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The electronic news bulletin of the ministry of higher education and scientific research: A study in the newspapers of: (AL-Taakhi, AL-Zaman, ALAdala,AL-Sabah and Baghdad) for period from 2nd October 2011 to 1st November 2011
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The research aims to know the reverberation of the the electronica news bulletin of the ministry of higher education and scientific research  in the newspapers of: (AL-Taakhi, AL-Zaman, ALAdala,AL-Sabah and Baghdad) for period from 2nd October 2011 to 1st November 2011 to explain its activity and advantage for the other newspapers and to show the importance which the newspapers showed for the study of the news subject in the bulletin, as well as,to show the proportional differences in which the newspapers interested in the subjects of the published news, and to reach to the results which lead us to good conclusions for the service of decision owner and open new horizons for the researchers to expanding in the study of this subject.

The researcher took the descriptive curriculum in study and analysis of the published news quantitatively and qualitatively, the quantitative analysis showed that about(208) repetitions exist in the news submitted to the analysis to extract (18) subjects according to the natural unit of the media material.

After analyzing the data statistically, the research has been abstracted to the many conclusions. The important ones are:

  • It was reverberation in the newspapers understudy for the news of bulletin, the newspapers showed different interesting which refers to the contrast of its advantage, and this contrast is possible imposed by the nature of media and its public policy and philosophy upon the affairs of higher education in Iraq.
  • The five newspapers focused on a group of decisions about students, it excelled on the other groups in interesting, which explains the standard of the newspapers in choosing the news the most attracting for the readers who are dealing with the educational institute.
  • The decrease by the newspapers in the interesting of news which concern with cultural and sport subjects and this is because the priority which the newspapers give to another subject under the limited area and a large quantity of bulletin news, as well as, the news of these activities which may be prepared by the newspapers don’t attract the attention of the readers.
  • the newspapers showed interesting under the middle level for the bulletin news according to the quantity, but the researcher considers this result is very good, because the newspaper which is the less interesting publishes about one news daily, which refers to the efficiency of the editor opinion in preparing of the electronic news bulletin quantitatively and qualitatively, as well as, its management, the matter which achieved proportional integration with the newspapers in their work.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 02 2021
Journal Name
جامعة واسط مجلة كلية التربية
استعمال الانموذج اللوجستي ثنائي المعلم في بناء وتدريج مقياس الشخصية الافتراضية المتعدد الابعاد لطلبة الجامعة وفقا لنظرية الاستجابة للفقرة
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تهدف الدراسة الحالية الى استعمال الانموذج اللوجستي ثنائي المعلم في تدريج مقياس الشخصية الافتراضية المتعدد الابعاد لطلبة الجامعة وفقا لنظرية الاستجابة للفقرة، والخروج بتعميم لنتائج البحث والوقوف على الاجراءات العلمية المناسبة وتوفير تطبيق عملي علمي صحيح لاعتمادها من قبل الباحثين. وقد اتبعث الباحثة الاسلوب العلمي من خطوات واجراءات في عملية بناء المقياس حيث حدت ابعاد الشخصية الافتراضية المتمثلة بسبع ابعا

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Kufa Journal Physical Education Sciences
اثر تدريبات بأسلوب التدريب الدائري لبناء التحمل في تطوير بعض القدرات الحركية لأشبال لكرة القدم بأعمار (13- 15) سنة
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اهمية البحث هي مرحلة نمو وبناء اجهزة الجسم للاعبين الاشبال واعداد تدريبات بأسلوب التدريب الدائري لبناء التحمل لتطوير بعض القدرات الحركية والمهارية لدى اللاعبين الاشبال بكرة القدم , حيث لاحظت الباحثة ضعف في مستوى الاداء الحركي ارتأت اعداداً بدنيا ومهارياً منذ مرحلة البناء الأولى للاعب الفئات العمرية , واستخدم الباحث المنهج التجريبي بالاختبار القبلي والبعدي للمجموعتين التجريبية والضابطة لملائمته لطبيعة ال

