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The effects of Internet use on university’s students: “A Study on a Sample of Jordanian University’s students "

The effects of Internet use on university’s students:The effects of Internet use on university’s students:“A Study on a Sample of Jordanian University’s students "This survey aims to identify the most important effects of Internet use on Jordanian public and private universities’ students by monitoring and analyzing a set of indicators that show the quality of the effects on specific fields such as  cultural, social, psychological, moral and political effects .To achieve these goals, the study attempts to answer the following questions:1.   What are the effects of Internet’s use on students?2. What is   the relationship between the effects and demographic variables such as  gender, age, family size and academic level and specialization.  The  population of our study is four public and private Jordanian universities. The questionnaire was distributed to  study population in various specialties in all colleges of the universities by using available sample  . The sample of the study was 891students . The males sample was(   55.22%) while the females sample was   (44.78%( The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistical and analytical statistical measures by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study has discussed the types of the effects of the internet on our  samples in the following fields: cognitive and scientific influences, social and recreational influences, psychological effects, value effects, political influences, negative effects.It is clear that the "effect fields" of the Internet use  on university’s students have high internal consistency values.In the field of "negative effects" the stability values ranged between (0.782) and (0.883) , And for the field of "value effects" indicate appropriate stability values.The results showed that the mean field of the "effects of Internet use" for university’s students  was achieved to a medium extent. The mean of this field (2.01) was of relative importance (67.0). The level of all fields as a whole was average. The mathematical mean ranged from 1.90 to 2.23. In the first place was the   "cognitive and scientific influences" with a mean of (2.23) and a relative importance (74.33). The social and recreational influences ranked second with a mean of 2.06 and a relative importance of 68.67. Internet use is observed to be medium, with average   (1.94) relative importance (64.67), Finally, the "value effects" came with a mean (1.90) with relative importance (63.33).The results also indicate that "global electronic sites " are in the first rank electronic sites to be visited by the students , followed by "Arab sites" while "local sites" came in  last rank. It indicates that the majority of students have a particular site they visit frequently.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Correlation between Serum and Tissue Markers in Breast Cancer Iraqi Patients

Breast cancer is the most prevalent malignancy among women worldwide, in Iraq it ranks the first among the population and the leading cause of cancer related female mortality. This study is designed to investigate the correlations between serum and tissue markers in order to clarify their role in progression or regression breast cancer. Tumor Markers are groups of substances, mainly proteins, produced from cancer cell or from other cells in the body in response to tumor.  The study was carried out from April 2018 to April 2019 with total number of 60 breast cancer women. The blood samples were collected from breast cancer women in postoperative and pretherapeutic who attended teaching oncology hospital of the medical city in Baghdad and

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
استخدام استخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية في الدراسات الاثارية ( تنقيبات جامعة الموصل).

GIS is characterized by great potentialeties to deal with huge geographical data and conclude what is necessary for it. It was very useful to get use of the potentialities of this system of GIS in the field of archaeology and to harvest very accurate results in a relatively short time, compared to the old archaeological methods.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 23 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
قراءة قراءة نقدية في موارد كتاب الضوء اللامع للسخاوي (ث 902هـ)

The book (Al-Thaw’ Al-Lami’) (Bright Light) by AlSakhawi is one of the most important historical sources in the Hijri ninth century. In this book, the author mentioned the biographies of most famous scientists and other authors browsing the most prominent scientific

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Nurses Knowledge and Performance Toward Physical Restraint at Critical Care Units


Objective: The study was done to evaluate nurses’ knowledge and practices toward physical restraint at critical care unit

Methodology: Fifty nurses, who were selected by a non-probability (convenient) sampling method, participated in this descriptive study. The instrument of the study was knowledge parts of the questionnaire were initially developed in the U.S.A for nursing homes; in 2006 they were adopted for all hospital units by the original developers. The knowledge section of the questionnaire consisted of 20 items, which were used to measure knowledge of nurses towards the definition, indications and contra

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Configuration semantics in Tmthbla freedom and Eid Ghadir: حسام عبد الخالق عثمان

The research is a special case of semantics modern Iraqi art, especially with regard to the art of sculpture, and the exact Nasba sculpture, has included research, four chapters on whale1. The first chapter: which consisted of:A. The research problem.B. The importance of research.C. Find goal.H. Find borders.Kh. Determine the terms.2. Chapter II: The theoretical framework: which consisted ofA. The first topic: sculptured configuration.B. The second topic:1. The first axis: contemporary Iraqi sculpture.2. The second axis: the sculptor Jawad Salim.3. The third axis: Mohammed sculptor debateC. Theoretical framework indicators.D. Previous studies.3. Chapter III: proceedings: which included:A. Find community.B. The research sample.C. Research

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 27 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المقومات السكانية والاقتصادية للمجتمع واثرها في تاريخ بغداد المعاصر 1940-1960م

       Our research, entitled(Population and economic determinants of society and its impact in the history of contemporary Baghdad 1940-1960), dealt with a number of historical facts and events of the social, demographic and economic

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
آليات حوكمة الشركات التي تؤثر في اتخاذ المدقق الداخلي للقرار الاخلاقي

اصبح لمجالس الادارة في الشركات دوراً حاسماً في تعزيز الحوكمة الفاعلة، كونها تتحمل المسؤولية النهائية عن نظم الرقابة الداخلية في شركاتها، ويلعب التدقيق الداخلي دوراً اساسياً في مساعدة تلك المجالس على القيام بمهمات الحوكمة. ولهذا يبذل مجمع المدققين الداخليين الامريكي جهداً كبيراً في توجيه اعضاءه ليكونوا متخصصين في اصول حوكمة الشركات وتحسين وتقوية اخلاقيات العمل وسلامة المنظمة.

لذا فإن ا

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
ملامح معاییر نقدیة في مقامة الشعراء (الموفیة) للسرقسطي ت ٥٣٨ ھ

Stop and stop Alsergsti classed many of the characteristics of great poets and
literary arts and persuasions, in Mqamth cash cash Antzmtha three criteria: the
standard of Islam and the standard time, and Maaartadd purposes of poetry. This
has had its effect on lighting stand many of the goals of the poets and their
The first criterion: Those who study the positions of Alsergsti to poetry and
poets must be discerned his money comes from the spirit of Islam as a religion and
creed and a system, a position that is encouraging him wherever expressed, such as
the Muslim community the new values, away from the vulgarity, which contributed
to the formulation of the standard of religious poetry criticism.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Expressive connotations in Saad Al-Basri's sculptures: سناء عبد الامير حسين القيسي

  This research deals with an aesthetic discourse that depends on the expressive connotations and the aesthetics of its formation in sculpture, The sculptural works of the artist Saad Al-Basri were chosen as a model, Therefore, it deals with a contemporary plastic topic that benefits art education students and plastic arts students, The method of using materials and their formation methods has evolved and the great change that took place in the taste has developed, As the more knowledge and viewing of artworks increases in research and studies, it leads to an increase in aesthetic taste and aesthetic sense, which is reflected in the artistic achievements of students in the implementation of their work, A field study was conducted to

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 28 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
العالم العالم ابن خلدون ( ت 808 هـ ) (نظريته في السياسة والعصبية)

Ibn Khaldun is one of the best Arab Muslims scientists who participated in establishing Arabic Muslims heritage in all different disciplines & directions specially in sociology, neurological & his political theories which showed the development of Arabic philosophy in all scientific disciplines specially his introduction

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