand the nature of those events and then identify the causes and consequences, as they occur in a short time (one day time) a

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Simulation of Oxygen Mass Transfer in an Internal Loop Airlift Reactor with Axial Dispersion Model

The effect of superficial gas velocity within the range 0.01-0.164 m/s on gas holdup (overall, riser and down comer), volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefficient, liquid circulation velocity was studied in an internal loop concentric tubes airlift reactor (working volume 45 liters). It was shown that as the usg increases the gas holdup and also the liquid circulation velocity increase. Also it was found that increasing superficial gas velocity lead to increase the interfacial area that increases the overall oxygen mass transfer coefficient. The hydrodynamic experimental results were modeled with the available equations in the literature. The predicted data gave an acceptable accuracy with the empirical data.

The final

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Burden of Mothers’ Care for Children with Colostomy at Baghdad Medical City Teaching Hospital

Objective(s): To assess the burden of mothers` care for child with colostomy and find out relationships between child and mother socio-demographic data with mothers` burden. Methodology: a descriptive study was conducted from 1 August 2013 to 1 September 2014. The sample consisted of 100 children and their mothers at Baghdad Teaching hospital in Baghdad city. A questionnaire was prepared based on the previous literature review, meeting mothers of children with colostomy, and the Zarit Burden Interview scale. Data has collected through the application of questionnaire and interview techniques. Results: T

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
قياس وتحليل تفاعل عمل المضاعف والمعجل في الاقتصاد العراقي باستخدام نموذج المستخدم – المنتج الديناميكي

The individual average income is considered one of the most used criteria for the distinguishing between the developed and the developing countries, for this reason the efforts of economic development has been construed on increasing the average national income, the investment expenditures is considered one of the basic foundations for economic development operation which lead to the expanding the prodection power of the economy, and increasing the level of national income in an averages greaten than the primary expenditures due to the work and interaction between the multiplier and the accelerator. But the ability of the economic sectors in the generation of national income as a result of the primary expenditures is different fr

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Dictation mistakes In Iraqi News – papers

The aim of this research is subjected to discover The Dictation mistakes which occur
widely in the Arabic Language written by Iraqi – News papers.
The research classified These Mistakes in Three groups as Follows:
1. The first group dealing with distinguishing between the Arabic – letter ) ا ( When Written
or ) أ ( at The beginning The word and as ) ئ ( which differ in meaning from each other .
2. The second group dealing with the writing of The Arabic ) ٙ( and as ) ٛ( at the end of The
word which differ in meaning from each other.
3. The Third group dealing with distinguishing in written The Arabic letter as ) ض( or as ) )ظ
which differ in meaning From each other.
4. The fourth group dealing with Th

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر الانموذج المعملي في تصحيح المفاهيم الرياضية شائعة الخطأ لدى طلاب الصف الاول المتوسط

ملخص الدراسة
سعت الدراسة تعرف اثراستعمال الأنموذج المعملي في تصحيح المفاهيم الرياضية شائعة الخطأ لدى طلاب الصف الأول المتوسط بالإجابة عن السؤال "ما اثر استعمال الأنموذج المعملي في تصحيح المفاهيم الرياضية شائعة الخطأ لدى طلاب الصف الأول المتوسط" ولتحقيق هدف الدراسة وضعت الفرضية الصفرية "لايوجد فرق ذو دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى الدلالة (0.05) بين متوسطي درجات طلاب المجموعة التجريبية الذين يدرسون المادة المقرر

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 10 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Science Teachers' Awareness towards Communicable Diseases Control in Baghdad City Primary Schools

Objective: To assess of Science Teachers' Awareness towards Communicable Diseases Control in Baghdad City
Primary Schools
Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted, included (100) primary school, (50) in Al-Rassafa sector, and
(50) in Al-Karkh sector, from March 5th 2012 to March 15th 2013, to assess of science teachers' awareness
towards communicable diseases control. A cluster sample of (100) Science teachers (males and females) were
selected, as one teacher from each school. A questionnaire format was used for data collection. The validity of
questionnaire was estimated through a penal of experts related to the field of study, and its reliability was
estimated through a pilot study conducted in (20) schools (

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 18 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Methodology of Bible Criticism of Muslim Scholars in South Africa Ali Safraz Khan Gumal as a sample

This paper and research paper analyzes the critical methodology of "Ali Khan Joommal “ about the Bible , directed in most of the textual criticism of the Torah, and its highest criticism is directed to both the Old and New Testaments.

Joommal  was distinguished by the mental methods and examples accompanying his era, while maintaining the general context in which Muslim scholars had previously followed, and he was distinguished from them by his many citations to the Western literature of Jews or Christians, in short it is a critical phenomenon worthy of study and evaluation.

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