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الاميرة الأَميرة أَشرف بهلوي ودورها في التآمر على وزارة مصدق ومجيء قوام السلطنة (6 آيار 1951-22 تموز 1952)
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      The name of princesses  Ashraf Bhlwi was associated with very important events influnced on social polical Iranian fact through second half of twentieth century, with access Dr.Mosaddeq to cabinet on May 1951, The conflict seemed between him and princesses Ashraf in creasingly, when Mosaddeq came to authority he had many projects deal with oil industry laws in Iran and reform the elections laws, reducing terms of reference of Al shah and made it honorable only,  This matter disturbance Royal court especially, Ashraf, she started to coordinate with members of the shura council and other military personalities in order to over throw Mosaddeq cabinet but she failed because Mosaddeq supported by Irani

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
مقارنة تأثیر جمع البیانات المختلفة زمنیاً مع نموذج الجاذبیة السلوكي في مدینة بغداد (حالة الدراسة دالة الإعاقة لرحلة العمل)
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As we know the transportation studies regarded as one of a very
important and difficult studies and one of its difficulties created from the
process of data updating therefore the researcher well facing many difficulties
to balancing between the old data on collecting new data.
The research present an opinion which is summarized by: can we use
the old data after we updated and used it as alternatives? Or the researcher
must collect new data to complete their research which indicate to the present
situation and some times they cant complete their studies because of the
security, economic, temporally difficulties.
The research used two kinds of data, the old data which belong to the
period (1998) and new data

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
BotDetectorFW: an optimized botnet detection framework based on five features-distance measures supported by comparisons of four machine learning classifiers using CICIDS2017 dataset
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<p><span>A Botnet is one of many attacks that can execute malicious tasks and develop continuously. Therefore, current research introduces a comparison framework, called BotDetectorFW, with classification and complexity improvements for the detection of Botnet attack using CICIDS2017 dataset. It is a free online dataset consist of several attacks with high-dimensions features. The process of feature selection is a significant step to obtain the least features by eliminating irrelated features and consequently reduces the detection time. This process implemented inside BotDetectorFW using two steps; data clustering and five distance measure formulas (cosine, dice, driver &amp; kroeber, overlap, and pearson correlation

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Scopus (7)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Organic &amp; Biomolecular Chemistry
Small-molecule anticancer agents kill cancer cells by harnessing reactive oxygen species in an iron-dependent manner
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In the course of generating a library of open-chain epothilones, we discovered a new class of small molecule anticancer agents that has no effect on tubulin but instead kills selected cancer cell lines by harnessing reactive oxygen species in an iron-dependent manner.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2015
Journal Name
فعالية استخدام تدريبات القوة الدافعة الذاتية في تطوير القوة الخاصة و بعض القدرات الوظيفية و المهارية للاعبين الشبابا بالكرة الطائرة
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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
العلاقــة بين المقرر الدراســي والتخصـص والتحصـيل العلمي في الكيميــاء والاتجــاه نحــو العـلوم لدى طلبــة كليــة التربيــة ابن الهيثــم / جامعــة بغــداد
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تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة الفرق في التحصيل الدراسي في الكيمياء والاتجاه نحو العلوم بين طلاب التخصص العلمي وطلاب التخصص الصناعي الصف الأول كلية التربية ابن الهيثم، كذلك تهدف الدراسة إلى معرفة العلاقة بين التحصيل الدراسي في الكيمياء ودرجات اختبار نهاية الفصل في الكيمياء، والمعدل التراكمي بعد أخذ المقرر الدراسي والاتجاه نحو العلوم بالنسبة لطلاب التخصص العلمي وطلاب التخصص الصناعي.

لقد است

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 13 2019
Journal Name
J. Pharm. Sci. & Res.
Mandibular Degree II Furcation Defect Treatment With 1%Alendronate Gel Alone or In Combination with Platelet- Rich Fibrin
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Publication Date
Sun Aug 05 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Entomology And Zoology Studies
Some biochemical traits in broiler chicken as affected by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) gene polymorphisms
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This study was conducted during the period 1/9/2014 – 1/2/2015 and aimed to identify the polymorphisms of IGF-1 gene in broiler chickens and their effects on some biochemical traits. A total of 300 one-day-old broiler chicks (Cobb500, n=150; Hubbard F-15, n=150) were evaluated in this study. Blood samples were individually collected from all birds for DNA extraction. PCR-RFLP method being used for determination the genotypes of IGF-1 gene which then correlated with biochemical traits studied. Cobb500 broilers with TT genotype had significantly (p˂0.05) higher serum triglycerides values than those of TC and CC genotypes. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) were significantly (p˂0.05) higher in Hubbard F-15 broilers with TT genotype than those

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